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我国采取物权请求权与侵权请求权竞合的模式,侵权责任法亦承载预防损害的功能。依功能定位的不同,八种侵权责任方式可划分为损害预防与损害赔偿两大类,停止侵害、排除妨碍、消除危险同属非损害赔偿责任方式。在现代社会中,妨害与损害概念的趋同性造成了许多学术误解,区分二者实有必要,非损害赔偿责任方式针对妨害源而非损害结果应成为理论共识。非损害赔偿责任方式虽不适用侵权归责原则,但亦非绝对无条件,而应遵循以违法性为责任成立要件、适度性为责任范围要件的规则,同时予以适当限缩,以体现利益衡量的法学思想。  相似文献   
何树林 《政法学刊》2011,28(1):115-119
随着机动车保有量的剧增,机动车假牌假证违法行为日趋突出,群众反映强烈。因此,对机动车假牌假证违法行为的查处和治理,已成为公安机关道路交通安全管理部门工作的重中之重。机动车假牌假证违法行为构成的基本条件有机动车、道路、违法行为等,其有多发原因和危害,根据发现途径、认定方法和法规依据,现场处理的执法规定、法规依据、程序和制作的法律文书,可以提出机动车假牌假证违法行为的治理对策,为公安机关道路交通安全管理部门提供借鉴。  相似文献   
我国《刑法修正案(七)》新增加了“组织、领导传销罪”,对“非法传销”明确入罪,使“组织、领导传销罪”成为独立罪名,在某种程度上可以摆脱以往对非法传销行为定罪难的困境。也加大了对该行为刑事制裁的范围。加强了打击力度,能够更好地起到预防犯罪的作用。但是,《刑法修正案(七)》的规定不够具体明确。使得罪与罚在司法实践中难以把握。司法机关在适用法律时。除准确区分直销与传销外。应注意三点:一是单位不能成为组织、领导传销罪的主体;二是组织、领导传销罪是一种行为犯:三是组织、领导传销罪与其他罪可数罪并罚。  相似文献   
建国60年以来,我国刑法学界对医事犯罪的理论研究取得了显著的成绩。医疗事故罪、非法行医罪和非法进行节育手术罪等具体医事犯罪的研究都随着我国刑事立法的进程经历了不同的发展阶段,研究逐步深入。但是,在医事犯罪的诸多问题上还存在较大争议,通说性的观点少,不少观点还值得继续商榷。  相似文献   
The proliferation of piracy activity off the coast of Somalia has received a fair share of international attention. Its consequences have included a destabilising effect on trade, security and humanitarian aid. This has served to give reason for the deployment of multi-national forces by some of the countries affected by the scourge. While naval patrols have reduced the success rate of piracy attacks in some areas, there has been little respite in piracy incidents with the overall number of attacks and their geographic scope increasing. Piracy off the coast of Somalia has, in fact, evolved into organised syndicates with transnational networks. The problem is that various international actors have largely viewed piracy off the coast of Somalia in terms of threats to their own national interests and security. They have, thus, dealt with the issue in isolation from its wider context, which has not succeeded in ending the attacks. This article argues that to deal with the piracy problem more meaningfully, there is need for a contextual framework beyond addressing the ‘illegal’ activities. Piracy is a complex problem, with political, legal, social, economic, security and even human rights dimensions, and calls for a truly holistic approach that, especially, seeks to address the root causes on land. The article calls for a change in strategies in order to facilitate a ‘local Somali solution’ rather than an international one that is acceptable to the sensibilities of international actors. The article emphasises the need to extend the strong international cooperation demonstrated on the high seas in the fight against piracy to the fight against root causes of piracy onshore.  相似文献   
How do immigrant Mexican workers perceive the policies and social discourses that regulate their insertion into American society as noncitizens and illegals? Using ethnographic fieldwork and in-depth interviews, evidence is presented that unauthorized Mexican migrants do not consider themselves lawbreakers but rather moral actors responding to difficult socioeconomic conditions. Informed by a keen understanding of the social forces oppressing them, these migrants articulate a discourse of social justice that works as a powerful counterpoint to the hegemonic ideas of citizenship, belonging, and illegality. A careful analysis of migrant social reflexivity offers a much-needed corrective to the prevailing top-down perspective typically offered among contemporary scholars. By looking at the ways in which migrants make sense of immigration policies and articulate their right to have rights, this examination departs from the widespread tendency among scholars and policy makers of analyzing the migrant’s social and civic status as a matter of assimilation and immigration control.  相似文献   
2012年修改的《刑事诉讼法》将电子数据首次规定为法定证据种类,但电子数据的相关证据规则仍不够完善。我国现有关于电子数据的研究多集中于电子数据取证、鉴定等技术方法,缺少对电子数据证据能力、证明力及证据规则的研究。从电子数据在司法实践中存在的问题出发,在电子数据的证据属性,电子数据的鉴真、鉴定,非法证据排除规则等几个方面探讨如何加强对电子数据的证据限制问题。  相似文献   
《Global Crime》2013,14(4):325-344
This paper argues that the concept of resilience is a fruitful way of understanding the impact of repressive policies on illegal drug markets. For the purpose of this article, resilience is defined as the ability of market participants to preserve the existing levels of exchanges between buyers and sellers, despite external pressure aimed at disrupting the trade. The first part of the paper highlights how some of the core features of illegal drug markets, a decentralized structure and high prices, contribute to increasing their resilience to attacks. The second part develops a framework that can be used to compare markets on the basis of their resilient properties. Some of the empirical and policy implications of the framework are discussed in the conclusion.  相似文献   
以新刑诉法证据方面的变化为视角,对办案人员应如何理解与把握刑事证据的新变化,如何依法履行自己的职权,如何承担起法定的责任与义务等相关问题进行了阐述.指出保障刑事诉讼参与人的诉讼权利,严格贯彻无罪推定的原则,维护社会的公平正义与法律的最高权威,是司法人员今后在诉讼中要解决的关键问题.  相似文献   
侦讯组织是为促使嫌疑人如实陈述、侦查员互相协作而成的有序群体,有主动性、适应性和对策性等特点。其组织形式受体制制约,一般有讯查同一、讯查分工、同案或不同案分工等类型。讯问人员由主讯、助讯、记录等组成,大要案件需侦讯、查证、搜捕人员配合,由案侦指挥部统一协调。指挥形式,有临场实时的直接指挥、侦讯前后的间接指挥、直接与间接相结合的指挥。组织者还应进行侦讯谋划和场所设计,考虑强制措施的适用与配合,讯问环境要安全保密,不受外界干扰,尽可能使侦讯具有突然性。同时,也要对在犯罪现场的讯问、押解途中的讯问和其他场所的讯问进行协调。侦讯组织效益最大化的瓶颈,有人员素质问题,更有体制问题。  相似文献   
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