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印章文化在我国源远流长,其中公章自古至今为实用而治,私章则经历了一个从实用到艺术的转变过程。我国古代书面契约的取信方式历经变化,但私章讫未成为公认的取信手段。西方国家在法律史上曾有盖印取信的制度,但当今通行的法定取信手段则是签名。我国现行法上的书面契约取信方式兼采签名和盖章。私章自身的内在局限及签名取信的多维优势,决定了签名取代私章的必然。自然人主体书面契约的取信方式统一于签名,是法律体系内部相协调的需要,并可以获得法律解释理论上的有力支撑。  相似文献   

As the largest source of carbon-free energy in the United States, nuclear energy must play a vital role in reducing emissions. This article suggests the Green New Deal, an ambitious federal proposal to address climate change, should aim to preserve the existing nuclear fleet by authorizing states to establish zero emission credit (“ZEC”) programs. The ZEC programs will provide credits, in the form of revenue, for the carbon-free attribute of nuclear energy. This article posits the ZEC programs should be based on a model ZEC program developed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and explicitly authorized by amendment of the Federal Power Act to avoid issues of preemption.  相似文献   
信用的权利化及其民法保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,信用权利化的提出有着特定的立法背景。通过对信用法律调整历史沿革的考察可以发现,信用的内涵是不断发展变化的,从最初关注主体在伦理道德方面信守承诺的情况,扩展到主体的综合经济能力。现代民法对信用的调整以社会对主体的信用评价为核心,信用作为社会对主体综合经济能力的评价,已非主体性要素,且已从“内在化的伦理价值”外化为“客体化的人格要素”,成为一种具有典型性、独立性的人格要素。因此,有必要也能够将信用权利化为具体的人格权,以确保民事主体获得客观公正的信用评价。  相似文献   
Open governance requirements are designed to improve accountability, which implies that transparent governments are more trustworthy stewards of their publicly invested power. However, transparency may also reduce institutional effectiveness and inhibit political compromise, diminishing the capacity to manage resources responsibly. We assess empirical support for these competing perspectives in the context of American state legislatures, many of which have become exempt from state sunshine laws in recent decades. We leverage variation in the timing of these legislative exemptions to identify the effect of removing transparency in a crucial governing institution on investors’ risk perceptions of states’ general obligation bonds. Our analysis of these data during the period 1995–2010 suggests that removing legislative transparency reduces state credit risk. We conclude that while openness in government may be normatively desirable, shielding legislative proceedings from public view may actually be better for states’ debt repayment capacity, improving their overall fiscal health.  相似文献   
信息技术发展与广播组织权利保护制度的重塑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
胡开忠 《法学研究》2007,29(5):90-103
当代信息技术的飞跃发展使盗播广播节目更加容易,广播组织的邻接权受到了日益严重的侵权威胁,以《罗马公约》为基础的广播组织权利保护制度越来越不能适应信息技术发展的要求。世界知识产权组织主持并拟定了保护广播组织权利的新方案,扩大了广播组织的权利,但该方案也遭到了来自广大发展中国家及一些发达国家政府、企事业单位的强烈批评。我国应当密切关注国际广播组织权利保护的最新动向,对我国著作权法做及时的修改,在保护广播组织权利的同时注意维护社会公众正当的利益。  相似文献   
政府信息公开与行政诉讼   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《政府信息公开条例》第一次明确规定了公民知情权的行政救济途径。政府信息公开的范围涉及行政诉讼的类型以及法院的受案范围。政府信息公开行政诉讼中的当事人、举证责任和诉讼程序都因不同的行政诉讼类型而有显著区别。政府信息公开行政诉讼最关键的问题是法院对于国家机密的审查,政府信息是否国家秘密必须经过有权机关的确认,不能仅仅以属于国家秘密的空洞理由而不予公开。对于因政府信息公开遭受损失的当事人,应当给予国家赔偿。  相似文献   
This study investigated the relationship between social information processing (SIP) and both relational and overt, physical aggression in a longitudinally-followed sample of 228 adolescent girls (ages 11–18; 140 with ADHD and 88 comparison girls). During childhood, girls participated in naturalistic summer camps where peer rejection, overt physical aggression, and relational aggression were assessed via multiple informants and methods. Approximately 4.5 years later, these girls participated in follow-up assessments during which they completed a commonly-used vignette procedure to assess SIP; overt and relational aggression were again assessed through multiple informants. Correlations between (a) overt and relational aggression and (b) maladaptive SIP were modest in this female adolescent sample. However, relationships between aggression and SIP were stronger for the comparison girls than for the girls with ADHD. The relevance of SIP models for adolescent girls and clinical implications of findings are discussed.
Amori Yee MikamiEmail:
互联网发展对公共决策体制创新的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国经济体制转轨与政府职能转换 ,使公共决策开始面临一系列新的课题 ,而要解决这些问题 ,必然涉及公共决策体制的创新 ;互联网的发展与普及 ,为公共决策体制创新带来了新的机遇和条件 ;将互联网引入公共决策过程 ,有助于公共决策文化更新、公共决策信息系统更新和公共决策组织系统更新。这不应是个放任自流的过程 ,需要政府予以必要的规范  相似文献   
赵越 《思想战线》2001,27(5):50-52
消费信贷在我国还是一个新事物,它是市场经济社会中货币信用发展到较高水平时的必然产物.鉴于我国经济发展的特殊性,消费信贷的出现是针对经济活动中有效需求不足引起的通货紧缩而推出的.目前,我国已经结束了短缺经济,进入了买方市场,启动消费信贷的条件已基本成熟.我国潜力巨大的消费需求现状为消费信贷业务提供了广阔的市场前景.因此,开发消费信贷品种,完善金融工具,建立中小型消费信贷机构和消费信贷中介机构,进一步改善消费信贷环境已成为加快改革需要面对和解决的问题.  相似文献   
规范的公司治理结构 ,完善的信息披露制度 ,以及有力的证券监管机制 ,是规制内幕交易的法制环境。纵观各国证券立法 ,均采取各种法律手段进行预防与控制 ,其中一些成熟的制度 ,对我国仍有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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