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全国人大常委会关于"信用卡"含义所作的立法解释属于越权解释,应以"银行卡"代替"信用卡".<中华人民共和国刑法修正案(五)>中关于信用卡犯罪的规定不够合理、科学,表明刑事立法没有摆脱被动应对的局面.根据信用卡犯罪的现状,为了摆脱被动立法的局面,为了增强刑法典的稳定性,为了更有效地惩治信用卡犯罪,应采取概括性的立法方式.  相似文献   
将持有特定物的行为规定为犯罪,在我国的立法中已为数不少。1997年《刑法》已把伪造信用卡、利用信用卡进行诈骗行为规定为犯罪。2005年2月通过的《刑法修正案(五)》把明知是伪造的信用卡或是伪造的空白信用卡而持有、非法持有他人信用卡的行为规定为犯罪,有其理论上的正当性与现实中的实用性。对持有信用卡行为犯罪的立法依据,犯罪行为,主观心态,犯罪停止状态等一些问题的探讨,有助于信用卡的管理和国民经济的快速流转。  相似文献   
根据信用卡诈骗案件的现状与发展趋势,侦查部门应把立案前重点审查的问题作为切入口,进而针对不同案情运用相应的侦查措施和手段。最后是为进一步建立和完善侦查机制而提出的设想。  相似文献   
“交通一卡通”研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着IC卡在公共交通领域的广泛应用,出现了各种各样互不通用的卡,在带给人们方便的同时也给人们带来了许多麻烦,“公交一卡通”的实现可满足百姓“一卡在手,走遍神州”的愿望。本文主要介绍“交通一卡通”的实现方法。  相似文献   
周显志  郑佳 《法学论坛》2005,20(2):113-116
消费信用卡给发卡行带来新的利润增长点的同时 ,也对其造成一定的风险。风险背后的深层原因是制度的缺陷。我国信用卡业务的制度缺陷主要体现在银行对持卡人拖欠透支款缺乏有效催款措施、健全的个人信用制度、信用卡担保保证制度以及完善、统一的消费信贷法规。要改变这一现状 ,促进信用卡的健康发展 ,我国应在上述几个方面加强建设步伐 ,逐步建立一个有法可依的消费信贷法律制度体系。  相似文献   
恶意透支型犯罪不具有诈骗罪特征,应当将其从信用卡诈骗罪中析出,单独规定为滥用信用卡罪。对恶意透支型犯罪构成要件应予以完善。  相似文献   
《Digital Investigation》2014,11(3):154-159
Since mid-2012, France and Germany have had to deal with a new form of payment card skimming. This fraud consists of adding a wireless embedded system into a point-of-sale payment terminal with the fraudulent goal of collecting payment card data and personal identification numbers (PIN).This case study details the strategy adopted to conduct the digital forensic examination of these skimmers. Advanced technologies and analyses were necessary to reveal the skimmed data and provide useful information to investigators for their cross-case analysis.To go further than a typical digital forensic examination, developments based on embedded systems were made to help investigators find compromised payment terminals and identify criminals.Finally, this case study provides possible reactive and proactive new roles for forensic experts in combating payment card fraud.  相似文献   
使用假身份证实施的反侦查行为,是指犯罪行为人针对侦查机关的侦查行为,使用假身份证向侦查机关传递虚假信息,干扰侦查视线、破坏侦查线索,以躲避侦查、逃避打击的行为总和。使用假身份证实施反侦查行为的外部影响因素有科技水平、犯罪亚文化、个案的侦查措施和手段。其表现形式有:犯罪预备阶段的反侦查行为、犯罪实施阶段的反侦查行为、犯罪后潜逃阶段的反侦查行为。对此类反侦查行为的利用,侦查人员应主动收集反侦查信息,把握犯罪活动中的信息转移规律;同时还应采用传统侦查措施与信息化侦查措施相结合的方式综合判断嫌疑人身份。  相似文献   
信用卡诈骗案件的立案应谨慎,严格刑法入罪,对信用卡透支到期不还的行为不能都以犯罪论处,刑法重在打击恶意透支行为。侦查机关应分析犯罪分子作案规律,严密布控,伺机抓获现行,或从涉案信用卡入手挖掘侦查线索。侦查人员应注重现场勘查,从犯罪分子遗留信息如监控录像记录、指纹、通信和住宿登记信息等入手突破案情。还可以通过对POS机商户的业务进行排查,发现可疑线索,集中查处一批信用卡诈骗案件。侦查中,应注意针对行为人的非法占有目的进行证据收集,如伪造的或作废的信用卡、催收记录等。  相似文献   
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States released the CDC-issued vaccination card to document the status of immunizations. It eventually was used as a verification system to allow patrons to safely access public venues. This is/was apparently a simple printed piece of paper with minimal security features which made it an easy target for counterfeiters with little expertise required. Those unvaccinated who wished to enter areas that required proof of the COVID-19 vaccine were soon finding alternative illegal methods to do so which led to public health concerns. This research was divided into two parts. Part A aimed to forensically identify the security features with a video spectral comparator and a stereomicroscope. Ten “known” blank cards were collected directly from dispensaries that administered the vaccine and 68 “unknowns” from individuals who received the COVID-19 vaccine. Part B aimed to evaluate the authentication systems employed by countries outside the United States to propose a model on how the vaccination card could be improved and what security features should be included for future instances requiring proof of immunization. The results revealed the CDC document was produced with minimal security features making the document prone to counterfeiting. Furthermore, based on the information collected from other countries' vaccination certificates, it is recommended to develop a dual authentication system, with digital and printable aspects, that contains a QR code linked to a database. Other security features may include a non-optical brightener substrate, security fibers, a watermarked logo, offset printing, and a geographical color-coded system.  相似文献   
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