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在纠正冤案的意义十分重大。冤案纠正后的受益者首先是国家和社会,其次才是无辜者及其家属。国家应承担纠正冤案的首要责任。我们应当思考、呼吁、推动和营造一个有助于使冤案得以昭雪的制度空间。这种制度空间强调的是,以个人权利尤其是犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的权利为根本,靠制度本身的力量来纠正冤案,公开更多的冤案文本,鼓励学者们对其成因和预防等问题的研究,保护新闻媒体对冤案曝光和跟踪监督的权利。因此,需要建立冤案的救济途径,给冤案的平反昭雪以制度上的保障。在西方国家,要纠正错案总是存在很大的阻力,但是,总的说来,法治国家的伸冤机制明显优于中国。现有被告人上诉、申诉、检察院抗诉、法院主动提起再审昭雪冤案的方式之外,应当适时建立适合我国国情,能够主动发现冤案的纠错机制。  相似文献   
通过对我国民行检察监督制度发展的规律性认识折射出我国整个检察制度发展改革应完善的方向:加强检察理论研究,重视与学界的沟通与交流,为检察改革营造出良好的理论环境;重视检察改革中的外部关系,与法院在博弈中加强合作,在合作共赢中推进检察制度改革;鼓励地方检察机关的创新型实践,检察改革应采取自上而下和自下而上相结合的改革路径。  相似文献   
张铁英 《法学杂志》2012,33(1):132-136
检察权的本质属性应界定为检察监督权,只有弄清楚检察权的本质属性,才能明确检察机关的职能定位。检察权的配置问题的研究,应当发轫于国家权力的配置的宏观层面,而落脚在检察内部权力体系的微观层面。检察改革应当遵循司法规律,不宜盲目创新求变。  相似文献   
杨登峰 《北方法学》2013,7(1):73-79
近年来,有些地方人民政府在处理重特大生产安全事故的过程中,就受害人的民事赔偿事宜采取了诸多举措,如决定赔偿金额、支付赔偿金或综合帮扶资金等。这些举措虽可使受害人获得及时、适当甚至高额的赔偿,但同时也会影响我国基本的法律秩序、限制当事人的民事处分权利、导致社会不公,有时还可能成为地方有些官员平息民怨、为自己开脱政治责任的方式。尽管如此,地方人民政府适当介入重特大事故民事赔偿事宜有其必要,只是应在法制的框架内运作,主要发挥督促、协调和配合三大功能。  相似文献   
潘施琴 《法学杂志》2012,33(9):125-130
在我国现实经济生活中,各类金融控股公司在法律的间隙中生存发展,这种情况从某种程度上来说已经处于脱法的状态,蕴含着极大的风险。我国要从法理角度加强金融控股公司的监管,结合现阶段金融控股公司监管存在的问题,探索适合我国国情的立法模式,构建我国金融控股公司的立法框架,完善金融立法上的空白,推动我国金融业依法经营监管和法治建设向纵深发展。  相似文献   
郑世保 《法律科学》2013,(6):190-197
ODR机制作为一种新生的纠纷解决方式,其在解决小额的、当事人间物理距离遥远的网络民事纠纷方面具有特别优势。而ODR机制存在着受理案件的有限性、提供救济方式的有限性、技术工具的双刃性等价值定位缺陷;存在着信任性不足、接近性难等实务利用缺陷;存在着程序被滥用、实践标准混乱等制度设计缺陷。ODR机制价值定位存在的缺陷是ODR本身所固有的,无法克服;实务利用缺陷和制度设计缺陷则可以通过相应的对策予以消减甚至消除。  相似文献   

Peace agreements often include provisions for the military integration of the conflict parties, involving an increase in government forces, and at the same time requesting demobilization and thus a reduction of military personnel. Depending on the modalities and magnitude both can be strong signals of a commitment to the peace process. However, tensions between these two concepts can also endanger post-conflict stability. The empirical analyses of 77 post-conflict societies show that civil war is more likely to recur if rebel forces are kept separate during the military integration process and if the military plays an important role in post-conflict economies.  相似文献   
Child welfare professionals in diverse positions are exposed to a variety of traumatic events including family violence and child abuse and neglect. This secondary exposure puts child welfare workers at the risk of experiencing Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) and Vicarious Traumatization (VT). For the first time in Serbia, this study quantitatively investigates whether STS and VT are present in child welfare professionals employed in the social welfare centers, foster care and adoption agencies, residential care programs, and shelters for children and youth. It attempts to identify whether the type of service, time exposure to clients, and supervision function as risk or protective factors for negative outcomes. A convenience sample comprised of 135 child welfare professionals completed a series of self-reported measures. Findings indicate that VT and STS are present in this population. Differences in the presence of STS and VT were found according to the types of services offered and length of exposure. Contrary to expectations, supervision was not a protective factor with regards to STS and VT in this population.  相似文献   
This article is about civil society and state-centred struggles in contemporary Zimbabwe. I first identify and outline three current understandings of civil society. Two understandings (one Liberal, one Radical) are state-centric and exist firmly within the logic of state discourses and state politics. A third understanding, also Radical, is society-centric and speaks about politics existing at a distance from the state and possibly beyond the boundaries of civil society. This civil society-state discussion frames the second section of the article, which looks specifically at Zimbabwe. It details civil society as contested terrain (from the late 1990s onwards) within the context of a scholarly debate about agrarian transformation and political change. This debate, which reproduces (in theoretical garb) the key political society (or party) fault-lines within Zimbabwean society, has taken place primarily within the restricted confines of state-centred discourses.  相似文献   
齐树洁  周一颜 《现代法学》2013,35(3):183-193
香港的民事司法改革历时十年,彰显了民事司法理念的深度变迁,对民事司法制度的发展具有里程碑意义。新规则自2009年4月2日正式施行以来进展大致顺利,在克服诉讼拖延、促进和解、发展调解等方面取得了一定的成效,但改革终究不是一蹴而就的纸面化改造。在新制度与旧观念相互碰撞又各自发挥作用的时期,如欲推翻法律职业者乃至普通民众的思维定势,变革深埋于制度底层的文化样态,其中的困难同样是显而易见的。  相似文献   
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