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对大学生与高校之间法律关系的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石磊 《青年论坛》2003,(6):48-49
近年来有关高校开除怀孕女大学生 ,大学生是否可以结婚 ,高校禁止大学生在校内拥吻等消息成为社会关注焦点 ,本文希望通过对大学生与高校之间法律关系的探讨及对这几则消息中的事件的法律分析 ,通过以双方关系的界定寻找高校对大学生进行管理的合理定位。  相似文献   
确定准据法的理论评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确定准据法 ,是冲突规范的基本功能和根本目标。传统的国际私法理论主要就是确定准据法的理论 ,而确定准据法的理论则是传统国际私法存在的精神基础。从“法则区别说”到“法律关系本座说”再到“最密切联系说”等 ,既标志着国际私法的历史进程 ,也反映着人们探寻确定准据法的原则、规则和方法的思索轨迹。这些理论的宗旨是解释和调和适用外国法与内国国家主权 (或属地优越权 )之间的矛盾。  相似文献   
近年来,亲子教育受到人们的高度重视,其核心内容是建立和谐健康的亲子关系.父亲们只有意识到自己在孩子身心成长中所起的重要作用,并且改变传统父爱的观点,做智慧型的父亲,才能塑造出健康快乐的宝宝.  相似文献   
提升乡村治理的制度绩效是一项涉及到理念、制度和结构的系统工程,主要包括:改变传统的对立型的国家与社会关系,以先进的"强国家-强社会"互强型国家与社会关系理念来指导乡村治理;改进和完善国家法律法规、省级地方法规、各级地方性执法规定以及村级规约,提高相关制度设计的质量和水平;优化乡村治理的结构,主要着眼点在于规范两委关系、乡村关系,提高村委会选举的质量,拓展村民代表会议的功能等.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to gain a clearer understanding of the relation between parents’ knowledge of their emerging-adult children and emerging adults’ risk behaviors. Participants included 200 undergraduate students between the ages of 18 and 25 (121 women, 78 men; M age = 19.59, SD = 1.62) and both of their parents. Results revealed that knowledge of the emerging-adult child’s activities varied as a function of parent- and child-reports, and that child outcomes associated with parental knowledge were generally positive, including less drinking, drug use, and risky sexual behavior (although this varied as a function of reporter). The links between maternal knowledge and lower drug and alcohol use were particularly strong in the presence of maternal closeness. Implications for understanding the parent–child relationship during the transition to adulthood were discussed.
Laura M. Padilla-WalkerEmail:
This study examined dimensions of mothers’ and fathers’ involvement in adolescents’ romantic relationships when offspring were age 17. Using cluster analysis, parents from 105 White, working and middle class families were classified as positively involved, negatively involved, or autonomy-oriented with respect to their adolescents’ romantic relationships. Patterns of parental involvement were generally not associated with parent–offspring relationship quality at about adolescent age 13, but earlier parent–offspring relationship quality moderated the associations between parental involvement and adolescent romantic experiences at about age 18. Positive parent–offspring relationship quality buffered the effects of negative parental involvement, whereas poorer parent–offspring relationship quality was a more adaptive context for adolescents of autonomy-oriented parents. Discussion focuses on the importance of parenting practices in adolescent romantic relationships and the emotional climate of parent–offspring relationships as a developmental context for those practices.
Marni L. KanEmail:
基于信息不对称的政策执行分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政策执行问题一直困扰着政策制定者,在影响政策执行的众多因素中,信息不对称无疑是不可忽视的因素之一,它通常干扰着政策的顺利执行,对这种干扰的认识将有助于我们提前采取若干措施来抑制信息不对称产生的种种不利影响。  相似文献   
家族企业的治理模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许多学者分别从关系、能力或信任等不同角度对家族企业的治理模式进行了有意义的描述,但这些分析的视角往往比较单一,并不能很好地解释各种因素之间的联系,与家族企业的实际运作模式并不完全相符。实际上,关系、能力与信任都会对家族企业的治理模式产生影响,且这些因素是相互作用的,综合地对企业的用人制度和管理方式产生影响。能否获得信任是家族企业人员能否获得某个岗位的重要影响因素,而关系和能力又是能否获得信任的重要影响因素。  相似文献   
府际关系是一国政府行政体系内的不同层级之间、不同部门之间、不同地区之间以及部门与地区之间的关系,从主体的角度看,简言之就是块块关系、条条关系和条块关系。随着改革开放的发展,国内政府间的关系发生了很大的变化,府际关系的研究成为重要课题。  相似文献   
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