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党存红  许佩宁 《行政与法》2012,(12):113-117
我国高等教育管理法律规范体系主要指《中华人民共和国教育法》、《中华人民共和国高等教育法》等法律法规中调整高校与学生之间关系所涉及的高校的法律地位、高校的主要权利和义务、学生的主要权利和义务、学生权利的救济等方面内容的法律规范的总和。本文通过解读并分析其主要内容,探讨了我国高等教育管理法律规范体系在内容和形式方面的立法缺陷,提出了相应的完善对策,以期有利于保障高校依法治校。  相似文献   
This article discusses an extension to the Thomas–Kilmann conflict mode instrument (Thomas and Kilmann 1977) designed specifically for conflict situations in which strong negative emotional relationships are at play. The Thomas–Kilmann (TK) model is widely used to help participants (disputants and mediators) identify how two basic conflict characteristics interact to influence how stakeholders shape their actions with regard to their interests. Essentially the TK Model is built on the premise that the two salient conflict variables are the relative importance of the relationships at hand and the substantive issues being discussed. These variables are illustrated with a simple matrix that shows how each party will interact with the other based on the relative importance it places on these variables. Graphically illustrating where the behaviors fall on the matrix can explicate parties' behaviors to add a new perspective that may change the dynamic of the conflict. But the TK Model does not address scenarios in which individuals have very negative or destructive relationships, and sabotage, blocking, and exclusion are behavioral norms. Hence, we developed the Baumoel–Trippe (BT) Extension to the TK Model to address the highly negative and often identity‐based conflicts that are often found in the world of family business. Accordingly, the BT Extension to the TK Model explores conflicts in which the relationships are not merely unimportant or uncooperative, but where they become negative to downright vengeful. There is so much at stake for family business stakeholders that the family relationships may become so adversarial that the very business and family harmony all parties value are at risk. With our extension of the TK Model, we seek to provide insight into how decisions might be made when stakeholders are in highly negative, conflictual relationships.  相似文献   
Different from the perspective of traditional national security, human securityis an essential component of non-traditional security. Human security is influenced bymulti-dimensional factors. Human security will be threatened if one or more of thesedimensional factors get twisted. Such threats, once accumulated to a certain level, maytrigger a confl ict. While some factors may have a low correlation with confl ict, some otherfactors may have a multiplying effect in triggering the confl ict. Further, confl ict may betriggered by a single factor or multiple factors. Poor governance may lead to escalationof confl icts. Deep understanding of triggering effects and their correlation with confl ictsis essential to addressing the root causes and the management of conflicts effectively.Concepts of human security, state responsibility of protection and neo-interventionismhave been developed in succession. Though the people-centered security framework drawsglobal attention, it should be recognized that there is no international consensus on anoptimal type of governance. However, according to the Charter of the United Nations, theprimary responsibilities of human security protection should be rested on the governmentof a state. The principle of sovereignty remains the fundamental principle of internationalrelations, which should be the guiding principle for addressing human security issues.  相似文献   
