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Unintended compounds produced by inexperienced clandestine chemists may present a challenge in laboratories tasked with their identification. In March 2020, an anonymously submitted tablet purchased as a generic form of Xanax was analyzed by Erowid's DrugsData.org . The gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) results publicly released online indicated several unidentified compounds due to a lack of database references at that time. Elucidation by our group indicated the presence of several structurally related compounds that were linked to a failed synthesis of alprazolam. For this case study, a published procedure for the synthesis of alprazolam starting with the chloroacetylation of 2-amino-5-chlorobenzophenone was identified as a potential source of this failure. The procedure was reproduced to identify pitfalls of the methodology and examine its possible link to the illicit tablet. Reaction outcomes were analyzed via GC–MS and compared to the tablet submission data. The major compound in this submission, N-(2-benzoyl-4-chlorophenyl)-2-chloroacetamide, along with several related byproducts were successfully reproduced indicating that the tablet contents potentially stem from a failure to synthesize alprazolam.  相似文献   
This work presents a data survey regarding the qualitative chemical analysis of drugs seized by the Police in the state of Minas Gerais between July 2017 and June 2022, including an evaluation of labeling of 265 samples of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) seized in 2020. The Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) present in the samples were identified through chemical analysis and classified by system Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) methods. Analysis of the labeling information for 265 samples of AAS followed the guidance of legislation RDC 71 (2009) from ANVISA. For this study 6355 seized pharmaceuticals underwent qualitative chemical analysis that corresponded to 7739 APIs successfully identified and classified. Among the components studied AAS, psychostimulants, anesthetics, and analgesics were the most commonly examined. AAS seized and tested increased by over 100% and for the majority of the samples analyzed were found to not match the labeling on the packaging. In the meantime, anti-obesity drugs presented a prominent increase of 400% from 2020/1 to 2021/2, during covid-19 quarantine. Seized pharmaceuticals and tests can support information in the planning of public health and safety policies.  相似文献   
This paper considers the structural production and amplification of tensions surrounding the issue of street-based injecting drug use and drug-related litter (injecting paraphernalia) discarded in public settings. These tensions, it is argued, is a consequence of colliding intervention (policy and practice) brought about by conflicting connections between national/local drug strategy and micro-level forms of governance regarding the spatial management of public space. These colliding interventions have negative consequences upon harm reduction and the formation of enabling environments. The paper draws upon data obtained from a five-year (multi-site) ethnographic study of street-based injecting conducted throughout the south of England during 2006–2011.  相似文献   
This research examines the possibility that racial disparities in drug court graduation are attributable to individual-level employment or education or to neighborhood-level disadvantage. Individual-level data on 455 drug court clients and neighborhood-level census and police incident data are joined geographically. Drug court graduation is modeled using multilevel logistic regression. In a model with no neighborhood-level indicators, client race, employment, and education all predicted drug court graduation. When neighborhood-level variables are introduced, client-level race drops from significance but employment and education remain significant predictors of graduation. Client race, then, appears to be an indirect indicator of neighborhood disadvantage, while client employment and education remain important individual-level predictors of drug court graduation. These results support further analysis of neighborhood-based barriers to drug court graduation and the development of drug court programming that can address neighborhood-based challenges.  相似文献   
我国禁毒立法秉承了自晚清以来三次禁毒运动的成果,并且以革命根据地时期禁毒的立法实践为历史渊源。1949年至1978年间,禁毒立法以中国共产党和各级政府的相关政策、文件为主要法律形式,以各大行政区的立法为重心。1979年至1998年间,以“严打”为政策导向,逐渐建立了以刑法为主、行政法与地方立法为辅的禁毒立法体系,主要法律形式有刑事法律、行政法律、行政法规、部门规章及其他规范性文件、“两高”司法文件、批准、签署的反毒国际公约和条约、地方性立法及其他规范性文件、民族自治地方的立法等。1998年以后,禁毒政策和立法都出现了一些新动向。  相似文献   
毒品的贩卖是毒品从制造到消费过程的主渠道和中心环节,故贩卖毒品罪是毒品犯罪中涉及范围最广的一种犯罪。证据是案件的生命和灵魂,实践中如何针对贩卖毒品案件言词证据的特点,正确充分地收集、审查、判断贩卖毒品案的言词证据,并依据言词证据定案,成为公诉工作中值得探讨的课题。  相似文献   
随着医疗改革的不断深入,专利药品价格已成为国内外学界和产业界关注的焦点。本文利用1999年至2010年美国面板数据对专利药品价格影响要素进行了实证分析,结果显示,专利保护期限、仿制药价格、人均国内生产总值对专利药品价格变动具有显著影响。在此基础之上提出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   
伴随着市场经济的快速发展,我国的快递产业突飞猛进。快递服务给生产、生活带来便利的同时,也成为了毒品犯罪分子贩运毒品的新渠道。快递产业目前存在着行业监管不力、禁毒宣传工作基础薄弱、追责机制缺位等实际情况,应建立与完善快递查毒奖惩机制,推进物流寄递实名制登记,强化市场准入与行业监管,提高主动发现和打击能力。  相似文献   
吕炳斌 《法学研究》2022,44(1):153-170
美国在知识产权全球治理中呈现出一味强化权利保护的价值倾向。受其影响,知识产权保护的国际规则呈现不断强化之势。但是,美国在国内法中存在对知识产权强化保护的平衡机制,有别于其对外片面输出强化保护规则。一味强化保护的知识产权制度会走向偏颇。我国在知识产权国际博弈和对话中需要提出自己的话语和话语体系,其前提是明确本国话语的价值取向。相比历史、文化取向而言,话语构造的价值取向路径具有优越性。在国际博弈中,我国宜秉持并提倡知识产权法的二元价值取向。二元价值取向契合知识产权法基本原理,体现了世界共同价值,其核心作用在于纠偏,我国应坚持和发扬这一价值取向。  相似文献   
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