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Research has shown that voting in European elections is affected by domestic politics. However, in the last years, and particularly after the European debt crisis, also the EU has gained relevance and salience in national politics. In this paper we address the Europeanization of national elections and assess to what extent the characteristics of countries condition the intensity of EU issue voting. Using data from the European Election Studies and the Comparative Manifestos Project, our results demonstrate the importance of congruence between citizens' and parties’ positions on the EU for the individual vote on the national level and show how this varies across countries. We provide evidence that EU issue voting is more intense in countries with more political influence in the EU as well as in countries that are net contributors to EU funds.  相似文献   
Gambling is not a new phenomenon. Indeed gambling has been seen to be omnipresent throughout history and culture. However gambling has taken a new path. Online gambling is fast becoming a major pastime for many of society. The ease of access and convenience of play has led to an increase in the numbers of people gambling, and not just online. Within the increase of online gambling there has also been an increase in the regulation surrounding this industry. This paper explores the regulatory approach to online gambling within the UK. The researchers explore the Gambling Act 2005 (UK) and provide an empirical analysis of the UK major gambling organisation to determine what regulatory aspects they adopt and what safety measures they have in place to protect minors and to protect against financial crime. The researchers finally looks at policy implications for UK governments when regulating future online gambling.  相似文献   
由于网络赌博具有组织体系严密、技术含量高、涉赌行为手法隐蔽、调查取证难等诸多特征,所以公安机关应针对网络赌博活动的一般特征及不同类型的网络赌博活动,采取切实可行的网络赌博犯罪案件侦查模式,包括:树立侦查办案中的战略意识,实现公安机关内部警力资源的综合运用,科学把握抓捕时机,确保一网打尽,依法勘查网络赌博活动案件现场,及时固定电子证据,启用分组取证模式,及时与检察院、法院沟通,形成打击网络赌博的合力等。  相似文献   
基于经久不衰的“赌赛”风气,《西游记》善于将各种争强好胜的预测打赌与武力打斗以及心智斗法等游戏性较量纳入“赌赛”命题加以叙述。在这些“赌赛”叙事中,孙悟空与各路神仙、妖魔不是为了赢钱争物,而是以“赌输赢”“决胜负”为意。小说既借预测结果的“赌赛”叙述增强小说文本的悬疑性;又借武斗竞技“赌赛”叙述满足读者寻求惊险刺激的审美心理。各种“赌赛”叙事还将争强好胜的“心魔”蕴含其中,既使得神魔小说饱含世俗性,又有效地服务于“游戏中暗传密谛”创作主旨。从“赌赛”叙事维度看,《西游记》是一部“游戏”小说,蕴含着悬疑、惊险以及庄谐交织等多元审美意趣。  相似文献   
乡镇债务问题,是我国社会转型、经济转轨时期出现的一个特殊现象,也是目前振兴东北进程中必须要正视的一个现实问题。日益严重的乡镇债务,已经成为东北振兴进程中不可逾越的重要障碍。东北地区乡镇债务问题的产生源于乡镇支出规模的压缩存在限度、乡镇收入的增长空间不够充足、乡镇体制框架的制约、债务偿还制度与动力的缺失等。要解决乡镇债务问题,必须采取近期操作性对策和长期根本性路径的有机结合的方式。  相似文献   
夫妻共同债务认定的司法乱象丛生,在于财产契约属性的民商事规则取代共同生活的婚姻纠纷考量规则的价值取向偏差,突破了合同相对性而过度保护债权,亟待以夫妻共同债务认定标准的中西法传统比较为镜鉴,正本溯源。夫妻共同债务中所借债务为了婚姻关系符合伦理和法理正当目的的属性不同,由此形成特色迥异的认定原则。我国同居共财的吸收原则,迥异于罗马法基于意识自治的分离原则,相互交汇于共同生活的统摄原则。吸收原则很难内生性进化发展,但有利于婚姻关系共同体的稳定,而分离原则易于矫枉过正,治理成本极大,却尊重个人独立。故惟有以致中和的夫妻债务认定理念来构建防范债权风险的制度,并落实在救济弱者的司法裁量中,方能解决夫妻共同债务认定标准的根源问题。  相似文献   
In general, the analysis of classes in the literature on South Africa beginsfrom the political and ideological levels and not from the concept of the mode of production. The effect of this is to obscure the nature of the class structure and changes in it and leads to a neglect of shifts in class alliances in the class struggle. In this paper, concepts of the ‘white working class’ commonly found in the literature are critically analysed and an alternative conceptualization which begins from the mode of production is outlined. The paper ends with a brief analysis of changes in the relationship between the white working class and the state.  相似文献   
刑法将为索取债务而非法拘禁他人的行为定为非法拘禁罪,理论上称之为索债型非法拘禁罪。但刑法在此罪构成方面,对某些内容并未明确界定,导致在司法实践和理论中颇有争议。应着眼于索债性非法拘禁罪的主客观方面,重思本罪的立法价值和理念,探析其合理内涵。将本罪定为绑架罪并附以较轻的法定刑,在罪名上体现出法律对行为人行为更为强烈的否定性评价,在刑罚设置上又兼顾犯罪人的人身危险性和再犯可能性因素。  相似文献   
部分高校债台高筑,究其原因,大多是在寻亲发展过程中资金短缺造成的.既要发展,又要还债,加之沉重的利息负担,无法自救.高校这一财务风险,应该从内部和外部两个方面入手,对内加强财务管理,开源节流;对外争取财政大力支持,吸收社会捐助,置换土地等等.  相似文献   
Policymakers and other interested stakeholders currently are seeking information about the comparative effectiveness of different regulatory approaches to minimising gambling-related harm. This study responds to this research gap by exploring associations between gambling policies and disordered gambling prevalence rates. We gathered information about gambling policies for thirty European jurisdictions and past-year prevalence rates for disordered gambling for twelve of these jurisdictions. We present policy trends and prevalence rates and then describe the level of association between policy and prevalence. We observe one statistically significant association between policy and prevalence: rates of sub-clinical (i.e., Level 2) disordered gambling were higher within environments that mandated less strict regulation of advertising for online gambling. Finally, we discuss the implications of our research in the context of the current process regarding the pan-European regulation of gambling. Our findings do not offer evidence for certain assumptions made in the past by the European judiciary.  相似文献   
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