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The relationship between the choice of a government system, namely semi-presidentialism, and the performance of democracy is the subject of current debate. This article considers Elgie's proposal for a positive correlation between premier-presidential forms of semi-presidentialism and the success of democratic transitions, and discusses the way in which Timor-Leste fits the model as well as the need for a clear view of the incentive mechanisms at play. It further analyses the importance of “independent” presidents with “moderating powers” as a way of achieving inclusive governance and to facilitate democratic consolidation. Contrary to suppositions that attribute a tendency for president-parliamentary regimes to succumb to conflict between the main political actors, the case of Timor-Leste suggests that the definition of the president's role as a “moderator”, and the exercise of the function by “independent”, non-party personalities counteracts such inclinations with positive effects on democratic consolidation.  相似文献   

The Framers understood the Constitution to be the fundamental expression of the rule of law over against the arbitrary, intemperate, and unjust “rule of men” that all too frequently existed in the political world, unfortunately both democratic as well as monarchical. Accordingly, the rule of law requires a well functioning political and legal system that includes legislative checks and balances, the separation of power between the President and Congress, an independent judiciary, federalism, etc. What happens when this “Madisonian” constitutional system, designed to express “the deliberate sense of the community,” runs into a Judicial branch that, in effect, claims we live under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what we say it is. Must the Judiciary itself be subject to the rule of law, and the decisions of a constitutional majority, or does their “independence” extend to being independent of the constraints of the rule of law and, thus, decent majority rule? How did the original John Marshall Court answer these questions, and what light do the leading cases and controversies shed on the relationship between the Marshall Court and the Madisonian System? Are we facing a situation of Marshall v. Madison?  相似文献   
党的十七大首次把社会组织放到全面推进社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设"四位一体"的高度进行全面而系统的论述,明确提出要"加强社会组织建设与管理"。贵阳市委、市政府高度重视社会管理创新,对社会组织培育引导、监督管理提出了很多具有创新意义的措施,贵阳市社会组织建设呈现出蓬勃发展的良好态势。  相似文献   
大学生批判性思维与教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生批判性思维的培养不仅对大学生能力、个性的全面发展和整个社会创新水平的提高具有重要的理论和实践意义,还为高校的课程和教学改革提供新的契机。提高大学生批判性思维能力,需要从教师素质、课程设置、教学方法、评价方式、考试制度等方面进行系统的改革。  相似文献   
治安调解是我国法定的纠纷矛盾解决机制的重要一环,与其他非诉讼纠纷解决机制相比,具有独特优势,因其符合我国"和谐"文化的传统理念,具备特殊的人文、教育、迅捷、低成本等优势,成为新时期人民警察解决治安纠纷争议的常用方式,也是公安机关建构和谐社会发挥职能作用的重要体现。治安调解的社会效果直接取决于有效的调解工作模式,公安机关在依法调解的前提下,还应积极探索创新调解模式,最大限度地化解治安纠纷矛盾,促进社会和谐。  相似文献   
在刑事诉讼程序中对被害人参与权的改革和发展,是国际刑事司法政策一个突出的方面。保护被害人的权利是刑事诉讼机制科学、公正的价值体现。刑事诉讼中不仅要完善对被告人诉讼权利的保护,而且应当同时重视和加强对被害人诉讼权利的保护,只有这样,才能更完整、充分地体现刑事诉讼中人权保障的含义,不致使诉讼活动偏离公正的轨道。  相似文献   
"重定罪、轻量刑","法官自由裁量权过大"等现象是我国司法实践中较突出的问题,直接影响到量刑的公正性。构建独立的量刑程序,成为解决这一问题的主流观点。以程序为视角,可以探讨出独立量刑程序的内在价值。  相似文献   
当代中国,国家权力推动社会转型,权力对于个人自由和权利的保护起着关键作用。应当建立规范权力运作、强化权力责任的法律制度。与公民权理论与实践的最新发展相一致,中国的公民权法律制度也应当注意"超越个人主义"、"权力适度参与"和"全球化发展"的因素,通过提升利益主张的公共品质、改革政府治理模式,保护公民权利。  相似文献   
制贩假票证犯罪日渐猖獗,且有新的发展趋势:犯罪主体具有地域性;犯罪组织化、专业化;犯罪实施手段信息化;且往往与实施诈骗犯罪相结合。公安机关在打击该类犯罪中存在诸多困难。针对这类犯罪的新特点,应用活"打击犯罪新机制",打破传统侦查思维定势和工作模式,强化主动进攻意识,做好刑侦基础工作,以培育侦破此类案件的新的增长点。  相似文献   
知识产权质押融资目前在我国被作为实施知识产权战略和应对全球金融危机经济冲击的重要政策工具,政府推动试点,给予资金、贴息等政策支持,以促进银企科技创新和金融创新。但在知识产权权属的不稳定性和价值不稳定性、质权设立和实现等方面还存在着法律风险,本文提出的法律对策是:应该正确定位知识产权质押融资实践的政府目标和法律关系,探索知识产权担保的创新模式和知识产权质权实现的创新方式,引进知识产权保险机制化解融资风险。  相似文献   
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