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This paper examines some of the issues and debates surrounding the voting and non‐voting of the UK electorate. It attempts to compare and contrast voter behaviour from both a political science perspective and a consumer buying behaviour perspective. In particular, the paper details the output of primary research into non‐voter behaviour and attempts to cluster these motivations and rationales into psychographic segments of non‐voting behaviour. Issues such as alignment and dealignment, social and inherited values are debated in detail, with particular attention being paid to party identification, issue voting and social determinant theory. The paper both challenges and supports previously presented arguments regarding political issues and voting. In addition, electoral turnout and voter participation are analysed and the consequences for democracy discussed. Copyright © 2003 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   
邓小平是中国改革开放的总设计师,也是新时期党的对台方略的伟大“创造者”。在新的历史时期,邓小平断然放弃了“解放台湾”的提法,首创了实现海峡两岸和平统一、“一国两制”的基本方略。这一方略包括了坚持一个中国的基本原则,认为“中国解决所有问题的关键是要靠自己的发展”的观点。同时强调解决台湾问题,是中国人自己的事情,寄希望于台湾当局,更寄希望于台湾人民。邓小平的这一战略构想,具有重要的历史地位:既有长远的理论指导意义,也有强烈的现实针对性。  相似文献   
强化检察机关侦查监督工作研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侦查监督是检察机关法律监督职能的重要组成部分。强化侦查监督工作需要深入进行策略研究。要通过建立行政执法与刑事执法相衔接的工作机制,强化对不该立案而立案的监督和对立案后的跟踪监督,强化立案监督工作;通过树立人权保障意识,正确认识和适用逮捕措施,逐步减少逮捕的适用,强化审查逮捕工作;通过综合运用法定的监督手段、严格审批侦查羁押期限的延长、严格排除非法证据等强化对侦查活动的监督。  相似文献   
乔生 《河北法学》2005,23(5):29-33
作品在网络上传播属于一种什么样的权利,权利所有人如何控制这种传播并由此而获得一定的经济利益?这是国际社会纷争多年并未能在各国实践中得以完全统一与解决的问题。我国加入WTO前夕修改颁布的《著作权法》创设"信息网络传播权"的立法取向,比"网下复制权、发行权向网上延伸"及"向公众传播权"、"向公众提供权"提法准确明朗与更具价值,但我国对信息网络传播的定义及技术措施的规定则尚存犹豫与问题。  相似文献   
Drawing from the concepts of optimal foraging theory, this paper presents and tests the assumptions of a foraging theory of police behavior during hot spots patrols. The theory explains why, over time, officers involved in hot spots policing interventions would leave the hot spots they are assigned to police and begin working within other locations. We test what factors influence the amounts of activity that officers undertake outside of their assigned hot spots and at nearby streets using data gathered as part of the Philadelphia Foot Patrol Experiment. Officers performed more activity outside of their beats as the experiment progressed. Several theoretically relevant variables predict the level of activity that officers perform outside their beats, including the size of the target area and the amounts of crime occurring within and outside of the target area. “Dosage diffusion” might be one reason why hot spot interventions have diminishing effects over time. From an optimal foraging theory perspective, hot spots requiring police officers to constrain their actions to pre-defined areas can be perceived as counter-intuitive by the officers, especially over extended periods of time. The results of this study support the suggestion that hot spots patrols should be short-term and randomly rotated across hot spots.  相似文献   
维护南海尤其是马六甲海峡的海上航道安全,对全球国际贸易运输具有十分重要的意义,中国的贸易和石油安全很大程度上取决于南海航道的安全。南海航道并不太平,海盗袭击在南海航道上时有发生,海上恐怖主义也有可能将其触手伸向马六甲海峡上行驶的过往船舶,如何维护南海航道的安全对周边国家和世界贸易具有特殊的意义。在打击海盗等破坏航运安全犯罪活动中,国际法律机制还存在诸多不足,海盗罪在联合国海洋法公约中规定的范围过于狭窄,一些周边国家还没有签署《制止危及海上航行安全非法行为公约》,《亚洲地区反海盗及武装劫船合作协定》的合作机制也有进一步深化的必要。在未来的法律机制创建中,有必要进一步扩大海盗罪的范围,破除联合护航中的法律障碍,方便各国行使紧追权,并加强船舶追回的合作,以维护中国和周边国家的航运安全。  相似文献   
清雍正三年秋,在湘鄂西容美土司与长阳县交界地区,发生了大规模的汉土田地权属之争,当事各方通过会勘、协商,最终妥善解决了争议,并在争议地带建立起两座形制内容完全相同的"汉土疆界碑",创立了通过协商机制解决区域性民族纠纷的范例。汉土疆界碑铭文典型地反映了清初改土归流前夕,渝湘鄂黔毗邻多民族混居地区民族关系的急剧变化;记录了容美末代土司田?如在与命运抗争的同时,为保一方民众的安宁,坚持理性处理民族关系的策略,为世人认识少数民族土司提供了一个真实的影象。  相似文献   
侦查机关内设鉴定机构的负面影响与消解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侦查活动的特殊性使其染指于司法鉴定,侦查机关基于侦查工作之必要内设鉴定机构。侦查机关内设的鉴定机构又因侦查的追诉性质在鉴定活动中难以保持中立性,致使侦查机关的鉴定机构的性质与法律的中立性要求出现一些紧张关系,在诉讼中造成了一些负面影响。司法鉴定制度的改革旨在借助司法行政部门对司法鉴定的统一管理来催生侦查机关的鉴定机构和侦查活动相分离,从而保持侦查机关的鉴定机构具有相对的独立性,并通过制度调整后的外在监督力量与程序的制约机制来缓解这一紧张关系,以促进侦查机关的鉴定机构在诉讼中真正发挥发现事实真相的作用。  相似文献   
平等是人类社会成员基于人的属性应当受到一致性尊重和满足的待遇,包括平等享有和平等对待两个方面。农民问题就是不平等的问题,表现为农民在资源享有上存在的差距超过了社会公平的底限,以及农民在生活中被不平等对待突破了道德标准。  相似文献   

Periods of mutual enmity in US-North Korean relations are typically interrupted by more conciliatory gestures. How can the many twists and turns in this relationship be explained and hopefully overcome so that more long-lasting détente is accomplished? Drawing eclectically on realism and constructivism, we conclude that a nuclear deal should address not only North Korea’s interests in security and regime survival, but also its status concerns. Applying the same theories to the other part of the dyad – the US – we conclude that it may now have material interests in ameliorating the relationship, but that such a development requires US foreign policy discourse to cease depicting North Korea as “irrational” and “evil”.  相似文献   
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