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The paper delineates three debates, which will be conflated. One line of discussion relates to public goods at a transnational level. Here, the referencing of debates regarding the characteristics of ‘a common good’ will be of significance. A second strand addresses the group of countries known as the ‘rising powers’ and the role these countries could play towards a globalised common good. A third discussion thread analyses South Africa as a case study for the main rising power on the African continent. By creating connections between the lines of discussion, this paper drives forward the debates on how the role of rising powers can be conceptually repositioned in the light of a changing global context, and explores how these countries can respond to global challenges.  相似文献   
近几年来,我国各地发生了一系列暴力袭警事件,不仅严重危害了警察的人身安全,而且也是对警察执法权威和执法尊严的挑战,更是对国家法律尊严的藐视和挑衅。随着袭警事件的凸显.有关部门和学者在分析原因时认为。袭警事件频发与公安机关推出的“人性化”执法有关,应当叫停人性化执法。其实.正当的警察人性化执法非但不是袭警案件发生的原因,反而是消减该类案件发生的一项有效举措。当前,警察人性化执法之所以引起争议.并非其本身的问题,而是制度设计存在漏洞。因此,应当走出人性化执法的误区,完善警察人性化执法的保障机制.  相似文献   
The contours of regionalism in a wider Europe are shaped by two dominant actors, the European Union (EU) and Russia, which often have divergent visions of the regional landscapes in a vast area constituting their common neighbourhood. The EU can be characterised as the promoter of normative regionalism, while Russia generates different forms of civilisational regionalism. Russia’s emphasis on the civilisational underpinnings of its regional integration model paves the way for two different strategies: one based on liberal imitation and replication of EU experiences in order to strengthen Russia’s position in the global neoliberal economy, and another grounded in illiberal contestation of the normative premises of the EU with the purpose of devising an ideologised alternative to the liberal West.  相似文献   
Anyone who attempts to understand and reverse the major defeat suffered by Labour in the December 2019 general election needs first to appreciate why comparisons with the defeats of the 1980s are so unhelpful. In 1983 Labour was all but wiped out across southern England, but held on comfortably across the ‘red wall’. By contrast, in 2019 Labour did well in cities and university towns across the south, and appears to have solved its historic problem with the southern, educated middle class. However, this has been at the expense of alienating working class voters across the country, not just in its former industrial heartlands. But this is not inevitable. A reanalysis of testimony from hundreds of interviews with working people across England from the 1940s onwards allows insights into attitudes and values that are often obscured by survey techniques. Crucially, it points to a broad-based vernacular liberalism at odds with the culture wars model of a terminal crisis for social democracy.  相似文献   
安全文化是一个社群就怎样界定安全和安全威胁、怎样保障和实现安全所达成的主体间理解和共同知识。冷战之后,全球化推动了一个全球社会的初步形成,因之也催生了一种以开放安全、共同安全与合作安全为基本内容的合作型全球安全文化的雏形。但是由于全球治理失灵,不断出现且日益积累的全球性威胁得不到有效应对,民粹现实主义强势兴起,合作型全球安全文化屡遭重创,开始向以封闭安全、孤立安全、零和安全的冲突型安全文化转变,明显降低了国际安全合作的几率。抗击新冠肺炎疫情中的全球公共安全合作的失败就是一个明显的例证。虽然人类向共同体进化的历史大趋势不可阻挡,但在一段时间内,合作型全球安全文化与冲突型全球安全文化的激烈竞争将会是国际关系的新常态。  相似文献   
我国贫困问题的主要形态已从绝对贫困转向相对贫困,顺应相对贫困治理的需求,有必要系统构建贫困治理的逻辑与机制。在分析相对贫困的概念、特征和治理需求的基础上,文章从系统观念出发,提炼并阐释了以党领导为核心,以自治、法治、共治和技治为手段的“1+4”相对贫困治理逻辑。通过分析浙江安吉“生态扶贫”和山西“吕梁山护工”治理实践表明,由于地方推动共同富裕的基础条件具有差异性,治理的侧重点会有不同——安吉重视绿色发展理念和共同富裕示范机制建设,吕梁重视护工就业培训和脱贫增收机制构建,但其治理逻辑存在共识,能有效地将中国特色社会主义的制度优势和党的领导优势转化为地方治理效能。基于此,文章在“1+4”相对贫困治理逻辑基础上结合地方经验,从组织机制、内在动力机制、法律机制、协同共治机制、监测机制、示范引领机制六个方面提出贫困治理长效机制的基本框架,尝试为全国推动共同富裕提供理论指引。  相似文献   
佛教自传入中国迄今已有两千多年历史,在历史发展进程中,已成为中国传统文化不可分割的一部分,对中国社会及传统法律制度产生广泛而深刻的影响。佛教戒律、因果律、佛教人文精神的阐述对现代法治、法律的比较与中国法治的有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Scholars often attribute deterioration in common‐pool resources (CPRs) to ill‐defined property rights and suggest privatization and tradable permit markets as a solution to the commons problem. CPRs are heterogeneous, differing in physical characteristics and use patterns. Regulating their use requires tailored policy solutions that cohere with these characteristics. This paper examines factors that contribute to a well‐performing tradable permit market. While the literature offers rich empirical analyses of individual tradable permit markets, it has not provided an analytical framework enabling comparative analysis of these markets. This paper develops and employs an analytical framework for comparing across markets. The comparative analysis of market performance suggests that markets are not successful in all environmental problems and all demand situations. Further, it shows that even some markets frequently cited as exemplary successes have been that for nonmarket‐related reasons. On the other hand, this comparative analysis identifies sources of success for markets that partial analytical frameworks would have predicted to fail.  相似文献   
环境和技术问题是制约着人类社会发展的两大重要因素,如何避免其负面影响,发挥其积极效应,是我们应该面对和思考的问题.循环经济为我们进一步解决目前面临的环境和技术问题提供了一条新的思路,它的提出体现了环境的价值,指明了技术发展的方向,进而为人的全面发展提供了物质和技术基础,推动整个人类社会的进步.  相似文献   
改革开放已经造就了一批先富群体,今后如何通过公平促效率,推动大多数人后富,这将是一个大政策.缩小差别重在启动后富,通过"无壁垒竞争"、"透明招标、公开竞赛"等制度的构建,锻造"后富机制",最终达到共同富裕.  相似文献   
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