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It has become a common place of contemporary legal theory, particularly postmodernist legal theory, to reject modernist jurisprudence’s assumption of law’s disciplinary autonomy. Within this enthusiasm for interdisciplinary approaches to law, what is less common is detailed analysis of precisely how interdisciplinarity is figured, rhetorically and epistemologically, in the discourse of contemporary legal theory. It is with a view to detailed analysis of this kind that this paper emerges. Its aim is to explore in detail how interdisciplinarity might be figured, and with what consequences, in the jurisprudence of postmodernity. The particular site of this exploration will be Costas Douzinas and Ronnie Warrington with Shaun McVeigh’s Postmodern Jurisprudence: the Law of Text in the Texts of law. Published in 1991, this text remains widely influential – it has become a contemporary classic in its genre. It is not the intention of this paper, however, to represent this text as exemplary. Rather, this paper intends to read this text in its particularity, to focus on its particular vision of postmodern jurisprudence. Specifically, this paper argues that Postmodern Jurisprudence figures interdisciplinarity in terms of genre; and that this understanding of interdisciplinarity is problematised by the unacknowledged contradictions between the different conceptions of genre – one associated with Jacques Derrida and the other associated with Jean-François Lyotard – which the text invokes. This paper argues that the project of postmodern jurisprudence – as title and as label – appears rather differently if it is imagined, on the one hand (following Derrida) according to the logic of the passe-partout and, on the other hand (following Lyotard), according to the logic of the differend. The paper concludes that this internal tension should at least give us pause for thought when approaching the complex phenomenon of interdisciplinarity in postmodern legal scholarship more generally.  相似文献   
在职干警培训是提高警察素质的重要举措,课堂教学对于保证培训质量十分重要,文章以提高课堂吸引力为基础,根据教学内容和教学方法,讨论了提高课堂教学吸引力的基本途径并对授课教师提出了一些要求。提高课堂教学的吸引力需要教师积极的投入。  相似文献   
自19世纪初黑格尔完成哲学史上第一次大综合后,人类自由驰聘的理智便开始向三个方向演变,即科学哲学、马克思主义哲学和人本主义哲学。但进入20世纪后,这三大哲学就日益从分化趋向综合。西方马克思主义哲学、语言哲学、解释学、结构主义、历史主义、科学实在认,都体现了三个哲学的融合。事实上,无论是眼下哲学的发展趋向、面对的研究对象、追求的实践目标、所处的知识背景,还是即将到来的信息时代的激励挑战,都迫切要求马克思主义哲学和当代西方哲学携手共建。  相似文献   
人格本体与自然本体同一的宇宙本体论哲学是李白道家文化人格的思想基础。它对原始道家哲学本体论的超越在于 :使主体在和宇宙的同一性关系上占据了主导地位。李白道家文化人格的宇宙境界表明主体渴望摆脱庸常的生活模式 ,升华到一个新的人性水平。儒道生命价值观的矛盾表现在 :儒家以精神不朽来消解死亡带给现世人生的消极意义。而道家认为只要顺应自然的循环变化 ,就无所谓生死 ,更无须被死亡所困扰。驱动儒家以进取精神介入现实人生的是对生命悲凉无奈的体验 ,促使道家以超然姿态淡出功名利禄的却是他对死亡乐观平和的领悟。儒道矛盾的生命价值观在李白对艺术精神境界的追求中获得了对立的统一  相似文献   

This introductory essay lays out the main themes of a special issue of Journal of Contemporary African Studies which brings together six empirically grounded papers by African social scientists of different disciplinary backgrounds. These works touch on various aspects of the social impact of religious innovation and competition in present day African Christianity. They represent the first fruits on the social science side of an interdisciplinary initiative that made 23 research grants for theologians and social scientists to study Christianity and social change in contemporary Africa. These articles focus on a variety of dynamics in contemporary African religion (mostly Christianity), including gender, health and healing, social media, entrepreneurship, and inter-religious borrowing and accommodation. The editors conclude that the research and learning reflected in this volume will enhance understanding of religion’s vital entanglement in contemporary African society. The articles reveal problematic ethical and psychological dynamics in some of these new movements, particularly among some of the neo-Pentecostal groups. Yet the authors are determined to go beyond perspectives that are overly fixated with African problems and victimisation. They are keen to explore opportunities for understanding African agency and African wellsprings of hope. The editors conclude that scholars of religion and religiosity in Africa need to invest new conceptual and methodological energy in researching what it means to be actively religious in Africa today.  相似文献   
修订民族区域自治法对西部大开发具有现实意义 :1、为西部地区各民族实现共同富裕 ,加强民族大团结、保持社会稳定和边疆安全提供了基本法律保障 ;2、有利于扩大国内有效需求 ,实现西部地区经济持续快速增长 ;3、为西部民族地区的发展注入了长久的生命力 ;4、有利于西部地区与全国同步实现现代化建设的第三步战略目标 ;5、将西部大开发和少数民族传统文化的合理保护有机地结合起来 ;6、为西部民族地区最终实现科教兴国和人才兴国的战略目标指明了方向。  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义道路是在全球化进程中形成和发展起来的,目的是使中国在社会主义基础上实现现代化。这条道路的选择具有重要的世界意义:它为广大发展中国家提供了一种有别于西方的发展模式,为社会主义国家巩固、建设和发展社会主义提供了成功的范例,同时还向人类表明:社会主义是必由之路、社会主义优于资本主义,从而在国际共产主义运动处于低潮时期,展现了社会主义无限光明的前景。  相似文献   
感恩教育是高校思想政治教育的一个重要方面,是德育的切入点之一。本文指出了当代大学生感恩意识缺失的主要表现,且从生活环境、教育状况和大学生自身修养层面对其进行归因分析,并结合当前思政教育的三贴近,与时俱进,从制度、环境及自我教育等方面提出建设性的对策思考。  相似文献   
中国民法已经走过了一百年的历史,其中大清民律草案、民国民律草案和民国民法典在中华法系民法的基础上实现了一个华丽转身,走向了继受欧陆民法的不归路,适应了当时中国的社会政治、经济、文化生活的需要,实现了中国民法的现代化。1949年以来,当代中国民法经历了艰难曲折的发展,终于迎来了21世纪民法的繁荣和发展。总结经验教训,21世纪的中国民法应当在这条路上继续走下去,创造中国民法的辉煌,造福于21世纪的中国人民。  相似文献   
马克思主义是科学的理论,也是不断发展的学说。它在解答人类社会问题过程中产生,也在解答人类社会问题过程中得到不断的丰富和发展。中国特色社会主义理论体系的形成,体现了马克思主义在当代中国的运用和发展。它对当代中国及相关世界问题的解答,集中体现了对马克思主义的继承、发展和创新。在当代中国,进一步坚持和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系,就是进一步坚持和发展马克思主义。  相似文献   
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