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The article analyses which parties support registered partnership and same-sex marriage bills in parliament in Western Europe. Existing comparative research indicates that left parties back same-sex union laws. This article shows that support is not limited to the left camp. Liberal and even Christian democratic parties have expressed above-average support as well, albeit with certain exceptions. The chief opponents of same-sex union laws are Protestant parties and the parties of the far right; in terms of numbers, however, both are largely insignificant. Far more relevant for these laws’ chances of success are the positions of the large parties at the centre and at the right of the political spectrum. The analysis reveals considerable inter-country differences in these parties’ attitudes, which can be explained to a large extent with the two-worlds-of-morality-politics distinction introduced by Engeli, Green-Pedersen and Larsen: countries in which centre and right parties continue to oppose same-sex union laws are part of the religious world, with the exception of France. The results for France indicate a need for further research.  相似文献   
要提高授权立法的社会效益,就必须加强对授权行为的规制,明确权力秩序,确立授权禁区。另外, 授权还必须具有明确性, 对立法者必须具有他律和外部制约措施。  相似文献   
The methodology for drafting is one of the most important concepts in drafting of a policy paper and translating this policy into legislation. Regarding this, it is necessary to know how the legislative drafting developed in the past during the socialist regime, and how it has changed with time after the beginning of the democratic processes of the country. Due to the correct methodology of drafting, we enable a good correct legislation as an important element of good governance, where the concept of law lays on its foundations and the democratic system is the major goal.  相似文献   
The Indian government unveiled new farm legislation on September 27, 2020, with the goal of empowering the farming community. According to the government, new farm regulations will reduce the reliance of indigenous farmers on the mandi (market yard) system, which is now in place and is quite exploitative and full of middlemen and legal cartels. The regulations made contract farming lawful with the intention of luring private sector investment in bolstering agricultural supply chains and infrastructure to give farmers better pricing. But these rules are referred to as repressive and anti-farmer by the farming community. Farmers believe that eliminating the mandi system will eliminate the minimum support price (MSP) mechanism and that contract farming will ultimately be damaging, enticing major corporations and private investors to bind them to unfair contracts that will result in exploitation. Farmers' demonstrations have begun as a result in the former territory of the green revolution. In order to determine if the new farm regulations introduced by the central government are indeed beneficial to the rural community or not, the article followed the debate among many academics, policy makers, economists, researchers, stakeholders, and politicians (the government's spokesman). The article's main focus is on analysing the farmers' demand for the new farm rules to be repealed and the economic justification for their opposition. Additionally, it contends that new farm rules will encourage capitalistic farming and endanger the viability of farming communities, particularly small and marginal farms (S&M).  相似文献   
从程序正义到摆平“正义”:法官的多重角色分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法院如何建构其主体性?是当下中国社会面临的时代之问。在规则之治、程序正义的逻辑下展开运作的司法因其制度刚性有余而操作柔性不足,难以有效回应中国社会仍停留在传统的具体情境,从而遭到实用主义的解构。但是,在调审合一制度路径下游刃有余的实用主义司法哲学实际上亦并不足以构成对法院主体性的命题支撑,甚至可能是更加错误的道路。作为法院主体性的命题表达,能够体现法院明确的司法功能并与其他权力部门相区分的主体特质始终只在于独立的审判。  相似文献   
以普雄地区习惯法为考察重点,介绍凉山彝族习惯法的概念以及普雄地区习惯法的具体内容,剖析了凉山彝族习惯法的特点和作用。凉山彝族习惯法在弥补国家法的不足,维持社会秩序以及传承彝族法律文化等方面发挥着积极的作用。因此,我们应当重视并发挥其积极作用,努力克服其消极影响,从而在凉山彝区社会中实现法治现代化与传统法文化的和谐发展,推进民族法治建设。  相似文献   
中国古代法律禁止民间任意观测、探究、解释和传习有关星空的奥秘,只允许官方的天文机构研究和解读天文现象。中国古代法律对天文研究作出如此的法律规制,既是保证农业生产顺利进行的客观要求,也是天人感应这个流传很久、影响巨大的哲学观在法律制度上的具体体现。  相似文献   
公诉环节风险评估预警机制对于化解社会矛盾、维护稳定、促进和谐具有重要意义。公诉环节风险评估机制具有容纳冲突、预测风险等内在价值,通过明确和规范其适用程序、责任追究机制及完善内处部门协调联动机制、加强释法说理等工作可以构建科学、合理的公诉环节风险评估预警机制。  相似文献   
本文是我在习惯法领域的学习过程、思考经历和点滴体会的小结。我认为需要反思学术研究中的态度、问题、视角、方法、材料、理论等,重视“一本书主义”,提高判断力,持续进行同一领域研究。  相似文献   
本文评介了我国法学界对习惯法概念的界定,提出了自己的见解,强调应遵循对法律概念的科学界定,是讨论习惯法与拉祜族习惯法性质、地位、任务和价值取向归属的理论基础。本文认为阐明拉祜族习惯法属于法律外的习惯法,并探究拉祜族习惯法的价值取向。认为立足深入调查与研究拉祜族习惯法由来与发展的规律,是不断创新研究习惯法与拉祜族习惯法的最佳途径。  相似文献   
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