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我国证券市场退出机制难产的主要原因在于 :一是观念上的逻辑错误导致对市场的定位错误 ,二是参与市场的各方主体对自身利益的维护导致了退出机制的难产。必然产生许多深层次的问题 :一是退市标准问题 ;二是退市渠道问题 ;三是公司治理结构问题。这些问题的解决 ,还需依赖观念转变。  相似文献   
1997年刑法新增加了挪用资金罪的罪名。司法实务和理论界对于私营企业主能否构成挪用资金罪,受委托管理、经营国有资产的非国家工作人员挪用资金行为如何认定,挪用资金罪的数额计算,以及挪用资金罪中共同犯罪的认定等问题,都存有较大争议。弄清这些问题,可为正确适用法律提供帮助。  相似文献   
由于环境损害为特殊侵权行为,各国一般无论在法律或实践中都将环境损害归结为严格责任,跨界环境损害归责原则也是如此。从法理分析,严格责任的承担基础是公平的分配损失,即应从国家本位向国际社会本位理念转变,以国际社会整体价值及国际民商事秩序的构建为导向来分配责任。且出于平衡受害人、加害人、环境等保护以及国际贸易发展关系的考虑,在重大危险活动中如环境损害领域嵌入责任保险制度,实属必要。从现实来看,相较于污染者而言,受害人往往是农民、工人等社会弱势群体,且加害人是在明知的情况下从事高度危险活动,因此为谋求经济利益而造成高度风险者必须承担起控制此项活动任何有害后果的责任,这符合风险与收益并存原理以及公平原则。  相似文献   
殷洁  李静 《北方法学》2013,(2):83-88
证券投资基金所持股份之表决权理应由基金管理人代表基金份额持有人自由行使,但由于证券投资基金持股数额一般较大,且该表决权的行使具有权义复合性和双重共益性,故基金管理人在行使基金持股之表决权时应尽忠实、勤勉义务。建议我国立法对基金持股之表决权进行一定的规制,以维护基金份额持有人的利益,并更好地发挥基金作为机构投资者在股份公司治理中的作用。  相似文献   
现阶段,精准识别村干部挪用公款的现实样态,是有效治理村级腐败的重要前提。为此,运用内容分析、统计分析和案例解剖等方法,对中国裁判文书网中的村干部挪用公款犯罪案件展开法律社会学研究就显得十分必要。通过考察村干部挪用公款的两大核心犯罪要件发现,在目的用途上,以营利活动型案件和超期未还型案件为主,非法活动型案件较为少见;在具体对象与类别上,以征地补偿资金案件和扶贫等特定款物资金案件为主。另外,社会保险资金、农林业补贴资金、基建项目专项资金也会被村干部挪用。针对村级腐败尤其是村干部挪用公款问题,须以上述样态特征为基础对症下药。  相似文献   
把以低工资制为基础的住房实物福利分配供应制度改变成为住房商品化分配供应制度,是住房制度改革的主要内容之一。住房制度改革的实质是利益分配,住房改革制度本身以及执行过程中的偏差,尤其是经济适用房政策的异化,均产生改革利益非公平分享的社会问题。严格执行经济适用房的政策与基本规则,对违规的经济适用房和集资房进行全面清理,由政府直接修建并提供保障性住房,建立保障性住房信息公开制度,区分不同类别的住房有的放矢地开征物业税,是缓解住房改革利益非公平分享问题的良方。  相似文献   
Truants have been dealt with by state and school officials with heedlessness, suspension, expulsion, and placement under the power of the courts. One problem faced in decreasing truancy is its lack of a common definition. Statistics show high rates of truancy with kids who subsequently drop out of school and there is a strong correlation between drop-out and unemployment, welfare, low salary, and imprisonment. The juvenile justice system does not reach the root of the truant's individual problems or adequately attempt to solve or assist the child and family in its goal to develop constructive and autonomous individuals.
Mediation is an alternative to a punishment-oriented approach to truancy. Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party helps participants reach their own agreement for resolving a dispute. Mediation is adaptable to the many different causes of truancy and can provide multiple benefits to truants and their families. The Ohio Commission On Dispute Resolution & Conflict Management has the most accomplished and consistently progressing truancy mediation program in the nation.
Critics of mediation have scrutinized the process for not placing enough emphasis on mediation's major elements, such as premediation instruction, exploitation of the informality of the process, and a lack of funding, which may render mediation weak and inefficient. Maintaining and emphasizing particular elements will benefit jurisdictions in their utilization of the process.  相似文献   
政党的经费,是政党赖以生存和发展的基础。民国初期政党的经费筹集主要有三种来源:一是党员交纳的入门费;二是党员的常年捐;三是特别捐。由于经费来源根本无法满足政党的正常运作,所以,大部分政党不得不因为经费问题而改变自己的政治立场,并由此造成了政党政治的扭曲变异,这也是政党政治破产的重要原因。  相似文献   
Child abuse is addressed through a complicated design of federal, state, and local funds. Congress approved a new round of waivers permitting states to flexibly use funds, otherwise limited to foster care reimbursement, for other child welfare needs. Conducted in Ohio, this longitudinal study examined flexible funds from child welfare directors’ perspectives, including key informant interviews, a survey, and semi-structured interviews. Directors noted that improved discretion results in better child health outcomes and better community partnerships; community partnerships are essential to promoting the health and safety of vulnerable children; and federal child welfare success measures do not reflect directors’ perceptions of success.  相似文献   
Given the unprecedented scale of intergovernmental development funding and the importance of institutional quality for human well‐being, it is imperative to precisely understand the impact of development funds on corruption. In Europe, European Union (EU) Funds provide a boost to public spending in recipient member states while introducing additional corruption controls. We investigate whether EU Funds increase high‐level corruption in the Czech Republic and Hungary in 2009–2012. We analyze newly collected data from over 100,000 public procurement contracts to develop objective corruption risk indicators and link them to agency level data in the public sector. Propensity score matching estimations suggest that EU funds increase corruption risk by up to 34 percent. The negative effects are largely attributable to overly formalistic compliance and EU Funds overriding domestic accountability mechanisms in public organizations entirely dependent on external funds. The policy implications are profound: governments should reduce barriers to market entry by lowering red tape and prevent excessive concentration of funds.  相似文献   
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