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当前我国正处于社会转型的关键时期,公安工作所面临的政治、经济、法律、文化等各方面的环境发生了深刻的变化.近年来,我国警察执法公信力之所以受到各方的关注,其原因不仅在于公安机关本身,还在于公安工作所面临的外部环境发生了变化,如行政权力干预、民生问题、公众的认知、新闻媒体的报道等都会对警察执法公信力产生影响.  相似文献   
卿红 《行政与法》2012,(3):56-59
随着改革开放的日益深入和市场经济的不断发展,人民群众的物质文化需要不断增长,相伴产生的是社会各阶层利益冲突加剧,其影响了民众正常的生产生活,破坏了社会的稳定。因此,要准确把握维护群众权益的新内容,加强和完善党和政府主导的维护群众权益机制,形成科学有效的利益协调机制、诉求表达机制、矛盾调处机制和权益保障机制,切实维护群众的合法权益,推动和谐社会建设。  相似文献   
王春林 《桂海论丛》2012,(3):97-100
改善文化民生,是广西建设民族文化强区的重要任务,也是凝聚力量,实现富民强桂新跨越的一项重要支撑.近年来,广西在文化民生建设中取得了明显的成效,但仍存在不少困难与问题.广西要改善文化民生状况,须在借鉴其他省市成功经验的基础上,进一步健全完善公共文化服务运行机制,正确处理发展公益性文化事业与文化产业的关系,加快发展文化事业与文化产业,创新公共文化供给与文化人才队伍培养机制,实施文化扶贫战略  相似文献   
发展民主,保障人们的基本权利,为改善民生提供重要保障;改善民生,也是发展民主的内在要求。改善民生,我们才能拥有真正的民主。发展民主与改善民生统一于构建和谐社会的过程当中。两者是相辅相成、相互依存的关系。  相似文献   
民生改善问题及规制路径初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民生改善是民生系统发展和更新的动力机制。当前我国民生改善存在很多问题,包括改善的创新性与改善效果难题、改善依据的政策属性与改善行为的合法性和正当性难题、监督和救济途径的非法治化与改善行为矫正难题等。针对上述问题,只有对民生改善涉及到的各种问题进行利益衡量,才能客观评价改善效果;只有综合运用政治和法律途径,才能保障改善行为的正当性和合法性;只有拓展监督和救济方式,才能有效矫正改善行为。  相似文献   
自2011年末金正日病逝至今,金正恩接掌朝鲜政权时间已过半年。在这半年时间里,朝鲜政局基本稳定,金正恩通过"三步曲"接掌朝鲜最高权力,并开始履行国家最高领导权;外交方面,金正恩也展现出比以前更加积极的姿态,呈现出远交近攻之特点;经济发展方面,朝鲜已进入缓慢的复苏之中。总的来说,现今朝鲜的国情远比金正日时代开启之初的情况好得多。执政半年里金正恩处变不惊,措施得当:行孝道以取民心;造时势以立英雄;承祖训以示正统。当前,朝鲜已来到一个十字路口:朝鲜想怎么走,应该怎么走,能怎么走,引人关注。笔者认为,金正恩政权的使命是注重发展,解决民生问题;对其未来发展,给出了三阶段时间表与路线图予以描绘。  相似文献   
民间借贷作为民间融资的重要形式,在解决金融资源公平、有效配置问题方面发挥着不可替代的作用.目前,硬法治理模式在规范民间借贷时出现了系统性的制度缺位,随着软法治理模式的日渐兴起,民间借贷的软法治理方案成为一种弥补硬法局限的金融治理模式.通过分析不难发现,民间借贷与软法治理在制度供给与制度需求、价值取向和治理方式诸方面有较高的契合度.构建以保障民生为宗旨的民间借贷软法治理模式,将是理顺和规范民间贷关系的一种理性选择.  相似文献   


At a time when natural forests remain a substantial framework for solving manifold human-induced environmental problems, forest conservation efforts have often been met with a number of challenges, especially in the midst of growing populations of forest-adjacent communities in the developing countries of the world. However, the initiation of the Kilum-Ijim Forest Project in the Western Highland region of Cameroon (erroneously considered to have been a naturally savannized environment) twenty years ago tells a success conservation story. This study, therefore, examines the fate of the Kilum-Ijim Forest prior to the forest conservation project, the conservation efforts put in place to protect and restore the biodiversity of the area, the conservation challenges, and also proposes other areas of intervention for a continuous successful conservation legacy. Due to the constant population pressure and the resultant overexploitation of the Kilum Mountain forest, the original forest size, estimated at 17,500 hectares in 1963, was reduced to 10,500 hectares by 1983. In recognition of the umbilical link between forest and forest-adjacent communities, the Cameroon Government and BirdLife International liaised with the adjacent tribal communities for a sustainable way of managing the forest. While these communities benefit through the non-consumptive use of the forest and other alternative livelihood means, the ecological viabilities of the forest are equally promoted through biodiversity restoration. Due to this community-based management approach, the Kilum-Ijim forest remains an outstanding example of a richly endowed highland montane forest, with a number of endemic wildlife species. Today, conservation efforts have restored the forest size to over 20,000 hectares. Having understood the need for forest conservation and the ensuing conservation benefits, perhaps it is time to increase the forest conservation sites while more alternatives serving human needs are designed and promoted. This conservation legacy should also serve as an example worth emulating in other highland regions with a history of forest degradation.  相似文献   

Based on sources for African Indigenous Ecology Control and Sustainable Community Livelihood in Southern African history this article argues that political independence in the Southern African region has altered the historiography of the region and the African continent as a whole. Black Africans are now looking to the past for inspiration to constitute the foundations of sustainable livelihoods using their own indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) and resources. The indicatives of the African Renaissance also demand that we draw on the significance of the control by pre-colonial African communities of their ecosystems. Existing testimonies show prosperity among pre-colonial African communities in the region. The argument is that, in order to restore the historical achievements of Africans in the region, IKS should form a constitutive part of education.  相似文献   
重视民生问题是中国共产党指导思想的必然要求,是社会主义国家执政理念的本质内涵,成为检验党和政府路线、方针、政策成败的根本。科学发展观对民生提高的深切关注,创造了一整套的民生理论和民生实践,标志着中国特色社会主义的最新和最大创造。中国特色社会主义的民生经济观,具有全面体现科学发展的崭新性能和时代特征;同历史上的诸多民生追求和主张具有本质区別;形成进一步实现经济社会科学发展的路径体系,已经深深地融入到党的执政思想和治国方略之中。  相似文献   
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