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This paper develops a neo-Gramscian conceptual framework in order to examine the ideological constructs and political dynamics that frame the day-to-day workings of the certification-based Fairtrade initiative. To accomplish this goal, the paper resorts to the notion of a ‘comprehensive concept of control’, which accounts for the main ideological elements that constitute the Fairtrade vision of the world. The analysis of these imaginaries is complemented with an examination of the concrete ways in which they have been institutionalized in the Fairtrade system and the specific power relations between class fractions they promote. This is followed by an exploration of the way in which Fairtrade articulates the contradictory interests of a variety of class fractions, bringing them together under the shared objective of advancing the situation of small producers and workers in the global South. The paper finishes with a reflection on the main limitations inherent to Fairtrade’s concept of control and the political dynamics it entails.  相似文献   
The U.S. health-care costs have increased at a rapid rate over the last several decades. How much responsibility the government should bear with the increase in health-care costs is one of the main questions that lack consensus among the American people. Utilizing the 2016 General Social Survey data, this study shows that over two-thirds of Americans want to see more or much more spending on health care by the government. An ordered logit regression model shows that political trust and ideology are significant correlates in predicting attitudes toward government spending on health care. The policy implications of the findings are discussed in the “Conclusion” section.  相似文献   
韩吉峰  郭爱东 《学理论》2009,(8):144-145
语言与文化具有紧密的联系。英语教学不应以通过考试为目的,而应注重提高实际生活中运用语言能力和交际能力。本文强调教学过程中应加强文化的渗透,利用多种渠道使学生了解中西文化的差异,并对英语教学中应注意的问题进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   
赵建民 《东北亚论坛》2007,16(1):110-114
创建共同合作、协同发展的“东亚共同体”,业已成为不可抗拒的发展趋势。历史事实证明:东亚地区是世界历史上最早“一体化”的区域;它既有成功的、进步的古代“东亚文化圈”,也有反动的、失败的近代“大东亚共荣圈”,还有设想中的“东亚共同体”。然而,现实中的“历史认识问题”,是直接关系到“东亚共同体”能否迅速建立的前提条件。为促进未来“东亚共同体”区域内的沟通和交流,需要在汉字的基础上创建共通文字,这不是复旧,而是与时俱进的创新。当人们思考构建“东亚共同体”时,在普遍关注经济协作的情况下,尤应重视思想文化观念的问题,因为东亚各国间的政治的、经济的、外交的问题,不能光靠政治的、经济的、外交的手段来解决,而确实需要从思想文化观念方面去寻求解决问题的办法。  相似文献   
构建社会主义和谐社会的重大战略目标,对新时期党的意识形态建设提出了新的要求。面对国内外形势的新变化,作为马克思主义执政党,我们党的意识形态建设必须密切注重合规律性与合目的性价值原则的统一,既坚守国情党情实际和马克思主义原则立场,保持马克思主义的连续性,又切实体现民众利益愿望要求的发展变化,扩大党的意识形态的包容性,真正做到马克思主义的与时俱进,这对提高党的执政能力,巩固党的执政地位,增强党在构建社会主义和谐社会中的领导核心作用意义重大。  相似文献   
国际法的效力根据在于所谓各国意志之间的协议,即"协调意志"说.但是,"协调意志"说的意识形态性与现代国际法理论及发展趋势存在冲突,与国际社会和国际法的发展存在不和谐之处,"协调意志"说的意识形态性在一定程度上使国际法发展的推动力受到削弱,损害了国际法作为一个学科体系的生命力.因此,我们应以开放的态度对待国际法,不应局限在某一狭隘的、群体的范围内,使其更有利于国际社会和全人类的发展.  相似文献   
金融是现代经济的核心,金融机构在经济生活中的地位和作用突出,而我国的金融法制环境一直不容乐观,特别是入世后,国内金融业面临着更加严峻的挑战。本文对我国加入W TO后,银行、保险、证券、分销等重要服务部门所享受的过渡期将到达终点,国外各大金融机构纷纷入股中资银行,给国有商业银行带来的正面效果和负面效应进行了研究。提出我国必须调整和完善相关法律法规,加强对外资银行参股行为的监督管理,以规避风险的建议。  相似文献   
当前我国消费观正处于传统“节流”型向现代“开源”型转变过程中,已经进入了以消费为主导的经济社会的发展阶段,要抓住这一经济社会和价值观念转型的契机,通过社会主义消费观的建设工程,促进社会主义意识形态建设,提高人民群众的道德文化水平,改善人与人之间的交往关系,保持经济社会的可持续发展态势。为此,在社会主义和谐文化建设过程中,要扬弃消费主义文化的消极影响,构建中国特色的社会主义消费价值观。  相似文献   
当前,首都未成年人的思想道德的主流是积极向上、令人欣慰的,他们在思想道德方面表现出积极向上、独立意识强、热心公益等特征。但在未成年人思想道德建设中也还存在着重智育轻德育,重学习轻品行,教育部门重视不够等诸多问题。建议从家庭、学校、社会三方面入手,构建家庭、学校、社会“三位一体”的教育体系,在党政部门的高度重视下加强对未成年人的思想道德教育,加强保护未成年人的权益和立法工作,为未成年人的成长创造良好的氛围。  相似文献   
Liberal Democrat policy has been labelled as social democratic, yet the party has been reluctant to so describe itself. Taking Crosland's The Future of Socialism as a reference point, there appears to be much shared ground between social democracy and Liberal Democrat policy. Meanwhile, the party's tax policy adopted in 2006 takes the Croslandite approach of taxing wealth rather than income. Despite this, the article argues that the party is a social liberal rather than a social democratic one. These two political philosophies have so much in common that it is understandable that some commentators see the influence of social democracy where they might instead perceive social liberalism. Yet the two differ in their attitudes to the state. Both see a positive role for the state in furthering social goods. However, social liberalism shares classical liberal concerns about the dangers of an over-mighty state. This approach underpins Liberal Democrat policy.  相似文献   
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