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近年来我国农村生态环境治理取得了很大的成就,从陕西省的治理实践来看,我国农村仍存在生活污染、种植业污染、养殖业污染、工业污染等问题;从总体看,当前农村生态环境治理进展不平衡、长效机制不健全、推进速度有待提升、农民生态环境治理的参与度不高。导致上述问题的主要原因是农村生态环境治理中的政府职能不足,农民环保意识不强、生产生活习惯改进难,资金投入不足,环境管理体系不健全,宣传力度不够。根据陕西农村生态环境治理的现状,推动农村生态环境治理机制创新,构建党委领导、政府主导、社会协同、公众参与的协同治理机制,是实现农村生态环境善治的有效途径。  相似文献   
环保信托是环保资本运营的新亮点。将环保与信托两者有机地结合起来,环保市场可以得到信托业的大力支持和严格规范,从而保证其良性发展。这主要因为信托具有提高环保资本运营效率的功能。环保信托的创设主要是利用信托的增值功能、保全功能、融资功能和避税功能。  相似文献   
岷江上游地区晚全新世以来环境变迁与民族迁移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类社会发展的历史进程中必然伴随不同规模的人口迁移现象。对这一现象的产生一般从政治、经济、战争、饥荒等角度加以解释,而环境因素的作用一直被大多数研究者所忽视。本文以岷江上游多民族分布地区为例,分别论述岷江上游地区晚全新世以来环境变化和民族迁移的历史,并由此探讨环境变迁与民族迁移的耦合关系。研究表明,环境变迁对岷江上游地区民族迁入的影响主要包括两个方面:一方面是向干旱寒冷气候的变化迫使当地民族向气候适宜地区迁移,另一方面是由于气候的突变引起的洪涝灾害以及资源缺乏等使农业生产力降低,从而促使社会动乱并导致民族迁移。  相似文献   
人类面临生态危机已成为共识,而全球生态环境的恶化仍在继续;究其原因,有人主张是“人类中心主义”。然而,形成生态危机的原因错综复杂,不能简单地归咎于“人类中心主义”。用马克思主义唯物史观分析,生态危机的形成与生产力、生产关系(经济基础)乃至上层建筑都有关系。  相似文献   
《1848年至1850年的法兰西阶级斗争》和《路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日》不仅被阐释为政治学著作和历史学著作,而且是马克思把唯物史观的一般规律具体化到政治哲学领域中的典范之作,特别是其对当时法国政治事件中"活生生的时事"的内涵和外在表现深入细致地剖析,是实现了唯物史观的基本理论与社会现实之政治事件相统一的哲学著作.对这两...  相似文献   
徐泉 《河北法学》2006,24(9):77-82
环境服务谈判纳入GATS之中以及由此带来的法律适用上的冲突,从一个侧面折射出多边贸易体制下贸易与环境问题的复杂性.平衡与协调贸易与环境问题的难度与多边谈判的曲折,使许多问题已超出WTO体制的承载,通过对环境服务贸易在GATS协定中的法律适用的分析,反映出在WTO体制下处理好贸易与环境议题,尚需在理论与实践上作出进一步的探讨与努力.  相似文献   
Members of parliament are key actors for the implementation of energy transitions, such as phasing out nuclear power. Before legislators can cast their maybe decisive vote in parliament, they need to run for office and actively strive for election. This paper assesses what political candidates oppose renewable energy transitions and questions whether the energy issue matters in national elections, and thus has consequences for the implementation of new sustainable energy sources. We analyze these questions by first describing the specific characteristics of political candidates. The paper then evaluates the relevance of the energy issue for electoral success in three national elections in Switzerland (2007, 2012, and 2015). Based on candidate data from the voting advice application smartvote.ch, we find that female candidates support ETs more than men do; that especially the French‐speaking part of the country is more in favor of a nuclear phase‐out, and that younger candidates are also more open toward restructuring the energy system than older candidates are. Our models further show that the energy issue does not matter in elections, independently from its salience in the respective election campaigns. Candidates are thus relatively free to choose their position on the issue and do not have to fear consequences at the ballot. However, candidates of center parties, in contrast to the pole parties, are sensitive to the energy issue and reflect public mood in their positions.  相似文献   
This article characterizes the ways in which the actors in charge of designing and implementing public policies intervene to promote the emergence of alternatives to problematic technologies. It is based on a case study conducted in Argentina that focuses on initiatives to promote the development of biological agricultural inputs in the context of increasingly controversial chemical inputs. The study spotlights the political, institutional, and semantic efforts made by policy makers and public administrations to ensure these new inputs find their way into organizations and onto their agendas. Their work consists in attenuating the boundaries between chemical and biological inputs, and reducing opposition by creating categories and organizations that downplay potential dissension and highlight the possible coexistence of technological paradigms. Contrary to what the injunctions of technological substitution suggest, we show that putting alternative technologies on the public agenda depends largely on their inclusion in institutional and regulatory infrastructures originally designed for technologies that are likely to decline. More broadly, it relies on the construction of continuity between the two types of technologies.  相似文献   
科学发展观“以人为本、全面协调可持续发展”的要求与环境行政决策的合法化、科学化、民主化的诉求并行不悖、相互促进。环境行政决策应响应科学发展观的要求,进行体系上的重构,顺应环境法治的时代要求。具体因应对策为:环境行政决策应以“以人为本”为核心,进行必要的法律规制(实体规制与程序规制)和行政三分体制(决策、执行、监督)的创新,形成决策的合法、科学、民主与决策效率和谐互动的理想状态。  相似文献   
试析我国的水生生物资源养护法律体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王建廷  许浩 《河北法学》2007,25(4):141-144
我国已经形成了一个由宪法、法律、法规以及其他规范性法律文件组成的多层次、多角度水生生物资源养护的法律体系,但尚存在诸多缺陷和不足.对我国水生生物资源法律体系存在的缺陷和不足进行初步剖析,并就我国水生生物资源法律体系的构建提出完善建议.  相似文献   
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