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文章对领导干部“主动辞职”现象进行了探讨,认为这种现象引发社会注目有“主动辞职”行为的超前性、彻底性、趋利性和群体的特殊性四方面的原因;产生“主动辞职”行为有行为主体———“主动辞职”者自身、行为客体———党政部门、行为所处的社会环境三方面的原因。同时,文章指出应从正视现象、提升规范、反思党政机关自身三方面积极应对领导干部“主动辞职”现象。  相似文献   
提升乡村治理的制度绩效是一项涉及到理念、制度和结构的系统工程,主要包括:改变传统的对立型的国家与社会关系,以先进的"强国家-强社会"互强型国家与社会关系理念来指导乡村治理;改进和完善国家法律法规、省级地方法规、各级地方性执法规定以及村级规约,提高相关制度设计的质量和水平;优化乡村治理的结构,主要着眼点在于规范两委关系、乡村关系,提高村委会选举的质量,拓展村民代表会议的功能等.  相似文献   
对外开放三十年来我国外经贸法治建设基本经验和展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1978年以来,我国利用对外贸易成就巨大,其经验主要有:良好的投资环境是有效利用外资的关键;健全的法治建设是引进外资得以成功的有效保障。经验告诉我们,在制定利用外资的法律和政策时,要把外国经验和本国的实际相结合,在立法、执法和司法过程中既要注意保护外资的合法利益,又要有助于本国经济的发展,即,要正确把握充分利用外资与注意国家经济安全的"度"。  相似文献   
数字经济是以数字化原料为劳动对象,利用数字化劳动资料进行生产活动的经济形式,在此基础上,数字技术经由企业分工协作体系的重塑推动着生产社会化的发展。依据马克思主义政治经济学原理,以企业分工协作为切入点,通过剖析企业间网络化分工协作和企业内部数字劳动过程,可发现并阐明数字经济下生产社会化中的最新进展及其双刃剑特性。该性质表明:数字经济既可以推动生产活动向社会化方向发展而代表更先进生产力,同时也会激化企业分工与社会分工、生产社会化与生产资料私人占有之间的矛盾。由此表明,数字经济下的生产社会化演进必将呈现出企业分工代替社会分工,以及所有制形式由生产资料私有制向公有制形式转变的发展趋势。  相似文献   
1948年6月16日,三名欧籍种植园经理在马来亚北霹雳地区被杀,马来亚殖民当局宣布马来亚部分地区进入"紧急状态".两天后,"紧急状态"覆盖马来亚全境.马来亚殖民当局在宣布"紧急状态"时并没有同时宣布应由哪个政治组织对事态负责.直到7月19日,英国内阁才批准英国驻东南亚首席专员宣布马来亚共产党为非法组织.英国内阁在做出取缔马共的决策时并未掌握马共涉及谋杀事件的确凿证据,对马来亚事态的性质也缺乏把握.  相似文献   
在东北老工业基地改造过程中,大型国有企业集团公司在经历了长期的制度改革后又开始面临新的问题。鉴于大型国有企业集团公司的特殊性质,股份制改造和现代企业制度的建立无法从根本上改变国有资产所有者缺位、企业内部控制制度失效和国有资产流失的客观情况。利用资产管理公司对大型国有集团公司的国有股份进行拆分托管经营是东北老工业基地改造的新途径。  相似文献   
我国侵权法草案规定侵权人不明的高空抛物致人损害,由“不能证明自己没有过错的建筑物使用人”连带承担全部赔偿责任。这实质上是对建筑物区分所有权人设定了一种对其在住宅内的行为随时举证证明的义务。这种对建筑物区分所有权人自由权利的限制和负担,无法解释和证成其正当性。建筑物区分所有权人实施的抛物行为是其承担侵权责任的根据,侵权行为人不明,受害人就无法按照侵权法获得赔偿。区分所有权人相互之间的监督义务和协助查找义务以及作证义务,乃公法上的义务;以此为根据要求其对受害人承担连带侵权责任,违反了法律关系理论的基本原理。要求建筑物区分所有权人证明没有实施抛物行为,违背了未发生的事实无法证明的证据法原理。推定所有可能实施侵权行为的人实际实施了侵权行为,违背了违法行为不能推定的侵权法原理。所以该条应该删除。  相似文献   
This article argues that throughout its history, the leadership of the Labour Party has chosen to embrace a benign view of the Civil Service, as part of a wider acceptance of the constitutional status quo reflected in the Westminster model. There has nevertheless been a long tradition in the wider Labour movement that has questioned whether Whitehall is capable of working for a government with radical aspirations. This article examines Labour's historical approach towards Whitehall, before reflecting on the extent to which the present Administration, while appealing to radical and reforming rhetoric has, like its predecessors, continued to embrace the status quo. It concludes by arguing that a contemporary and credible narrative capable of challenging the Westminster model has yet to emerge from the broader movement.  相似文献   
Explanations of party competition and vote choice are commonly based on the Downsian view of politics: parties maximise votes by adopting positions on policy dimensions. However, recent research suggests that British voters choose parties based on evaluations of competence rather than on ideological position. This paper proposes a theoretical account which combines elements of the spatial model with the ‘issue ownership’ approach. Whereas the issue ownership theory has focused mainly on party competition, this paper examines the validity of the model from the perspective of both parties and voters, by testing its application to recent British general elections. Our findings suggest that as parties have converged ideologically, competence considerations have become more important than ideological position in British elections.  相似文献   
Drawing on interviews with former political leaders and senior public servants, this article maps the values that have guided asylum policy decisions over the past three decades. The findings support the view that a culture of control permeates policy decisions, but pushing deeper, that policy‐maker perceptions of asylum issues are shaped by two primary values: nation building and good governance. Values that tend to preoccupy policy critics, for example human rights, compassion, international legal obligations and national character, are by no means absent, but are subsumed within and harnessed to the desire to be a good engineer and responsible governor. The study adds to the insights required for constructive dialogue between governments and refugee advocates, and affords a comprehensive framework within which asylum policy can be understood and analysed.  相似文献   
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