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贾志强 《法学研究》2022,44(1):120-134
目前我国刑事值班律师制度规范背后折射出有权机关抑制辩方权利的倾向。根据法律规范意旨,只要被追诉人没有辩护人,国家就应“强制指派”值班律师介入案件。将“约见”解读为国家指派值班律师需以被追诉人申请为前提,这混淆了律师会见与介入案件的关系,且将国家责任转嫁给个人,弱化了对被追诉人获得最低限度法律援助权利的保障。相关规范性文件将值班律师阅卷权能限定为“查阅”,但基于法律援助法第37条的文义、控辩平等之程序公正底线要求等因素,值班律师阅卷权能还应包括“摘抄”“复制”。《法律援助值班律师工作办法》第10条第2款规定,值班律师有量刑异议时,只要其认可犯罪嫌疑人认罪认罚的自愿性,就应在具结书上签字。这是对值班律师功能“见证化”的公开宣示,与2018年刑事诉讼法第201条的意旨以及值班律师实质性参与量刑协商的改革要求相矛盾。值班律师应被赋予拒绝签字的权利。“实质性参与”应是目前完善值班律师制度的基本方向。  相似文献   
Law schools are seeking ways to familiarize family law students with exciting new professional roles arising in connection with family court reform. This article describes the family law externship program at William Mitchell College of Law which includes a classroom component allowing students placed in different practice settings to compare and contrast their experiences. The program assists students in making career choices and enhances their ability to counsel future clients.  相似文献   
This paper considers the adoption ofPortia, the heroine of The Merchant ofVenice, by feminist legal scholars as ametaphor for the woman lawyer. It suggests thatPortia has both captured and is captured by thefeminist legal scholar's imagination, becomingat once an idol, myth and icon. She is to somethe personification of the woman lawyer'sperceived difference, a mouthpiece for mercyand `the different voice' and to others, a shamor myth, her idolised reputation sullied, her`difference' rejected. Yet ultimately thisconstant and simultaneous idolisation andvilification of Portia threatens not only tosilence and constrain conversations about thewoman lawyer, but also to eclipse her promiseand potential. Thus in the final section of thepaper, Portia is established as an icon. Assuch her story, understood as a myth or fairytale, is seen to reveal previously unimaginedpossibilities for change, as an iconicunderstanding of Portia becomes a windowthrough which feminist legal scholars can lookonto alternative understandings of lawyeringand adjudication.  相似文献   
论律师在侦查阶段的诉讼地位和诉讼权利   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国刑事诉讼法规定了律师在侦查阶段就可以介入刑事诉讼,但没有明确规定律师在侦查阶段的诉讼身份,并对律师介入侦查的诉讼权利进行种种限制,难以发挥律师在侦查阶段的职能作用。本文着重就律师在侦查阶段应以什么身份介入侦查以及在侦查阶段应享有哪些诉讼权利作了阐述并提出个人看法和建议。  相似文献   
Since 2012 when the Criminal Procedure Law stipulated that the defense counsel can verify evidence with the defendant at the prosecution stage, the theoretical circle and the practical circle debated over the scope of the evidence for verification. On the basis of understanding the purpose of verification of evidence in a narrow sense, the side of the scope-limitation argued that the type, the scope of previewing evidence verification, and the right of checking only belong to lawyer. However, from the legislative reasons to protect the defendant's effective quality certificate, to maintain the basic structure that the lawyer verifies the evidence with the defendant, and to prepare effectively for the defense, the defendant should conduct a comprehensive examination of the evidence. Therefore, the defense lawyer verifying the evidence fully with the defendant has legitimacy.  相似文献   
我国实行的是政府集中监管体制和律师协会行业自律管理体制"两结合"的律师管理体制。但是,司法行政机关在律师管理中的权力过于广泛,应充分发挥律师协会的独立性,转变司法行政机关管理理念,真正实现律师协会的行业管理。  相似文献   
新修正的《刑事诉讼法》在许多方面对侦查工作加强了制约监督,切实体现了尊重和保障人权理念。侦查机关和侦查人员应当顺应时势,牢记尊重和保障人权,转变旧的侦查理念和模式,积极适应侦查阶段律师辩护人身份的确立,不断提高侦查工作质量,切实提高新形势下诉讼效益。这无论从查明案情,还是从打击犯罪方面以及提高侦查公信力方面来说都是非常必要的,而且是非常迫切的。  相似文献   
认罪认罚从宽制度实施以来,在提高诉讼效率方面效果显著,但同时也伴随着架空程序正义的风险,律师实质性参与是认罪认罚从宽程序之正当性基础。加之认罪认罚从宽制度推动着协商性司法的进程,中国特色的控辩协商机制来日可期,律师的有效参与更应成为完善制度构建的应有之义。然而司法实践的现状与制度设计的初衷相去甚远,律师分别在侦查、审查起诉、审判各诉讼阶段发挥不同作用的同时也面临不同的参与困境。结合域外经验加以审视,认罪认罚从宽制度框架下的律师参与存在辩护理念和立法规制的双重缺失。具体而言,应推动有效辩护的理念建构和精细值班律师的制度建构,探寻律师实质性参与认罪认罚从宽程序的合理路径,从而有效保障被追诉人的诉讼权利,助力认罪认罚从宽制度的健康推进。  相似文献   
律师制度是商品经济和民主政治发展到一定高度的产物 ,这就是我们所探讨的两个基本条件。律师制度得以产生和存在的两块基石就是辩护制度和代理制度。  相似文献   
目前 ,我国律师在刑事执业中困难重重 ,不利于对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人合法权益的保护 ,最主要的原因是律师在刑事执业中风险太大。赋予律师在刑事诉讼中豁免权有利于实现设立律师制度的目的 ,维护弱者权利 ,维护最基本人权 ,同时也是跟国际相接轨的现实需要。  相似文献   
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