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从我国侵权法发展需要的角度,提出了运用经济分析对侵权法进行解释的必要性。与传统的道德论证对侵权法的解释不同,经济分析是一种建设性、前瞻性的解释。在此基础上,针对我国现有经济分析中的外在机能主义、单一的价值目标、理论的解释的缺陷,提出要内在的、多元化的、实践的对侵权法进行解释的主张。  相似文献   
This experiment drew upon theoretical perspectives on group and system justification to examine whether exposure to media coverage arguing that racism was responsible for the ineffective Hurricane Katrina disaster response affected White and Black Americans’ intergroup attitudes. Consistent with a system justification perspective, Whites exposed to video clips arguing that the hurricane Katrina disaster response was due to racism displayed greater racial ingroup attachment and ingroup love compared to Whites exposed to videos conveying that the government’s incompetence was to blame for the disaster response. In contrast, Blacks displayed strong levels of ingroup attachment and ingroup love across both video conditions. This research highlights how insights from social psychology are valuable in understanding psychological responses to social justice-related events, such as the tragic response to hurricane Katrina.
Cheryl R. KaiserEmail:
审查逮捕程序改革的进路——以提高逮捕案件质量为核心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李昌林 《现代法学》2011,33(1):114-122
我国审查逮捕程序存在的最突出的问题是错捕和不当逮捕比例过高,这主要是由于侦查机关没有对逮捕的全部条件承担证明责任和犯罪嫌疑人诉讼地位客体化造成的。调整批捕权的职权配置,将其交给法院行使,并不能达成以审查逮捕的正当程序控制逮捕的目标。我们应当以树立检察官在审查逮捕程序中的裁判者角色为核心,维系审查逮捕程序的诉讼构造,强化对逮捕全部条件的审查,改进检察机关审查逮捕的工作机制,创造犯罪嫌疑人及其律师在审查逮捕程序中发挥作用的条件,推行不捕理由双重说明机制,进而强化侦查机关对逮捕条件的证明责任,以实现审查逮捕程序的正当化,达到防止错捕、减少不当逮捕,并为公诉程序、审判程序纵深改革创造条件的目的。  相似文献   
公正和功利这一对范畴,是探讨刑罚制度正当化的根据时必须考虑的。以公正为主,以功利为辅,是我国刑罚正当化之理论依据的应然选择。从刑事一体化的角度而言,我国刑罚正当化的实现有赖于立法、司法、执法等整个刑事司法领域的贯彻落实。  相似文献   
It is becoming increasingly clear that neoliberal ideological efforts to depoliticize politics have come to incorporate arguments once associated with radical communitarian, localist and existential critiques of capitalism. This article contributes to cross-disciplinary discussion of how and on what terms this process of assimilation has taken place. It first describes the rise of neocommunitarian politics and policy-making in the privatized electricity system of a “first-mover” neoliberal state, Australia. It then examines in detail a dispute over a proposed upgrade to a piece of electricity system infrastructure in a formerly industrial, working-class and immigrant, now post-industrial, bourgeois-bohemian and gentrified suburb of inner-Melbourne, Victoria. The study reveals a shift over time in the strategy of the protest group convened to resist the proposed upgrade. Originally using NIMBY-like arguments to oppose the upgrade, the group gradually transformed its strategy into a more general critique of privatization and marketization, and of the use of neocommunitarianism by state and market interests to promote economic growth. Generalizing from this case study, we suggest that such a transformation in protest strategy signals the possibility of a new culture of awareness that neocommunitarianism is little more than a response by states and markets to public rejection of free-market reforms. Moreover, the transformation of the protesters' strategy heralds the possibility of a renewal in critical thought and practice, one that is repoliticizing politics by challenging the marketizing and privatizing of public goods.  相似文献   
陈伟 《政法论丛》2013,(1):77-84
在司法裁决中,对于简易案件,法官可以运用演绎证立模式为裁决结果提供正当性证明。但是,对于疑难案件,法官如何在规则层面为裁决结果的正当性和可接受性提供一种实践理性的辩护呢?麦考密克在他的代表作《法律推理与法律理论》中首次提出并详细阐述了一种论证模式,即二阶证立。二阶证立从主客观两个方面,即从后果主义论证、融贯性论证和一致性论证方面,为裁决规则的正当性和可接受性提供证明。同时,在麦考密克看来,二阶证立作为一种论证模式既具有描述性,又具有规范性。  相似文献   
阻却违法事由包括合法的阻却违法事由和超法规的违法阻却事由。阻却违法事由的理论根基在于社会相当性;阻却违法事由的范围应是开放性的;在罪刑法定的前提下,超法规阻却违法事由与罪刑法定是并行不悖的。因而阻却违法事由在我国刑法理论中的体系安排是恰当的。  相似文献   
著作权"合理使用"制度是各国著作权制度中对著作权限制的主要内容。合理使用制度体现了著作权法保护作者和其他著作权人的利益与促进知识与信息广泛传播的双重目的。合理使用的正当性可以从多方面加以认识,包括激励与接近之平衡、宪法与公共利益、以交易成本和古典经济学为基础的经济学分析等。在网络环境下,著作权合理使用制度仍然有其存在的合理性。我国颁布实施的《信息网络传播权保护条例》对合理使用的规定即是这种体现。  相似文献   
在犯罪构成理论的研究中,其与犯罪阻却事由之间的关系是一个备受瞩目的重要论题。直接原因是,在我国传统犯罪构成理论中,犯罪阻却事由处于一种流离失所的状态,导致一种尴尬的关系于斯产生。从这一关系的重要意义出发,梳理二者关系在传统理论中遭遇到的实然之困局,此基础之上,提出这一对关系应然之走向——在改造犯罪构成理论的基础上,将犯罪阻却事由纳入到犯罪构成理论中去,以此完成这一论题在犯罪构成理论研究中的使命。  相似文献   

Introducing the special issue, this introduction sketches a broad frame for studying public justification. Addressing the relevance of studying this phenomenon, we contend that justificatory processes are very much at the core today’s politics. Defining the concept inclusively, we highlight the relevance of communicative agency and, at the same time, the salience of communicative contexts that enable this agency. Casting our net widely, we show how public justification is related to other, more thoroughly studied concepts, such as legitimacy, authority and power. Encouraging students of public justification to add to our understanding of justificatory processes, we highlight multiple fruitful methodological avenues for studying the concept.  相似文献   
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