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This paper examines the social and gender politics of a women's urban garden project supported by the International Organisation of Migration, in Cap Haitien, Haiti. My study highlights how the development process created an unmonitored symbolic space where society's normalised gender processes reproduced broader social inequalities, which, in turn, prevented the project from meeting the women's practical and strategic goals. Then, I discuss how the ecohealth approach, as an alternative design framework, could make symbolic space visible to be critically engaged and analysed by participants, to account for gender process, and create an emancipatory activity.  相似文献   
Through an anthropological lens, using examples from working in an international NGO, I explore how and why a group of development workers navigated the coercive practices of aid in ways that benefitted their partners in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Rather than seeking conspiracies to explain the gaps between development rhetoric and practices, I suggest that people both contest and collude with bureaucratic systems of rule. Youth Rights reformed various rituals and created different management practices internally, as well as maintaining its long-established solidarity approach with partners, but only managed to challenge the donors’ controls to a limited extent.  相似文献   
This article examines a training approach for community health volunteers which increased access to maternal health services in rural communities in Zambia. The effectiveness of the training approach was evaluated in an operations research component. Skilled birth attendance rates increased by 63% from baseline over a two-year period in the intervention districts, out-performing increases recorded in control sites at statistically significant levels. As a low-cost, high-impact intervention which shows good sustainability potential, the approach is suitable for national level scale-up and for adaptation for use in other countries in support of maternal and new-born health goals.  相似文献   
International development aid is driven by actors steeped in Western neo-liberal theory and practice. Africa has largely received failed Western aid, administered mainly through international NGOs in neo-comprador relationships. This article calls for African-centred and -led development, revitalised through endogenous development (ED) praxis. Using a water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector case study from Ghana, the article theorises Africa's WASH development within the context of globalisation and the politics of knowledge production on Africa. It shows how ED provides African people with self-determining and culturally relevant development necessary for WASH justice and improved health and livelihoods.  相似文献   
Over the past few decades home garden research has emphasised the promotion of home gardening for nutritional and other welfare benefits for the poor in urban areas. Still, the urban communities who cultivate plants in their home gardens are in general represented as rather uniform groups, and no distinction is made in terms of caste, ethnic groups, or social class. This article asserts that social stratification represents an important aspect that needs to be taken into account while devising educational programmes and community projects for the promotion of home herbal gardens in urban areas.  相似文献   
边境旅游作为一种特殊的旅游形式,是依托相邻国家边境线上的自然、人文资源发展起来的一种新兴旅游方式,是国内旅游的延伸。它不仅可以繁荣边境地区的经济,还可以促进边境地区人民之间的友谊,巩固边疆的稳定,而且对整个国家的对外开放和国际经贸合作都起着非常重要的作用。广西作为全国少有的沿边、沿海省区,旅游资源得天独厚。但与其他边境地区相比,广西边境旅游发展仍然落后。文章在借鉴国内外发展边境旅游经验的基础上,结合广西边境地区旅游发展现状和存在问题,提出了广西边境旅游的发展对策。  相似文献   
战后,随着东南亚国家的工业化进程,各国的产业结构发生了一系列变化,这主要表现为:农业在国内生产总值和就业的比重不断下降,工业(尤其是制造业)增加值和就业比重迅速提高,服务业增加值和就业比重总体上趋于上升。东南亚国家产业结构演变的趋势,是与世界各国工业化中产业结构变化的规律相适应。不过,由于各国经济发展存在着历史性、结构性和制度性的差异,东南亚国家产业结构的变化又有许多不同的特点。  相似文献   
崔文星  叶江 《国际展望》2022,14(1):74-94
援助是一国外交政策的重要工具。冷战期间,美苏对外援助的主要目的是争夺盟友,对援助成效的评估主要是以过程为导向,其标准是援助的投入是否成功使受援国留在本方阵营。冷战后,西方国家内部出现援助预算的合法性危机,对援助成效的讨论也逐渐从过程导向转向结果导向。进入21世纪,联合国千年发展目标和2030年可持续发展目标为发展援助的结果评估提供了重要参照。结果导向型援助提高了中国对外援助的可见性,但其存在的弊端和南北垂直援助特征需要中国制定超越援助的新时代国际发展合作战略。联合国2030年可持续发展议程吸收了结果导向型援助的积极因素,但这也为超越该理念奠定了基础。新时代中国国际发展合作与2030年议程的深入对接为中国突破西方战略围堵和实现中华民族伟大复兴提供了重要机遇。全球发展倡议与"一带一路"倡议、人类命运共同体理念和生态文明思想共同构成中国全球发展话语权的基础,并逐步超越了结果导向型援助,为落实2030年议程指明了方向。  相似文献   
区域经济一体化发展是习近平经济发展思想中的重要组成部分,在新的国家战略和国家治理能力建设中占有极其重要的地位。区域经济一体化发展具有大规模的对内开放和进一步对外开放的双重含义。在一系列影响和扭曲区域一体化发展进程和发展水平的因素中,真正有可能发生系统性作用的只有政府的行政力量和行政壁垒。因此限制地方政府参与市场竞争的功能、范围、边界和程度,破除行政壁垒,是实现地区间竞相开放、推进区域经济一体化的主要措施。为实现长三角率先发展、一体化发展,充分发挥上海在长三角地区合作和交流中的龙头带动作用,要从具体的项目合作开始做起,避免在范围广泛的领域中进行抽象议论;要把企业作为推进区域经济一体化的主体;要选择合适区域经济一体化发展的产业组织形式;要把产业集群升级作为区域一体化的重要载体;要从注重产业政策转向注重竞争政策;要鼓励区域内企业的收购兼并动,以及发挥上海自由贸易区在区域经济一体化中的作用。  相似文献   
尸体血管造影技术是一种有效的血管检查手段,对探查尸体血管,尤其是心脏、脑部血管的情况具有重要意义。该技术起源于15世纪,发展于18、19世纪。尤其是在发现X线之后,该技术进入了快速发展阶段,无论是在对比剂、灌注方法,还是在成像方法上都取得了巨大的发展。目前,该技术已被广泛应用于实践中。但该技术仍存在一些瑕疵,首先,对比剂仍无法克服渗透弥散、栓塞血管等问题,最理想的对比剂仍未发现;其次,目前的灌注方法仍无法模拟生理血液流动状态。在"保全尸"的宗教和传统观念的指引下,有必要进一步提高目前的造影技术,以满足实践需求。  相似文献   
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