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各国意识形态领域的差异以及特定国际事件的国家利益纠葛共同影响了对政治犯不引渡原则的适用.进一步导致了与“政治性目的”有关的国际劫机犯罪的司法协作困境重重。此类劫机事件的困境实质上是各国国家利益、世界人权事业发展与政治自由以及国际打击劫机犯罪等诸多需要的体现。而解决困境的现实方案则是:将具体的“政治性”国际劫机事件所涵括的现实国家利益纠葛作为首要的价值砝码,兼顾事件的人权保护意义与政治自由价值,并在此基础上分类处理。  相似文献   
中日在由前近代社会向近代社会转型时之所以出现巨大落差,从表征看是由于两国在转型期间所采取的方针和做法不同导致的,但更深层的原因,则在于各自前近代的社会基础及其普遍性价值取向,以及与资本主义精神生成有关的商人伦理思想等存在诸多不同。文章通过对中日前近代商人的商贾思想、商业伦理、营利观和"义利关系观"等进行考察和分析,不仅阐明了中日前近代商人思想及其价值取向的不同性质和特征,而且从一个侧面揭示了中日近代化进程之所以出现落差的思想原因。  相似文献   
陈法 《现代法学》2012,(5):63-69
值此我国《继承法》正被立法机关修订之际,特对我国公证遗嘱适用的效力位阶进行考察研究。确定我国公证遗嘱适用效力的位阶,应当以现代私法追求的"正义、自由、效率、人权保护"等价值观和"以人为本"的目标为引领,结合当代中国民众继承习惯调查反映的民众对遗嘱形式的主要选择意愿,建议修改我国公证遗嘱适用的效力位阶之立法,以期彰显21世纪中国《继承法》具有的时代性、进步性特征,实现我国遗嘱形式效力立法的现代化。  相似文献   
我国能动司法若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘政 《法学论坛》2012,(1):72-78
在当今中国实行能动司法,面临着司法能动与司法克制两种不同司法理念的争论,这场争论直接关系到我国司法体制改革与司法制度建设的历史进程。历史要求我们在中国司法语境下,从法学理论与法律实践的结合上,客观分析能动司法的比较优势,科学做出能动司法的模式选择,深入研究适度能动司法的价值取向。在此基础上,积极探寻我国能动司法的合理途径和科学方式。  相似文献   
Research Summary Precursors to serious and chronic delinquency often emerge in childhood, stimulating calls for early interventions. Most intervention efforts rely solely on social service programs—often to the exclusion of the juvenile justice system. The juvenile justice system has been reluctant to become involved in the lives of relatively young children fearing net widening or further straining resources that could be used for older youth with documented delinquency histories. We report here the results of an early intervention program sponsored by and housed in a district attorney's office in Louisiana. Using a quasi-experimental design, we examined outcomes associated with program involvement as well as whether the obvious involvement of the prosecutor's office was associated with further reductions in problem behavior.
  • 1 : The results revealed that significant reductions in problem behaviors of young children could be attributed to program participation.
  • 2 : The obvious involvement of the district attorney's office, however, was associated with limited, albeit significant, reductions in specific problem behaviors.
  • 3 : These findings show that successful early intervention efforts can be made part of the juvenile justice system and that in some limited situations prosecutorial involvement can result in positive outcomes.
Policy Implications The expansion of early intervention programming into the juvenile justice system offers opportunities to address early problem behavior. Our study and its results have the following policy implications.
  • 1 : Closely coupled partnerships between schools and the juvenile justice system can effectively address, mitigate, and perhaps prevent an early onset of antisocial behavior.
  • 2 : Even so, coupling early intervention efforts to the mission of the juvenile justice system warrants debate. Net-widening, resource diffusion, and the potential for officials to rely too heavily on the deterrent characteristics of the justice system represent serious threats to the integrity of effective early intervention programs.
  • 3 : We suggest substantial debate and consideration is given before coupling early intervention efforts to the juvenile justice system.
维稳——社会治安(社会管理)综合治理的大智慧,务在持有大治安理念。大治安,外延含超公安管理、社会治安、安邦定国。认知与践行大治安,务要寻觅大治安之线索,掌控大治安之精要,具体则需先洞悉大治安之内容,继把握大治安之关键,再驾驭大治安之格局。大治安之内容是:大治安是大系统;大治安是大团圆;大治安是大智慧。大治安之关键是:以大目标寻求大系统;以大亲情寻求大团圆;以大学识寻求大智慧。大治安之格局是:官、民、匪组成的社会治安防控主体三角;帮、静、治组成的社会治安防控方法三角;后(社会治安问题发生之后)、中(社会治安问题发生之中)、前(社会治安问题发生之前)组成的社会治安防控客体三角。  相似文献   
《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):427-451
On May 1, 2002, the Philadelphia Police Department launched Operation Safe Streets, stationing officers at 214 of the highest drug activity locations in the city 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Interrupted time series (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average) models on weekly data isolated citywide and local program impacts on all violent crimes, murder, and reported drug crimes. Results showed no significant impacts on citywide weekly counts for drug crimes, homicides, or all violent crimes. Geographically focused analyses showed significant localized intervention impacts for both violent and drug crimes. Analyses of high‐drug‐activity non‐intervention sites suggest: the program impacts seen were not an artifact of history or local history; significant spatial diffusion of preventive benefits for violent crime; and probably significant spatial displacement for drug crime. Stationary targeted drug‐enforcement interventions like Operation Safe Streets may differentially affect the locational selection processes behind violent crime versus drug crime.  相似文献   
股东关系维度代理问题及其治理机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪青松 《政法论丛》2012,(4):101-107
股东“异质化”的现实演进和股东关系的弱式平等使得股东关系维度代理问题日渐成为公司治理的重点与难点。股东关系维度代理问题在中国股份公司中有其特殊性,如股东间的代理关系情境极其复杂、控制权私利攫取成本较低、中小股东消极主义尤为明显、多元维度代理问题相互交织等。公司立法必须注重强化自治和利益平衡,多措并举构建防范股东关系维度代理问题的结构性治理机制。  相似文献   
变点检测问题研究是统计学与数学、计算机科学、数据挖掘等众多学科交叉的新兴研究领域。论文详细回顾与述评了2001-2011年的最新国内外变点问题研究状况,并从不同的角度对变点检测问题进行合理分类,同时展望了变点检测问题研究的未来发展方向。  相似文献   
韦英思 《桂海论丛》2012,28(2):63-66
干部人事制度改革是政治体制改革的核心内容之一,目前已经进入深水区。而理论和实践认识上的一些偏差和误区,是当前改革深入推进的重大障碍。为此,必须厘清党管干部原则与坚持和尊重群众、党员主体地位的关系,科学执政与民主执政、依法执政的关系,"一把手"负责制与集体领导的关系,群众公认与不唯票数的关系,信任关心与监督批评的关系。处理好这五个关系是深化干部人事制度改革的关键和重要前提。  相似文献   
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