国际货币体系是全球金融安全机制构建的制度基础,从国际货币体系改革分析其与全球金融安全机制构建之间的关联性具有重要的政策含义。国际货币体系改革与全球金融安全网构建具有内在的逻辑关联。国际货币体系风险处置和危机应对功能使得全球金融稳定和安全具有了基础保障;国际货币体系对于流动性管理的重视和全球流动性管理机制建设有利于保持全球流动性的稳定;国际汇率协调有利于国际收支失衡改善和汇率基本稳定;国际货币体系改革还争取通过机制安排来弱化货币中心国的政策外溢效应;国际货币体系的治理结构改革是全球金融安全体系的基础保障之一。但是,国际货币体系改革与全球金融安全机制构建面临着诸如国际货币体系安全的内生矛盾、全球金融安全体系短板、全球与区域金融安全网络的迭代以及改革泛政治化等问题。基于国际货币体系与全球金融安全的内在关联,应在促进布雷顿森林机构的改革、构建全球金融安全网、建立流动性管理机制、推进超主权货币建设、深化区域货币合作五个方面,推进全球金融安全体系的建设,保障全球金融稳定。  相似文献   
从本质上说,金融业是一种“信息密集性”或“信息敏感性”产业,对于金融全球化而言,信息技术进步具有特殊重要的意义。在信息科技革命引领和推动下,互联网与金融业相互融合,掀起了人类历史上第二次大规模的金融全球化浪潮。当代金融全球化迅猛发展对国际金融安全产生了重大而深远的影响,新一轮大规模金融全球化、国际金融体系的巨大变化以及由此而形成的新的国际金融格局与既有的全球金融治理框架之间的均衡逐渐被打破,既有的全球金融治理框架越来越难以适应信息科技革命条件下金融全球化发展和维护国际金融安全的要求。为更好地适应当代金融全球化条件下建立新的国际金融公共秩序,更好地维护国际金融安全的需要,以2008年全球金融危机爆发为契机,国际社会揭开了全球金融治理改革的大幕。在国际金融体系和全球金融治理框架处于大变动和寻求新均衡的背景下,中国应抓住有利时机,以更加积极、主动的姿态参与和推动全球金融治理改革,坚持命运共同体理念,遵循责任、权力相一致和平衡的原则,倡导在全球金融治理中加强互联网的运用,为维护国际金融安全做出更大贡献。  相似文献   
中古时期中原王朝或河西地方政权皆认识到西域的重要性,都根据自身的实力和条件或迟或早经营西域,这既是争正统的需要,也是实际利益的需要.中原王朝和地方政权都采取恩威并用的方式经营西域,具体做法是:经济上优惠、政治上拉拢、文化上宽容、军事上镇压.中原王朝和地方政权大多还在西域条件较成熟的地方建立郡县,以此作为经营西域的牢固的根据地.而中原政权不稳定,或统治者的认识局限性或错误决策,都影响了西域的稳定与治理.  相似文献   
社会管理创新与行政法的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会管理创新要求我国传统行政法主体、原则、理念、体系和价值目标等都要做出相应的变革,以适应社会管理法治化的需要。回应社会管理创新要求,本文提出构建与社会管理创新相适应的现代行政法的建议。  相似文献   
城市街道管理体制的改革与实践是城市基层政府治理和社会管理创新的重要举措.面对街道管理法律定位不明确、职能超载、职权有限、自身管理失灵等问题,广州市荔湾区政府以"一队伍三中心"为载体,重建街道办事处管理架构,规范编外人员管理,推进政府购买服务和网格化管理,进一步明确了区、街道、居委会等治理主体的责权,积累了宝贵的经验.但街道办事处在职能转变、改革的法律依据、公共服务供给、管理机制及社区自我治理等方面仍存在着诸多问题,需进一步并加以解决.  相似文献   
Sexual violence is an insidious and pervasive problem that insinuates itself into all aspects of contemporary society. It can neither be mitigated nor adequately controlled through current socio-legal practices. A more promising approach must embrace four integrated elements: (1) public policy, (2) primary prevention, (3) statutory management, and (3) secondary intervention. In the present paper we tackle the 3rd and 4th elements by proposing an integrated model for reducing and managing sexual violence among known sex offenders. Relying on the highly effective Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) model as the core of our Sex Offender Risk Mitigation and Management Model (SORM3), we draw together evidence based practices from clinical interventions and risk assessment strategies. Developed by Andrews & Bonta (2006), RNR has a strong empirical track record of efficacy when applied to diverse samples of offenders, including sex offenders (Hanson, Bourgon, Helmus, & Hodgson, 2009). We offer a detailed structural model that seeks to provide a more seamless integration of risk assessment with management and discretionary decisions, including a primary focus on RNR-based post-release aftercare. We end with the mantra that sex offender treatment alone will never effectively mitigate sexual violence in society, since the problem is not confined to the handful of offenders who spend time in prison and are offered some limited exposure to treatment. Any truly effective model must go well beyond the management of those known to be violent and embrace a comprehensive and integrated approach that begins by recognizing the seeds of sexual violence sown by society. Such a public health paradigm places victims - not offenders - at the center, forcing society to come to address the full gamut of hazards that fuel sexual violence.  相似文献   
从国际气候谈判看中国低碳经济转型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自2003年英国率先提出"低碳经济"之后,低碳经济很快风靡全球。不论是发达国家还是发展中国家,都纷纷提出要发展低碳经济。但是低碳经济究竟是何物?如何对其界定,本身就是一个急需解决的问题。作为最大的发展中国家,中国越来越成为国际气候谈判的风口浪尖。发展低碳经济既是中国应对气候变化,履行国际承诺的必然选择;又是调整经济结构,建设新型工业国家的重要战略契机。  相似文献   
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