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心理学作为公安院校的必修专业基础课,一直存在着教学目标、教学方法、教学内容与公安实践结合不密切的问题。公安院校心理学课程应围绕培养合格公安人才的目标来确定自己的教学内容和教材体系.突出警务实践性,培养公安实战技能,完善实践教学的支持体系,以此促进心理学教学改革。  相似文献   
知识经济时代,高等教育在社会经济活动中的作用愈来愈重要,高等教育的经济效益也日渐凸显。本文从教育经济学的角度阐述了高等教育经济效益的特点、影响因素及高校改革对提高办学效益的促进作用。  相似文献   
榜样是供人们效仿的人或事,他所体现和代表的先进思想,具有很强的感召力,能够产生正面的激励作用。被尊称为人类灵魂工程师的教师,无论是课堂上传授文化知识,还是训练场上操作示范,甚至日常生活中的一言一行,对于学生来说都是榜样。公安院校的管理教师负责学生的综合素质训练,在此方面的作用更是举足轻重。本文从公安院校管理教师的特殊职责出发,从警体技能训练、警容风纪以及执行奖惩制度几个方面来阐述管理教师应发挥的榜样作用。  相似文献   
在现代社会中,司法成为一种专门且相对独立的活动,这不仅是分权制衡的必要和纠纷解决的产物,也是现代国家统治正当化的策略选择。由此,司法活动既受内在限制,也蕴含了影响国家治理和社会发展的潜在力量。面对人们司法预期增长与法院自身能力不足的矛盾,司法力量的铸成需以克制为基本立场,并依靠相应的制度和司法技艺灵活处理可能危及自身安全和正当性的社会需求。相形之下,转型中国的司法尚未完成现代化就已经无法避免能动的角色担当,其力量的培育不仅需要在审判独立性方面着力,而且还要注重为法院"减压",并理性认识和评估法官实践中的智慧。  相似文献   
This study used conflict resolution role play vignettes and self-report surveys of 450 New York City 6th graders to examine associations between adolescents’ conflict resolution efficacy and social skills. Vignettes covered 3 social contexts, conflict with a peer (disagreement over activities), with a parent (raise in allowance), and with a teacher (low grade on report). Effective and ineffective strategies for resolving these conflicts were coded from the videotaped interactions. Adolescents were more often effective in resolving conflict with peers than with parents (χ2(1) = 7.10, p < .01). Strong communication skills cut across interpersonal context as associated with effective resolution. Assertiveness and absence of aggression were associated with effective conflict resolution in vignettes with peers. Assertiveness was also associated with effective conflict resolution in vignettes with parents, however nervousness was unexpectedly found to facilitate conflict resolution in vignettes with parents. Only skills observed within a particular context were associated with effective resolution in that context; self-report skills and cross-context observed skills were not associated with efficacy. Implications for implementation and evaluation of social skills curricula and conflict resolution process are discussed.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the meetings of the Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, LA, April 2002Received Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University in 2004. Research interests include adolescent social competence and youth development programs.Received Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Pennsylvania State University in 1991. Research interests include the psychosocial correlates of puberty, stress reactivity, and health compromising behaviors and adjustment.Received Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University in 2002. Research interests include social competence, prevention research, and women’s health.Received Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University in 2002. Research interests include social competence, prevention research, and women’s health.Received Ph.D. in 1975 from University of Pennsylvania in Human Learning and Development. Research focus centers around designing and evaluating interventions aimed at enhancing the wellbeing of children living in poverty and associated conditions. Conducts research on transitional periods during childhood and adolescence, focusing on school, family and biological transitions in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Specific interests are in the factors that contribute to positive and negative outcomes, and changes inwell-being over these years.Received Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Columbia University in 1977. Research interests include tobacco, alcohol, and drug abuse prevention, violence prevention, AIDS risk reduction among adolescents, health promotion and disease prevention, smoking cessation.  相似文献   
贵州的乌蒙山地区是中国"山地耕牧型"文化的一个重要分布区域,栽树村地处乌蒙山高原的核心地带,其农牧并举、牧业为重的文化特色,具有中国"山地耕牧型"文化的普遍性特点,定居、放牧与旱作、轮耕的巧妙结合,反映了人类文化与自然环境之间的相互适应与协调.  相似文献   
刑罚执行是体现刑罚惩罚,维护法律尊严的最后一道“工序”。由于目前我国刑罚执行中,存在着一系列立法上或技术上的缺陷,因此,减刑与刑罚应有一个合理的弹性空间,应扩大假释的使用范围,对管制刑、缓刑、资格刑、财产刑等问题予以完善。  相似文献   
从球性手法入手谈组合运用投篮手法、提高跳投命中率的技术分析,达到在比赛中随机应变的高、快、准的要求.建议练球者多采用多种手法组合创新化投篮技术,提高全民健身的兴趣.  相似文献   
开展岗位练兵活动是司法部从监狱、劳教系统的实际需要出发作出的重要决策,对于提高监狱、劳教人民警察的综合素质,以更好地履行监狱、劳教机关的职能具有十分重要的意义.本文针对当前监所岗位练兵中民警警体技能培训存在的问题进行剖析,并就提高培训水平提出相应对策.  相似文献   
罪犯教育,作为监狱制度的一部分内容,是指在监狱执行刑罚过程中,对服刑人员实施的旨在转变其犯罪思想、行为恶习,教授其文化知识和生活技能的各项活动的总称。在社会主义市场经济的新形势下,服刑人员的职业技能教育对推进监狱生产的发展和其刑满释放后的就业具有重要作用。  相似文献   
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