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刘萍 《法律科学》2013,(4):148-155
国际航空碳排放长期游离在全球气候变化法律框架之外,欧盟区域性实践困境反证国际航空碳排放全球机制构建的必要性。国际民航组织在国际航空碳排放全球机制的构建中发挥领导作用,但国家仍是最基本、最重要的主体。国际航空碳排放全球机制的构建是一个长期的过程,中国需要客观分析国际民航组织在国际航空碳排放全球机制构建中的作用,努力寻求共同但有区别责任原则的实现,准确评估各种措施方案对我国的影响。  相似文献   

This article examines the expansion of the global carbon economy, including a critical evaluation of its local level impacts. The authors describe the growing international support for carbon markets amongst governments, international institutions and financial investors as a response to human-induced climate change. By putting a price on carbon, proponents argue that carbon markets represent a win-win-win scenario; delivering benefits to local landholders where ecosystem services occur, as well as conferring benefits to investors and the environment. Plantation forestry represents a rapidly expanding sector in the broader carbon economy, with plantations representing one of a number of ‘flex crops’ able to be variously sold on the basis of their value as fuel, timber and carbon storage. To examine the impacts of expanding plantation forestry carbon markets, we take the case of Green Resources, reportedly the largest plantation forestry operator on the African continent. Drawing from in-depth research in 2012-2013 with affected communities in Uganda, the article examines the diverse historical and contemporary structural violence on which expansion of plantation forestry allegedly relies. Building upon earlier literature on violence (for example, Galtung [1990] and Watts [2001]), the authors introduce a new term ‘carbon violence’ to frame the distinctive forms of reported violence occurring alongside the burgeoning plantation forestry industry.  相似文献   
We develop baseline data and an analytical framework for understanding the role that flows of carbon between the Former Soviet Union/Commonwealth of Independent States (FSU/CIS) and the European Union (EU) may have in enabling the EU to meet major reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the medium-term future. The paper sets out an analysis of contemporary flows of carbon between the EU, EU Candidate Countries and the FSU/CIS, and outlines two scenarios for investigating how flows may develop in the future under different assumptions about climate and energy policy. The 'trading' scenario assumes unconstrained trade in tangible (mainly gas) and intangible (tradable emissions permits) flows of carbon from the FSU/CIS to the EU. The 'autonomy' scenario assumes limits to carbon flows and a subsequent requirement for high levels of domestic de-carbonisation in the EU (e.g. energy efficiency and indigenous energy sources). We conclude that neither scenario is feasible or desirable, but that even a combined approach, which sees trade complemented by tough domestic action, still requires far greater efforts than are currently planned.  相似文献   
利用足迹特征分析身高时应注意的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用足迹进行遗留足迹人的身高分析是一项经常使用的足迹检验技术,本文针对不同的身高分析方法,探讨在这些方法的使用过程中应注意的一些问题,以期提高利用足迹进行身高分析的准确率,充分发挥这一检验技术在侦查工作中的作用。  相似文献   
全球气候异常变暖和环境持续恶化使低碳和节能减排成为当前最热门的话题。低碳的兴起是世界人民对保护环境的清醒认识和实践,其对改善全球生态环境的积极影响是毋庸置疑的;但是,由此形成的低碳壁垒给国际贸易关系带来的巨变也是不容忽视的。针对单个国家来说,低碳热潮带来的机遇和危机并存,因此,如何预见危机而发现机遇,消除危机而创造机遇,是提升本国在国际贸易中地位的重要举措。  相似文献   
足迹作为案件现场中常见的痕迹物证之一,在基层实践中对它的应用价值一直有不同的观点:一种倾向足迹无用;另一种倾向足迹万能。笔者认为这两种观点对我国足迹检验技术的发展都是有害的,全面正确客观地了解足迹,应从足迹的稳定性和可靠性两个方面分析,将来的足迹检验技术应向着科学化、自动化和网络化方向发展。  相似文献   
北欧等国率先在国内实施了碳税,对这些国家的碳税税制进行横向比较对我国具有一定的借鉴意义。目前中国开征碳税的时机尚未成熟,但实行碳税是国际趋势,中国可以借鉴其他国家的碳税经验,启动以"绿化"为导向的税制优化调整,走出一条符合中国国情的"后哥本哈根时代"的绿色碳税之路。  相似文献   
低碳经济是世界经济发展的大趋势,号称第三次工业革命。如今世界各国都在积极探索低碳发展的道路。我国作为发展中国家在这次发展浪潮中既有优势也有劣势,只有扬长避短、积极改革才能激流勇进、顺流而上。本文简要论述了我国发展低碳经济的必要性与可行性,进而通过对低碳经济发展的有关要素进行分析阐述,根据我国国情,提出了对我国发展低碳经济的路径选择和制度保障的建议。  相似文献   
本文从国际碳关税发展趋势入手,分析后危机时代碳关税的发展趋势,指出碳关税的实质是披着"绿色外衣"的新型贸易保护主义,体现了发达国家主控全球经济的霸权主义。碳关税的出台将使我国面临的贸易摩擦数量和范围增大、出口及经济增长受到阻碍、制造业及其产业链遭受严重冲击、战略性新兴产业竞争压力增大,因此必须勇于面对碳关税的挑战,从国际国内两个层面采取相应措施。  相似文献   
建立碳足迹标签制度是减少碳排放、规避低碳贸易壁垒、提升我国全球价值链分工地位以及履行大国责任的有效途径。日韩两国在建立碳足迹标签制度的过程中具有很多共同之处,如完善碳足迹认证体系、出台指导路线、设计恰当的碳足迹标签等。中国由于起步较晚,可以借鉴日韩两国的共同经验。此外,将进口产品纳入碳足迹标签认证体系以及订立中日韩低碳贸易协定将有利于减少全球碳排放并促进区域内贸易发展。  相似文献   
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