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The views and attitudes that lawmakers have about sexual offenders and sexual victimization can be influential in criminal lawmaking. And given the popularity of sex offender laws, policy-makers are central players in how state justice systems respond to sex crimes. Therefore, state-level policy-makers from across the country, who sponsored and passed at least one sex offender law in their state, (n?=?61) were interviewed about sex offenders and sex crimes. Policy-makers believe sex offender laws are too broad. The laws extend to nonviolent offenses, low-risk offenders, and thus dilute the law enforcement potency of sex offender registries. Policy-makers view existing sex offender laws as necessary to enhance public safety and as proof that lawmakers are responding to the needs and concerns of the public. Sex offender laws were also discussed as a source of political capital; a way to help ensure reelection. The sexual victimization of children and the media’s coverage of sex crimes were instrumental in these state-level policy-makers’ decisions to sponsor sex offender laws. Policy and research recommendations are offered.  相似文献   
克隆羊"多莉"诞生以来,克隆技术迅猛发展,克隆人问题的现实性日益彰显。我国秉持"禁止生殖性克隆、支持治疗性克隆"的指导思想,出台了相关规章禁止克隆人。然而,目前我国克隆人的相关立法有违背宪法上的法律保留原则和比例原则之嫌,存在着合宪性问题。建议全国人大根据法律保留和比例原则制定专门的《克隆技术管理法》,明确界定克隆人的相关概念,禁止任何人从事生殖性克隆,并明确规定监管机关的监管职责以及违法应当承担的法律责任,同时将生殖性克隆入罪、明确立法的"落日条款",以消解当前克隆人立法的合宪性问题,实现克隆人立法的宪法规制。  相似文献   
法律在规制网络言论中具有重要作用,目前世界上多数国家都有规制网络言论的法律规定。我国规制网络言论的立法覆盖面广,各领域基本做到了有法可依,但存在立法层次低、权威性不够以及法制不统一等问题。完善规制网络言论的立法,应遵循必要性原则、明确性原则和公众参与原则。国务院应加强对行政法规、规章的审查和清理工作。全国人大常委会应适时出台《网络信息管理法》和《个人信息保护法》。  相似文献   
European labour markets are often described as rigid with comparatively high levels of job protection that do not allow for the flexible adjustment of employment to economic fluctuations. This interpretation overlooks important sources of flexibility, however. Research has shown that recent labour market policy reforms have allowed for the creation of two‐tier labour markets consisting of insiders in standard employment relationships and outsiders in non‐standard employment. This outcome has typically been explained by pointing to the representational interests of unions or social‐democratic parties. It has been argued that rather than protecting all labour market participants, unions and social‐democratic parties focus on the interests of their members and their core constituency, respectively, most of whom are in standard employment relationships. In contrast, it is argued here that unions' institutional power resources are the crucial variable explaining this outcome. In difficult economic times, when unions are asked to make concessions, they will assent to labour market reforms, but only to those that do not fundamentally threaten to undermine their organisational interests. In the context of job security legislation, this means that unions defend the protection of permanent contracts while they compromise on the regulation of temporary employment. This ‘second best solution’ allows them to protect their organisational interests, both by retaining their institutional role in the administration of dismissals and by living up to their institutional role as one of the organisations responsible for the direction of labour market policy reform. Using fsQCA this article shows that unions' institutional power resources are more apt to explain the observed two‐tier reform pattern than the unions' or the social‐democratic parties' representational interests.  相似文献   
原告范围的确定是环境公益民事诉讼制度设计中最为核心的问题。根据《民事诉讼法》第55条,法律规定的机关和有关组织可以提起环境公益民事诉讼。该条规定存在着立法体例不科学、列举不恰当及用语不明晰之弊端。由于短期内不可能再次对《民事诉讼法》进行修改,故在《环境保护法》修正案中作出相应的规定,并以司法解释明确"机关"、"有关组织"及"环境公共利益"的概念,将是可行的选择。  相似文献   
程序对于行政立法而言至关重要,我国当前行政立法的程序包括准备、起草、听证、审查审议、公告等阶段。我国行政立法程序仍然存在规定不够具体,实践中不少环节多是按照行政行为的内部程序来操作等问题。为此,应对之加以完善:一是建立立法项目的必要性分析制度;二是完善立法听证程序;三是在审议阶段建立行政立法责任制度。  相似文献   
赌博作为一饱受诟病的不良文化现象,一直受到社会各界的关注。法学、社会学等理论领域和刑事司法实务界对禁止赌博、赌博行为入罪处罚的研究也从未停止。但现有的法律规定和理论研究在如何界定开设赌场罪及开设赌场罪的共犯等问题上仍存在分歧,司法实践中对此类犯罪的认定处理也不统一。拟从一则案例入手,分析开设赌场罪的司法认定,并提出对开设赌场犯罪的立法完善意见。  相似文献   
政府绩效立法分析:以美国《政府绩效与结果法案》为例   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
随着绩效管理在政府部门的应用和重视 ,绩效立法也逐渐被关注。美国率先于 1993年颁布了《政府绩效与结果法案》(GPRA) ,以立法形式规范了政府绩效的相关活动。GPRA颁布至今已有 11年 ,绩效管理制度逐渐深入到政府日常工作当中 ,提高了政府部门绩效管理意识。但由于其内部复杂的管理、绩效数据收集存在很大困难、对政府部门项目评估的困难、实施过程受政治因素影响甚大、评估主体单一等原因 ,该法案实施出现了诸多问题 ,对这些经验教训的总结能为我国未来政府绩效立法提供借鉴。  相似文献   
《中华人民共和国保险法》引入保险表见代理制度,对于加强保险代理市场监管,进一步规范保险代理行为具有重要意义.然而,保险表见代理制度中的缺陷也造成了司法实践中的困难.因此,通过分析保险表见代理的构成要件,阐明保险人的主观过失应该作为保险表见代理构成的必要条件、行为人没有代理权和代理权终止后也可以成立保险表见代理等观点,意在从司法实践的角度不断完善保险表见代理制度.  相似文献   
北洋政府统治时期是中国法制近代化的又一个阶段,以《暂行新刑律》为代表的刑法典即为当时刑事立法走向近代化过程的缩影.《暂行新刑律》的修订过程中,既有近代的法制原则与制度被进一步的吸收和确立,又有传统的封建礼教纲常的恢复与强化,传统的"礼"与近代的"法"在刑事立法中的交替与反复刻画出北洋时期乃至整个近代中国刑事立法发展的一个基本脉络.  相似文献   
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