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During the late 1970s, Turkey experienced a major campaign of political terrorism that was waged by a multiplicity of leftist, ultranationalist, and separatist groups. Between 1976 and 1980, more than 5000 people lost their lives in hundreds of terrorist incidents. The steady escalation of violence amidst a major political and economic crisis undermined the country's fragile democratic system and paved the way for a military coup in September 1980. This study examines the origins and growth of the terrorist movement in Turkey, the main characteristics of political violence, and the causes of the dramatic escalation of terrorism in the late 1970s. The study suggests that although state-sponsored terrorism against Turkey facilitated the rapid proliferation of leftist, rightist, and separatist armed extremist groups, the drift into total terrorism was largely the product of domestic political and social developments.  相似文献   

The theory of threshold concepts has become a popular way to describe the difficulties students face when trying to grasp fundamental ideas in a discipline. In law authors have suggested a range of concepts as thresholds. However these suggestions conflict with each other, and have not emphasised the way in which students repeatedly encounter such thresholds. Using variation theory and the concept of knowledge capability this article suggests that the Threshold Capability Integrated Theoretical Framework may be a way to resolve those differences and to highlight the ongoing nature of liminality in becoming a professional. Students may grasp initial threshold concepts early in a degree or subject, develop the ability to manipulate and use them in a variety of settings towards the end of the degree, and develop a lifelong professional ability to use them in diverse settings after graduation. Law students, lawyers and indeed law teachers may be best seen as in a constant state of learning. The uncertainty that goes with that learning is to be embraced, and encouraged as part of the way we teach law.  相似文献   
意志力是大学生创业成功不可或缺的心理品质.大学生创业失败在意志力方面存在着:创业欲望与创业执行、创业动机多元化与社会认同、创业目标缺乏社会责任感、创业冒险精神与抗挫折能力不足之间的矛盾,高校强化大学生创业欲望,开放式办学,培养大学生坚强的意志力,成为当前大学生创业的当务之急.  相似文献   
For students with disabilities, the process of school inclusion often begins with a move from segregated settings into general education classrooms. School transitions can be stressful as students adjust to a new environment. This study examines the adjustment of 133 students with and without disabilities who moved from a school that served primarily students with disabilities into 23 public schools in a large urban school district in the Midwest. These students and 111 of their teachers and other school staff rated the degree that students felt they belonged in their new schools and the quality of their social interactions. Results show that students who experienced more positive and fewer negative social interactions with school staff had higher school belonging. Teachers accurately noted whether students felt they belonged in their new settings, but were not consistently able to identify student perceptions of negative social interactions with staff. Implications for inclusion and improving our educational system are explored.  相似文献   
高校是用社会主义核心价值体系武装青年的重要思想阵地。在学生党员教育培训、社会实践、行为规范、校园文化和激励考核中融入社会主义核心价值观,引导他们对核心价值观的真正认知、认同与践行,并在学习生活中发挥先锋模范作用,有利于高校学生党建工作发展方向的准确把握、高校学生党员思想政治教育的内容创新和高校学生党员健全政治人格的稳定形成。  相似文献   
文化价值观对企业家精神的培育和创新行为的生成具有重要的形塑作用.本文从公平、信任、社会责任和财富观四个维度对企业家和大学生的文化价值观展开比较研究.研究结果显示大学生与企业家在分配公平、结果公平、被信任程度、区域信任、承担社会责任和收入幸福观方面存在显著差异;而在机会公平、承担社会责任倾向、财富追求倾向和公共财富观这些方面未发现明显差异.对企业家文化价值观的多因素回归检验表明,企业家比大学生更能够接受结果公平并愿意承担社会责任,企业家更倾向财富创造并且更不看重收入对幸福的影响.  相似文献   
目的 探讨大学生完美主义与中医五态人格的关系。方法 采用中文Frost多维度完美主义问卷和中医五态人格测验表对250例中医院校在读本科生进行问卷调查。结果 中医院校大学生太阳人格与担心错误、行动的疑虑呈显著负相关(P<0.05),与父母期望、个人标准呈显著正相关(P<0.05);阴阳和平人格与担心错误呈显著负相关(P<0.05),与条理性呈显著正相关(P<0.05);少阴人格与条理性呈显著正相关 (P<0.05);太阴人格与担心错误、行动的疑虑呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与条理性呈显著负相关(P<0.05);完美主义总分与太阴人格呈显著正相关 (P<0.05)。结论 大学生完美主义与中医五态人格有关。  相似文献   
试谈加强公安高校学生思想政治工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培养社会主义的建设者和保卫者 ,必须把思想政治教育摆在突出位置。公安高校学生管理队伍必须努力提高自身的思想政治素质 ,充分发挥自身影响力 ,掌握科学的工作方法 ,热爱、尊重、理解、信任学生 ,主动开辟与学生沟通的渠道 ,运用“望、闻、问、切”的中医诊断方法 ,全面系统、深入细致了解学生情况 ,有的放矢 ,努力提高思想政治工作效率。  相似文献   
大学生社交恐惧的成因分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人际交往是个人社会化的重要途径,是保持心理健康的重要条件,也是人格完善的重要因素和自我发展的重要内容.大学生中常见的人际交往障碍是社交恐惧,形成社交恐惧的原因是多方面的,既有个性特征,遗传和不当认知,也有交往能力不足,缺少必要的交往技能和经验.克服社交恐惧可从调整认知结构,改善个性品质,加强社交锻炼,寻求心理咨询等方面来实现.  相似文献   
在高校法治化进程中,可能要遇到法治认识缺位、管理规则滞后、管理程序失当、救济途径模糊等困境,要超越困境,需要树立以学生为本的管理理念、构建尊重学生权益的规章制度、建立正义公正的管理程序、疏通学生权利的主张渠道、要求学生承担法律义务等。  相似文献   
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