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After the Second World War, some Japanese writers began to turn their writing focus to the War itself by referring to the literature and doing field studies. A rising number of realistic works, the so called “war scar literature” were then created focusing on war scenes, individual soldiers and social trends. One of the shared features of figures in these works was their real war experiences. Some figures, however, were presented too high profile, e.g, Tadashi Iki in Fumō Chitai. In such case, the literacy imagination tended to cover historical authenticity, which reflects a lack of complete and objective understanding of hurts brought about by the war. It may mislead the readers by forming a directed sense of nationalism. In this regard, literacy criticism is therefore necessary to help Japanese people to understand and reflect over the history.  相似文献   
晚清是中国从传统向现代嬗变的转型期.这个时代的一个突出特点,是为了救亡图存、振兴中华,中国人开始大规模地向西方学习.于是,西学大量涌入中国,西方的影响笼罩中国.在这种背景下,清末的小说批评同样深受西学及其在中国形成的各种社会思潮的影响.清末许多人自觉或不自觉地运用来自西方的新的思想观念和思想方法,来解读中国的传统小说,正是这种影响的表征.  相似文献   
What distinguishes the global novel from other kinds of boundary-crossing narrative? And why are there so few examples of this genre from South Africa, a country of such salient worldwide interest? This essay reads Mark Behr’s 2009 novel Kings of the Water as a conflicted attempt to globalize South African literature, specifically the farm novel or plaasroman. In contrasting the complexity of the work’s South African setting with its under-developed representation of San Francisco, it traces Behr’s problematic relation to conventional thinking on global émigré fiction. The essay concludes that Kings of the Water is a timely case study in the ethical challenges of locational fixation, one that through its narrative configuration questions the dominance of the transnational paradigm.  相似文献   
汉代俗赋与中国古代小说发生研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<神乌赋>的出土让学界注意到汉代俗赋文体的存在.<韩朋赋>残简是其佐证,汉代大量说书俑的出土是其旁证.由此推想,汉代文献中有一些夹杂韵体的故事应该也是对俗赋的记录.这些俗赋讲诵虚拟故事,演绎历史传说,具有一定的小说特征,在中国古代小说发生研究中,也应居于一席之地.  相似文献   
侦破题材小说是我国公安题材文学中最具特色的种类之一.侦破小说给予读者的审美感受不仅是对由侦破与反侦破形成的强情节的欣赏,还要借助于侦破小说强情节的特点,引导读者去关注蕴涵于强情节中的社会人生内容.因此,侦破小说不能仅仅局限于侦破犯罪案件中的表层事实叙述,应该深入进去并扩展开来,折射出社会的某些本质方面,通过侦破犯罪案件这一故事载体,尽可能反映出社会人生的复杂性和丰富性,从而使小说具有一种发人深省、振聋发聩、撼人心魄的力量.  相似文献   
论苏曼殊小说的悲剧意识及其形成原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏曼殊小说所描写的都是爱情悲剧,带有明显的主观抒情色彩和自传性质,充满着强烈的悲剧意识。这种悲剧意识既出于佛教观念和情爱追求的矛盾纠缠,更是根源于作家对现实世界的失望而认定人生本苦的生命意识。  相似文献   
This article analyses how three Mexican novels, published between 1971 and 1999, respond to the effects of political violence on national identity. It focuses particularly on fictional representations of state-sponsored, politically motivated murder and on how survivors negotiate a social space forever changed by unsolved crimes. The article concludes that an important consequence of political violence is that it undermines the validity of systems of representation that once seemed capable of portraying the national community. Each of the three novels interpreted here adopts a different stance regarding literary language's relationship to its ever-changing sociopolitical contexts.  相似文献   
王朔及其小说创作已经成为20世纪后20年当代中国重要的文学现象和文化现象.他不仅开创了中国小说商业化写作的先河,而且成为中国小说后现代实践的第一人.王朔小说具有全球化的后现代主义文化哲学的典型表征.他的作品在对一切既定秩序和准则的亵渎嘲弄中颠覆解构了权利中心的合法性、知识真理的永恒性和理性价值的终极性,体现出审美意义深度模式削平后的"平面感"以及历史意识消失后时间非连续性的"断裂感",呈现出放弃对精神价值、正义真理和终极关怀的形而上追求的"内在性"以及现代主义神性消逝后人自身所凸显出的"卑琐性".因此在后现代文化理论话语系统的观照中,王朔及其小说创作无疑为当代中国文学拓展了新的写作向度,做出了独特的贡献.  相似文献   
西学东渐与晚清小说读者的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在近代西学东渐的历史大环境中,晚清小说不仅在向近代转型的士大夫中广泛传播,并拥有一个新的壮观的读者群体———由近代新式学堂培养出来或通过出国留学而形成的新型知识分子。而“小说界革命”以开启民智的宗旨,使之自觉地将读者定位于下层市民,小说开始真正地在广大下层市民中传播开来。因此,晚清小说读者的构成成分已发生明显变化,队伍不断壮大。而这些读者群的知识结构也已经不同程度地受到了当时传入的西学影响。  相似文献   
黄晖 《思想战线》2007,33(5):55-60
雅俗论争,是中国现代小说史的中心话题之一。在中国现代历史特定时期的文化氛围及文学思潮影响下,小说"雅"与"俗"的内涵在论争中动态变化,或二元对立,或相互兼容,造成雅俗小说的交替崛起,成为现代小说品格衍生成长的重要动力,导引着中国现代小说的形态演变、发展,逐步走向大众化的境界。  相似文献   
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