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刑事和解在司法实践中的适用虽已初步形成思路,但在具体适用范围上尤其是在死刑案件能否适用刑事和解方面仍尚无定论,以致其在司法界的大胆尝试和学界的谨慎保留中处于尴尬境地.现阶段,死刑案件适用刑事和解纵然有其合理之处,然其终究难以避免与公权力的权威、公平正义和平等观念之间的冲突.笔者认为,死刑案件中被告人与被害人之间的和解并不符合刑事和解的本义,其实为国家救济制度建立之前的一种迫不得已的救济措施.因此,刑事和解不应延伸适用到死刑等重罪案件领域,国家应尽快建立国家救济制度以代替刑事和解在死刑案件中对被害人及其亲属的救助作用.  相似文献   
在理论论证与实践探索的双重支撑下,与恢复正义价值暗合的当事人和解制度终在新刑诉法中占得特别程序之席,比之既往的暗中摸索,新刑诉法使和解程序行之有依,操之有序,但法律规定确显粗糙,和解双方当事人对制度不解甚至产生误解,实施中与检察机关内部旧有考核制度冲突等问题亦渐渐浮现。为此,检察机关须先内而外,完善案件审查,加强和解监督,改革考核指标,方能为此制度成长提供广阔之天地。  相似文献   
诱惑侦查是实践中经常运用的一种侦查方式,由于诱惑侦查没有明确的法律地位以及在实施过程中伴随着侵犯人权的风险,导致诱惑侦查的争议不断。随着新刑事诉讼法的出台,尊重和保障人权作为一条基本原则出现,在诱惑侦查的使用过程中如何平衡惩罚犯罪与保障人权之间的关系成为一大难题。因此,只有根据新刑事诉讼法的相关规定来研究诱惑侦查的法律规制,才能致使诱惑侦查有效打击犯罪的同时又不致侵犯人权。  相似文献   
This comparative analysis draws on field research in several West African countries to illustrate the dynamic relationships between political violence and organized crime in this sub-region. These relationships are often transactional, and almost always on a temporary basis. While some alliances of convenience may be forged, in other cases an adversarial relationship exists between organized crime and terrorist networks. In some cases, key actors within West African governments have benefited from these relationships. We then examine recent policies and strategies pursued by the U.S. and the international community that, in the name of combating terrorism, seek to constrain the illicit economies of the region, but in doing so may do more harm than good. The article concludes with some policy recommendations based on this analysis.  相似文献   
Little is known about the experiences and career trajectories of women working in the criminal justice field. Criminal justice, particularly law enforcement, has historically been largely a male-dominated career field. This study examines the experiences of 850 women working in the criminal justice field; in policing, courts, corrections, victim services, and academia. The present study collected data in 2017 and asked women working in the criminal justice field about their employment. Respondents said that they experienced a wide range of gender discrimination but did not see gender discrimination as a barrier to their success. The women identified personal and professional perseverance, strong mentorship, and family support as contributing factors to their success. Findings highlight the experience and challenges of women working at all levels and in all components of the criminal justice system and the journey of these women at a unique time in the history of criminal justice and evolution of women in the workplace. Implications for criminal justice, advice for current and aspiring women working in the field, and the nature of the experience for women in criminal justice are discussed.  相似文献   
This study examines potential gender differences among defendants referred by criminal courts for psychiatric evaluations by analyzing demographic, clinical, and criminal history variables and evaluation findings. This study offers a large sample size of 718 females, as well as 3,627 males. Bivariate logistic regression and heterogeneity analyses were utilized to assess potential differences. Females were older; diagnosed more with mood, anxiety, and borderline personality disorders; less likely to have prior felony convictions; and more likely to be in the community than jail at the time of the evaluation. In addition, when controlling for other factors, females were more likely to be evaluated as having a mental disease or defect, to need hospitalization pending trial, and to be incompetent to stand trial.  相似文献   
This study examines the role of sociodemographic factors and violence characteristics in influencing women's reporting behaviors and types of police intervention received in response to intimate partner violence (IPV) in Canada. A subset of female respondents to Canada's 1999 General Social Survey who experienced physical or sexual IPV by a male perpetrator and who had contact with the police as a result of the violence was used for this analysis (n = 383). Findings suggest significant racial, economic, and social variations in women's motivation for self-reporting violence to the police as well as in the types of law enforcement interventions administered by police in response to reports of IPV. Implications for policy development are examined.  相似文献   
当前在走私犯罪侦查启动过程中,存在着到案措施难以落实、搜查功能难以发挥、案件经营难以开展、技侦手段难以运用等难点。究其原因就在于我国包括缉私侦查在内的侦查工作采用的是程序启动型模式,同时由于走私犯罪和缉私工作本身所具有的特点,使得缉私侦查启动工作更易陷入困境。为适应打击走私犯罪的需要,应当将程序启动型转为随机启动型侦查模式,同时对相关的配套措施予以完善。  相似文献   
复旦大学投毒案的发生,使大学生犯罪问题再一次引发了社会的广泛关注。从马加爵案、药家鑫案、清华朱令案以及最近的安医大情杀案可以看出,虽然犯罪类型和犯罪原因各不相同,但究其根本,均归于其生活环境和家庭教育。大学生犯罪心理的形成受其家庭环境、学校环境及生长的社会环境这些变量因素的影响,只有对症下药,分析并找出影响大学生犯罪心理形成的相关因素,才能有效预防和制止更多的大学生走向违法犯罪道路。  相似文献   
《海峡两岸共同打击犯罪及司法互助协议》原则性规定两岸司法互助的“罪赃移交”事项。“罪赃移交”涉及打击跨海峡经济类犯罪之社会效果与法律效果,两岸司法当局正在尝试与寻求突破。借鉴国际刑事司法协助有关“追缴犯罪所得”之理念与制度,两岸可构建罪赃分享、通过民事诉讼直接追回财产、不经定罪的没收、承认与执行对岸刑事裁判中的没收、在特定犯罪中实行举证责任倒置规则等基本制度,为两岸“罪赃移交”实践清除法律与现实障碍。  相似文献   
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