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与传统的男性立德、立功、立言“三不朽”的人生理想形成对照,明代吴江叶氏家族女性追求“德、才、色”三兼备的主体意识,并且朦胧地追求个性解放,尤其是叶绍袁的夫人沈宜修与其女叶纨纨、叶小纨、叶小鸾等,以出类拔萃的学创作的实绩,在中国古代学发展史上显示出家族女性诗人群体前所未有的优势,也将晚明学解放思想推进了一大步。  相似文献   
发展云南民族旅游经济和名牌战略的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云南具有得天独厚的自然景观和民族历史文化所构成的特有人文景观 ,发展旅游支柱产业具有极大的潜力和广阔的前景。要充分利用国家进行西部大开发的契机 ,发扬“世博”后续效应 ,以“中国昆明国际旅游节”为动力 ,实施“突出特色、推出精品、提高挡次、全面推进”的民族旅游经济发展战略。为达到这一目的 ,要以新的角度、新的视野对云南旅游业进行审视 ,以新思维、新观念、新姿态参与竞争  相似文献   
Mongolia is a long-standing democratic anomaly – a democracy in a clan-based society – that is rarely discussed in research. This article addresses the question, why did Mongolia and the Central Asian countries embark upon markedly different regime trajectories following 70 years of Soviet rule? I argue that the prospects of democracy were shaped by a complex relationship between clan-based traditional authority structures, social relations based on nomadism and the style of Soviet rule. In Mongolia, Soviet authorities carefully enforced collectivization across kin groups and provided all necessary public goods to citizens, effectively dismantling clan-based authority structures. This process unintendedly fortified nomadic social relations that enabled re-emergent elements of opposition and forces in civil society to fill the void of authority generated by the Soviet collapse and to use this counterweight to state power to push for competitive politics. In contrast, the Soviet authorities’ “divide and rule” with clans in Kyrgyzstan reproduced clans that easily took on a dominant role on the eve of the Soviet breakdown and filled the void of authority by placing themselves at the apex of political power providing welfare services and political order. This placed Kyrgyzstan on the path to a post-communist non-democracy.  相似文献   
农村宗族势力作为一个命运共同体,曾经在恶劣的自然环境和生存环境下发挥了积极的作用。但是随着社会政治、经济的发展,这种命运共同体已经变成一种利益共同体。尤其在现代社会中,宗族势力已成为社会发展的一种不稳定因素,在一些地区它不仅为自己谋取经济上的利益,甚至直接干预农村基层政权的选举。在建设社会主义新农村的过程中,既不能无限地夸大它的影响,也不能忽视它的负面作用。要在正面引导的基础上,通过法律手段尽量压缩其活动空间,使其转化为和谐社会建设中的积极因素。  相似文献   
明清时期,宗法宗族制度对妇女婚姻生活的消极作用比较大,主要在婚前剥夺女子受教育权利;婚约的缔结主要从宗族利益考虑;婚后生活受到夫权、族权的严格控制;强迫妇女守节等方面有所表现.积极作用主要表现为提倡男婚女嫁轻钱财,重人品;反对索取重聘厚奁,嫌贫易富,操办奢靡,讲求排场等陋俗;严禁溺杀女婴.  相似文献   
“保护母亲河行动”意义探略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“保护母亲河行动”作为一项社会性公益活动 ,其意义不仅在于保护和改善生态环境 ,而且还在于在青少年中倡导和培养环境意识和可持续发展意识 ,激发民族凝聚力。其生态意义和社会意义都是巨大的  相似文献   
Legal context: When Congress enacted the Federal Trademark Dilution Act in1996, it intended to create a uniform federal cause of actionfor trade mark dilution. Unfortunately, the statutory languageselected by Congress created certain ambiguities, includinghow famous a trade mark had to be to merit dilution protectionunder the statute. Confusion developed as to whether a markmerely needed renown in a limited geographic area or industry—aconcept that became known as ‘niche fame’—orwhether it needed national renown to qualify as a ‘famousmark’. Key points: In 2006, Congress enacted the Trademark Dilution Revision Actand therein provided a concrete definition for a famous markthat ostensibly removed the ability to qualify for dilutionrelief where the mark was famous only within a particular niche.It was uncertain how courts that had previously favoured theniche fame theory would apply Congress's new definition. However,a district court in the Ninth Circuit, one of the strongestproponents of niche fame, recently held that niche fame is nolonger a viable theory under the Lanham Act or California statelaw as a result of the 2006 amendment. Practical significance: This decision portends that courts will fall in line with Congress'samendment and will deny dilution relief under federal law toparties whose marks are famous only in a particular geographicarea or industry. Additionally, the decision provides some guidanceand predictability as to how states may interpret the viabilityof niche fame under their respective dilution statutes in lightof Congress's 2006 amendment.  相似文献   
陈炎  张艳华 《思想战线》2004,30(2):41-46
"亚细亚生产方式"的特殊性质,使得华夏先民在进入文明社会的过程中完好地保存了氏族社会遗传下来的家族血缘关系。这种关系在后来的中国文化中,至少起到了三个方面的作用:在政治制度上,"国"即为放大了的"家","君君臣臣"即为放大了的"父父子子",这种状况容易巩固超稳定的封建社会秩序,但却很难建立起有利于民主政体的公民社会;在行为准则上,"仁爱"代替了"博爱","礼教"代替了"法权",这种状况容易形成社会成员的自我约束力和社会群体的自我凝聚力,但却很难建立起有利于商品生产的契约关系;在信仰方式上,"人人关系"代替了"人神关系","宗法文化"代替了"宗教文化",这种状况容易造成复杂的人际纠葛,但却很难陷入非理性的宗教迷狂。  相似文献   
企业名牌战略心理透视   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业实施名牌战略已成为我国发展经济的重大战略。许多企业已经认识到名牌在企业经营活动中的重要性。认识到名牌就是市场,名牌就是财富。  相似文献   
帝制中国的治安权威包括国家治安权威与非国家治安权威两大类,宗族作为非国家治安权威发挥了一定的作用。宗族具备了作为治安权威所必须具备的约束力,在族中享有大小事务的裁决权,握有生杀予夺大权,具备强制力。  相似文献   
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