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全面推进宪法实施采用广义的宪法实施内涵,有利于将宪法基本原则和宪法规范贯彻落实到国家与社会生活的各个领域。司法裁判中的宪法援引是宪法实施在司法领域的具体实践,因此,对宪法援引的实证研究能够获得宪法实施的直观印象。借助于新兴的大数据技术,检索含有宪法援引内容的裁判文书,对其进行统计学处理和分析,形成关于宪法援引案件的系统性认知。在此基础上,运用宪法学原理对宪法援引进行解析,以主体为宪法援引的区分标准,将其分解为当事人宪法援引与法院宪法援引两种不同类型,便于深入考察司法实践中宪法援引的具体方式和实际效果,进一步印证宪法援引在推进宪法全面实施过程中所具有的实践价值。  相似文献   
多手段并用型"套路贷"犯罪是一种以非法占有被害人财产为主导、采用多种违法犯罪手段逐步实施、实现侵财目的的犯罪,其侵犯的法益应表述为"必要法益+选择法益"。其中,侵犯财产权的必要法益具有构成"套路贷"犯罪与否的定性功能;侵犯"经济、社会生活秩序"的选择法益是在行为符合"为非作恶,欺压百姓"标准的基础上判断"套路贷"犯罪主体是否恶势力的重要因素。对于多手段并用型"套路贷"犯罪的数罪处断,应将法益标准与数罪关系结合起来考虑,即首先应根据"套路贷"犯罪侵犯的必要法益对个罪进行分类,然后再考虑个罪之间的数罪关系确定处断规则,从而作出择一重罪处断或数罪并罚的选择。  相似文献   
Mark Thompson deplores the decline in the public trust of government and of public service institutions such as the BBC. But there has also been a decline in another form of trust: government's trust in the ability of professionals such as doctors and teachers to deliver high quality public services. And, unlike Thompson's type of trust, this decline was inevitable, because it was based on untenable assumptions concerning professional motivation. The author discusses the importance of trust in an unwritten constitution, including trust in the use made of public resources, trust that appointments are being made on merit, trust that the civil service is ‘speaking truth unto power’ behind the scenes and ultimately trust that it retains the ability to serve future governments. In a world where trust in institutions is diminishing, there are still surprising levels of trust in the world of private philanthropy. The public are only too ready to give donations without seeking to question, especially in the wake of major disasters. Yet the nature of aid agencies has changed dramatically in the past thirty years into major global enterprises with sophisticated media and marketing operations. In this case a greater degree of scepticism from those who donate and paradoxically less trust might actually result in better outcomes from aid and better use of funding. Trust is critical to the mission of the FCO. The public needs to trust the competence and sound judgment of the professional diplomats. The diplomats themselves need to be able to rely on the commonsense of their fellow colleagues. Ministers and diplomats need to trust each other. And other governments need to have confidence in the discretion of their British counterparts. This is an increasing challenge in the world of instant news. Trust can be quickly lost by indiscreet or self‐serving revelations. But the key is to be as open and transparent as possible about the processes of diplomacy. A new survey commissioned by the British Journalism Review demonstrates that public confidence in journalism has collapsed over the last five years. This is particularly true for the commercial broadcasters ITV and Channel 4, whose journalism has traditionally commanded as much public esteem as the BBC. Trust in the BBC and print journalists has also declined, and journalism suffered more than any of the other 16 occupational groups being assessed. This is partly due to the cumulative effect of various “fakery” scandals that have afflicted broadcasters over the last 18 months and partly down to a more widespread cynicism directed at those in authority.  相似文献   
最高人民法院出台了有关判决书中如何引用刑法修正案的司法解释,即在判决书中直接引用修正后的刑法条文。这种做法有可能造成当事人认识上的困惑,因而应该同时援引刑法典的内容和修正案的规定,这样既不会破坏判决的合法性,又能让当事人明白具体的判决依据,起到普及刑法知识的作用。  相似文献   
刘剑 《政法学刊》2010,27(1):28-34
先事实判断、后价值评价是认识事物和决定取舍的普遍方法。我国犯罪成立要件模式具有静态性和整体性。事实判断和价值评价同时的、一次性的完成,不仅混同事实判断和价值评价,而且颠倒了先事实判断、后价值评价的顺序,带来了诸多弊端。构建由典型事实到刑事违法性的两要件双层次犯罪成立模式,能克服现存犯罪成立要件模式之弊,对确保刑法功能的实现具有重要意义。  相似文献   
诱惑侦查作为一种对付某些犯罪的有效侦查方法,如果超过合理限度就会转化为陷阱侦查。陷阱侦查不仅与侦查机关的职责相悖,而且侵犯了公民的合法权益。为了对陷阱侦查行为进行有效规制,并为被告人提供有效的救济途径,需要明确陷阱侦查的判断标准以及法律后果,并合理地分配证明责任。  相似文献   
量刑公正是衡量实体正义的标志。量刑公正的程序保障是实现量刑公正的关键环节,但现行立法却存在定罪和量刑程序不分、控辩双方不能充分参与、法官量刑裁量权不受约束等重大缺陷,难以保证量刑公正的实现。实行定罪与量刑程序适度分离、制定统一量刑指南、强化裁判文书公开是实现量刑公正的必要保证,也是正当程序的内在要求。  相似文献   
郭莉 《法律科学》2010,(5):73-77
作为罪数理论的核心,罪数的判断不只是计算犯罪的单复,更关乎刑法目的的实现。然而现有的罪数标准由于种种缺陷均无法承载一罪、数罪的区分功能。从罪数论在整个刑法体系中的定位来看,其为连接犯罪论与刑罚论的桥梁,因此,犯罪个数的量定必须考虑相关犯罪要素的齐备和刑罚效果的适当,应在法益的基础上,综合行为、犯意等各种要素,并结合刑罚的充分必要性而为认定。  相似文献   
在党中央提出要构建社会主义和谐社会以后,民事诉讼调解制度再一次被提倡和推广。要真正发挥调解制度定纷止争、息诉止纷的功能,就要树立正确的民事调解意识,建立民事诉讼调解制度的完备体系,同时对调解结案的案件应慎用再审程序。  相似文献   
黄祥青 《法律科学》2003,(1):119-122
一个危害行为在刑法中有无明文规定的判断标准是什么,这是罪刑法定原则司法化的核心问题之一.实践中,应以有无完全相符合的犯罪构成,作为某一危害行为在刑法中有无明文规定的判断标准.  相似文献   
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