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王小钢 《河北法学》2007,25(1):6-10
乌尔里希·贝克的风险社会理论是一种重视制度面向的社会学批判理论,其认识论基础是反思的现实主义,其理论预设是等级秩序的存在.中国以一种特殊的方式开始进入风险社会.风险社会理论透视出中国在现代化反思能力、法律系统、科学理性和社会理性的互动、环境法基本原则方面存在一些问题.  相似文献   
从先秦到汉唐,杨柳在北方的分布十分普遍,其文化表现也以北方为主.中晚唐以来,杨柳意象则明显南方化,逐步成为江南风景和文化的典型象征.这一历史转变与北方地区生态环境的整体衰退,社会经济、文化重心的南北转移,杨柳自身的品种结构变化密切相关.作为江南意象的杨柳,包含着物华饶美、水乡清柔、风俗奢乐等多重象征意蕴.  相似文献   
曾代伟 《现代法学》2003,25(5):170-176
本文试以12-13世纪中国北方游牧文明对中原农耕文明的又一波撞击中,女真习惯法文化与中原儒家法文化双向流动、融汇而成的多元一体的金法文化为例,说明中国传统法律文化荟萃各民族法律文化之精华,兼收并蓄,广采博取,取精用宏,才铸就了自身独特的法律品格;而作为中国传统法律文化的典型代表,中华法系的形成也经历了从分散的多元结合成一体的历史过程;中华法系是以汉族为主体的各民族法律意识、法律原则和法律制度长期交流、融合的产物。  相似文献   
社会主义政治文明概念的提出,使人们获得了研究社会主义文明发展的新视点,这就是文化的视点、文化和文明发展的历史视点。要正确认识政治文明发展中的文化继承和超越、拒绝和借鉴问题以及文化发展中同一性与差异性的关系,从而。适应时代要求,推进政治文化创新。在中国,社会主义政治文明建设的关键是中国共产党在政治思想和政治理论上的创新,是党能否把政治思想和政治理论创新的成果转化成制度创新的实践。  相似文献   
张永 《金陵法律评论》2003,4(4):111-117
20世纪30年代“四川作家群”乡土小说具有鲜明的民俗学价值取向。沙汀乡土作品的民俗学意蕴主要体现在人物的刻画和环境的营造方面;民俗学对艾芜的影响不仅表现在作家主体行为的选择上,而且对本的创作也存在明显的制导作用;李劼人的小说则呈现出非常突出的地方志倾向。他们的乡土小说创作对纠正“左翼”小说的概念化、公式化倾向起了很好的作用。  相似文献   
RHYS HESTER 《犯罪学》2017,55(1):205-235
Courts as communities theory emphasizes the sentencing differences that can arise between localities within a single state. The results of published studies have highlighted how local differences emerge based on informal sociological and political processes defined by the communities perspective. The findings from recent quantitative studies from South Carolina have revealed notably less county variation in sentencing than has been observed elsewhere. I use qualitative interviews with 13 South Carolina trial judges to investigate sentencing processes and to shed light on these findings. The interviews explore the state's legal structure and culture, including the practice of circuit rotation in which judges travel among counties holding court. The results suggest rotation serves as a centripetal force of sentencing culture, homogenizing what might otherwise be a more varied collection of county‐specific norms. Rotation leads to increased uniformity through judge shopping and the cross‐pollination of ideas and norms. Defendants can strategically judge shop and plead in front of a lenient judge—a process that gives rise to the term “plea judge,” which is a label for the most lenient judges who sentence a large number of defendants. Rotation also increases the interactions among judges and prosecutors, expanding networks and grapevines, and leading to cross‐pollination and the sharing of ideas.  相似文献   

While the use of active learning exercises and the incorporation of popular culture in the classroom have increased in recent years, the study of potential gendered effects on learning and engagement when it comes to these practices has been limited. In this study, data are collected from international politics courses using a zombie outbreak as the theme for a United Nations simulation to explore whether there are unintentional gendered outcomes from these activities. Contrary to expectations of previous literature, no statistical differences manifest between men and women in enjoyment and learning when using zombie themes in active learning.  相似文献   
The creative industries concept or term continues to attract attention in both developed and developing economies worldwide. However, it is not universally applied, with other terms such as cultural industries, arts and culture, copyright industries, or the experience economy used in various global locations. There is also ongoing debate and critique in relation to the creative industries concept, given that it emphasises employment and wealth creation and gathers together a range of disparate disciplines. This article explores these issues via interviews with twenty-two key leaders representing fifteen different industry organisations, advocacy groups, and government funding bodies in the Australian creative industries sector. The findings reveal only a moderate level of understanding and application of the creative industries concept, with a range of views on its relevance and utility for those working in the sector. In addition, the findings propose that there is significant potential and need for the sector to work towards a stronger advocacy position and profile within the broader economy. However, this represents a major challenge for the creative industries sector, given the existing vertical and horizontal power structures within this complex and diverse area of the economy.  相似文献   
从明代滇、黔移民特点比较看贵州屯堡文化形成的原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对贵州屯堡文化的研究,近年来硕果累累。本文通过明代滇、黔移民特点的比较,从不同的视野和角度对屯堡人及其文化形成的原因作出新的探讨和补充。  相似文献   
少数民族传统法文化是中华法系的重要组成部分,它具有悠久的历史,而且许多好的传统至今还存活并发挥着重要作用,我们应该诊视、保护、开发和利用。这对西部法治建设、建设社会主义新农村意义极大。  相似文献   
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