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20世纪末期,标准劳动关系中劳动者收入的降低成为德国劳动法的主要问题,这一问题直指标准劳动关系保障劳动者稳定生计的核心功能。与此同时,非典型用工呈现上升趋势,加之老龄化、全球化和数字化的新挑战,德国似有告别标准劳动关系及放弃劳动法与社会法规范之象。然而,无固定期限的标准劳动关系不仅是劳动者与雇主之间法律关系的命脉,同时也是德国社会法体系的逻辑起点。对德国而言,在面对各种挑战时,如若仍需要进一步发展劳动关系与巩固社会保障,不仅不应告别标准劳动关系,而且必须由劳动法与社会法保障的标准劳动关系继续发挥核心作用。  相似文献   
共享经济发展迅猛,不仅吸纳了规模巨大的从业人员,而且其就业形态体现出与传统就业截然不同的特征。通过对中国知网上以共享经济用工为主题的30篇法学论文进行分析总结,可知当前的研究重点为网约工劳动关系的认定及其规制路径。对于众包型网约工与共享企业之间是否存在劳动关系,目前有否定说、肯定说、难以定性说三种观点。三种观点相应的规制路径分别为在劳动法外利用公私法的多种制度工具调整、纳入劳动法调整、在劳动者和自雇者之间设置中间类型特别调整。学界相关讨论已经达成了若干初步共识,但是对于更进一步的问题仍然存在着激烈的争论。  相似文献   
徐国栋 《河北法学》2020,38(4):18-32
"奴隶是会说话的工具"的错译基于对拉丁法律术语Instrumentum的理解错误,该词在本文的语境内并非"工具"的意思,而是"伴当"的意思,既包括无生命者,也包括有生命者。在农业经济的条件下,拉丁作者把土地看作中心物,把帮助土地发挥效用的诸要素看作土地的伴当,在遗嘱人有明示表示的情况下,土地应与其伴当一同移转,以此保持其生产力。在相反的情形,两者分别移转。罗马私法中还有职业性的Instrumentum、经营场所的Instrumentum、生活资料性的Instrumentum。Instrumentum概念在罗马私法中的存在表明,罗马人早就具有系统论的观念,认为各物并非孤立存在,而是相互关联存在或系统存在,而且人依赖一定的物而存在,因此以系统的方式处理中心者与其伴当的关系。  相似文献   
The suppression of labor rights is a matter of serious concern in developing countries. Yet little is known about the role of public agencies in protecting the rights of underprivileged employees. Hence, this study aims to examine the reasons behind the persisting labor exploitation in private enterprises despite the presence of public governance and labor codes. Data was collected through in-depth interviews as well as archives from different external and internal agencies of privately owned garment enterprises in Bangladesh including public administrators and multinational retailers. Kantian ethics and Islamic moral principles were used as theoretical lens to evaluate the labor practices of enterprises. This study contributes to the existing literature by introducing a process model of labor exploitation that depicts multinational power and poor governance to be the main drivers for the abuse of labor ethics. Specifically, political influence and institutional corruption drive poor governance. Public power is exercised to suppress marginalized labor institutions rather than enact labor codes. We found that ethical and spiritual values are not reflected in labor practices and practical suggestions on enacting labor ethics through which the fair enforcement of public power is offered.  相似文献   
我国加入WTO政府必将面临多方面的挑战。一是政府管理企业职能面临的挑战。市场经济促使政府要由微观经济管理职能转向宏观经济调控和协调服务职能;二是政府服务成本面临的挑战。政府服务成本影响着企业的竞争能力,政府服务成本的社会价值会在企业的竞争能力中体现;三是政府利益面临的挑战。国有企业是政府利益的特特殊代表,其经济功能的价值体现在政府利益中,中小企业、服务业在参与竞争中,政府应给予支持和保护。  相似文献   
This study investigated genetic and environmental influences on the associations between mother–child relationship quality (warmth and hostility) and adolescent conduct problems and cigarette use. Participants included 601 mothers and adolescent twin pairs (aged 12–17 years). Mothers and adolescents provided separate reports of mother-to-child warmth and hostility. A combined measure of mother and adolescent reported conduct problems was used while adolescents provided reports of their cigarette use. Analyses were conducted using bivariate genetic analyses of correlated factors models and regression analyses of monozygotic twin differences. Genetic influences were found for most ratings of the parent–child relationship, with evidence of gender and/or rater-specificity for some measures. The relationship between mother–child hostility with adolescent conduct problems and cigarette use was influenced by genetic and environmental effects. Evidence was found for shared environment effects on the relationship between mother–child warmth and conduct problems. Examining monozygotic twin differences provided further support for non-shared environmental influence on the relationship between mothers’ expressions of hostility and low warmth and adolescent adjustment. Findings are discussed in relation to the interplay between genetic and environmental effects underlying links between parent–child relations and adolescent behavior problems.
Katherine H. SheltonEmail:
为了实施民主管理、构建和发展和谐劳动关系,企业工会干部需要掌握企业经营管理方面的知识。企业生产经营活动的主线是:生产出市场所需要的商品并把商品卖给市场。与之相应,企业存在两个核心经营管理领域:企业投资方向,解决"企业干什么"的问题;企业经营计划,解决"企业如何干"的问题。这两方面是工会干部最需要掌握的经营知识。职代会代表、职工董事、职工监事为了履行职权,也需要掌握这两方面的经营知识。  相似文献   
随着《违法行为矫治法》的即将出台,劳动教养将走向违法行为矫治,建立劳动教养社区矫正制度势在必行。当前,我国建立劳动教养社区矫正制度不仅非常必要而且也具有一定的可行性。因此,应当采取多种措施促使此项制度的建立和完善。  相似文献   
简论企业家在构建和谐社会中的责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业作为社会的细胞,它是推动社会经济发展的中坚力量,而企业家是企业发展的灵魂和推动者,在国民经济发展中有着特殊的地位和贡献,因此,在构建和谐社会中负有更大的责任。在构建和谐社会的过程中,企业家应承担什么责任或扮演什么角色呢?当代企业家的历史地位和作用决定了他们要肩负构建和谐社会的历史责任;发展是企业不断壮大的第一要务,为构建和谐社会提供坚实的物质基础;企业家应以人为本,为构建和谐社会作表率;要用和谐理念建设和谐企业文化,构建和谐企业;在经营过程中,企业之间要诚信合作,和谐发展,树立双赢或多赢的新观念;与此同时,企业发展要以保护自然环境资源为前提,与自然环境和谐发展。  相似文献   
对“短命”企业的文化心理分析表明,我国传统文化及其现代演变的确有一些不利于现代企业生存和发展的因素,诸如过分的务虚、变通、忠孝、中庸等文化特征,影响了企业品牌建设和可持续发展,制约了企业公民行为。而扭转企业短命的命运,就要改变那些落后于时代的文化特质,与世界优秀文化接轨。  相似文献   
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