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马克思主义的整体性是其内在逻辑结构的外部延伸,诠释马克思主义整体性必须内在于马克思主义的构建过程和逻辑结构。劳动范畴是马克思、恩格斯关于劳动问题的总体看法和根本观点,含蕴着马克思主义的逻辑整体。劳动范畴的科学化是马克思主义理论体系生成过程的缩影,成为马克思、恩格斯剖析人类社会演进问题的主线。劳动范畴的理论图景是马克思主义逻辑结构的映像,是连接马克思主义各个理论模块的枢纽。因而,劳动范畴是马克思主义的逻辑内核,为呈现马克思主义整体性的内在结构提供了新视角。  相似文献   
The current administration's zero tolerance stance on illegal immigration has resulted in the separation of thousands of families and the de facto termination of parental rights. While undocumented parents were always at risk of detainment, expanded immigration enforcement under the Trump administration has greatly increased that risk. Detainment has directly and indirectly resulted in the prolonged separation of parents from their children. This Note proposes a Department of Homeland Security Regulation that will require ICE to use the least restrictive methods to achieve its goals while emphasizing efforts to keep families together.  相似文献   
This paper follows forest conditions, agricultural practices, and livelihoods in a Nepali village between 1980 and 2010. A survey was administered to all village households in 1980, 1990 and 2010; semi-structured interviews were also conducted. Tree species frequency, density and dominance were determined for eight forest patches during each survey. Over this period the population of the village remained stable; the number of children decreased, and the number of people over 50 increased. Famers keep significantly fewer livestock, and have become less dependent on farming and more engaged in commercial activities. In 1980 the number of out-migrants was so few that they were not recorded; by 2010, 29 percent of the adult male population was engaged in migration. Nepal initiated an acclaimed Community Forestry program in the early 1990s; by 2010 about half the village’s forests showed improved tree density and size. Contrary to expectations and published literature, the study found that forest conditions in half of the village’s forests were not improved; and while livelihoods appeared to be better in 2010 than in 1980, they are not more secure as they are increasingly dependent on remittance incomes and hence at the whims of the international labor market.  相似文献   
There is an ongoing debate among practitioners and scholars about the security consequences of transnational migration. Yet, existing work has not, so far, fully taken into account the policy instruments states have at their disposal to mitigate these risks, and reliable evidence is lacking for the effectiveness of such measures. This article addresses both shortcomings as whether and to what extent national migration policies affect the diffusion of terrorism via population movements are analysed. Spatial analyses report robust support for a moderating influence of states’ policies: while terrorism can travel from one country to another via larger migration populations, this only applies to target countries with extremely lax regulations and control mechanisms. This research sheds new light on the security implications of population movements, and it crucially adds to our understanding of governments’ instruments for addressing migration challenges as well as their effectiveness.  相似文献   
Do undocumented migrants underreport crimes to the police in order to avoid being deported? And do criminals exploit such vulnerability? We address these questions using victimization surveys and administrative data around the 1986 U.S. immigration amnesty. The amnesty allows us to solve two major identification issues that have plagued this literature: migrants’ legal status is endogenous and unobserved. The results show that the reporting rate of undocumented immigrants is 17 percent, which limits the immigrants’ ability to protect some of their fundamental human rights. However, right after the 1986 amnesty, which disproportionately legalized individuals of Hispanic origin, crime victims of Hispanic origin show enormous improvements in reporting behavior. The implied increase in the reporting rate by amnesty applicants is close to 20 percentage points.  相似文献   
习近平总书记关于以人民为中心的思想集中反映了习近平总书记的群众观,是对马克思"人的全面发展"理论的继承和发展。深入了解和研究以人民为中心思想的形成、理论来源、重要意义和深刻内涵,对于准确把握习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,坚持国有企业职工主体地位,统筹做好工会各项工作都具有重要意义。本文论述了以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,在国有企业中深入理解和切实践行以人民为中心的发展思想,贯彻落实好全心全意依靠工人阶级的根本方针,充分发挥国有企业"六个力量"作用,推动国有企业做强做优做大,促进我国经济社会持续健康发展的具体路径和目标任务。  相似文献   
近年来,网络平台与网约工的劳动纠纷开始显现在司法实务中。面对类似纠纷,法院采取了不同的立场。尽管网约用工打破了过去"单一企业对应单一员工"的劳动关系模式,但根据现行法律,仅凭合作协议难以认定网络平台与网约工存在劳动关系。一方面应当区分网约工与网络平台签订劳动合同、网络平台与其它企业进行合作、网络平台直接与网约工签订合作协议三种形式,另一方面应当在司法实践中对"各项劳动规章制度适用"、"受劳动管理"、"从事用人单位安排的有报酬的劳动"进行统一规范解释。最后应当在司法经验基础上根据"互联网+"背景下共享经济的特点完善劳动法。  相似文献   
外卖骑手撑起整个"宅经济",但却身份不明,雇主不详。专送、外包、众包等模式将原本典型的劳动关系搅混,各用工主体试图回避劳动基准,模糊骑手薪酬,以计件制代替小时工资制,以用户评价主导业绩考核,以罚代管,肆意剥削压榨骑手。骑手薪酬设计弊端重重:劳动关系不明、社会保障缺位、用户评价失灵、企业处罚不当、计件薪酬粗暴。合理的薪酬制度是劳企和谐的基础,是提高劳动就业质量的前提。为改善行业混乱现状,政府应及时介入市场,厘清模糊不清的用工关系,适时出台行业管理标准,规范劳动定额管理,完善薪酬支付体系,保障骑手劳动权益,促进新业态良性发展。  相似文献   
本研究运用北京市"新技术新业态新模式蓬勃发展对职工队伍和劳动关系的影响及应对举措"专题调研数据(1),通过整合定性和定量要素的混合方法,分析了共享经济平台劳动者就业的特征以及劳动关系的现状与问题。结果表明,共享经济平台就业呈现出低门槛、高灵活性、去劳动关系化的特点。共享经济平台为劳动者提供了大量就业机会和新的工作模式,在帮助劳动者提升收入水平的同时,劳动者可以较为自由地安排工作时间。但同时,共享经济的发展对传统劳动关系秩序产生了巨大挑战。传统劳动法律体系不适应共享经济的发展,劳动者与共享经济平台的法律关系不明确,平台从业者的劳动权益保护问题应引起重视。  相似文献   
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