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正"I may use certain references to things that infl uenced me as a child,things that fi rst attracted me to art.But these subjects,my‘little people,’are used to describe my world today and certainly far removed from childhood."  相似文献   

Does mainstream party positioning contribute to marginalising or legitimising niche party positions? This article argues that voter perceptions of the legitimacy and credibility of niche party positions play a role in individuals’ propensity to vote for niche parties. It finds that the adoption of more restrictive immigration positions by mainstream parties increases the likelihood that those people who do not recognise the issue competence of radical right parties on immigration will vote radical right. However, for individuals who already perceive the radical right to be competent on immigration, mainstream party adoption of more restrictive immigration positions has no effect on propensity to vote radical right. In addition, the increase in the propensity of individuals to vote radical right is predominantly a function of mainstream left parties adopting more restrictive immigration positions. These results imply that mainstream parties risk fuelling radical right party support by adopting more restrictive immigration positions.  相似文献   

This paper foregrounds the disciplinary power of ridicule, as a form or aspect of humour, vis-à-vis gender norms. While much theoretical and empirical research in gender studies recognizes the punitive function of gendered humour and/or ridicule, this function is given no theoretical significance. To resolve this tension, I integrate social psychologist Michael Billig's theory of ridicule as a universal reinforcer of the social order, along with the notion of gender order (as a particular type of social order) as outlined in masculinities theorist Raewyn Connell's gender hierarchy model. I contend that as a form of mainstream gender humour, ridicule serves as a tool for policing the gender order and creating self-regulating gendered subjects. The argument enables a rereading of mainstream gender humour, especially when it deploys ridicule to target non-hegemonic gendered subjectivities, practices, and performances. Such apparently banal humour, as I illustrate with examples of contemporary Anglo-American mainstream gender humour, speaks to and protects the fundamental elements of the gender order of the society and culture in which the humour circulates. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of the implications of the main argument for pro-gender democracy research and activism.  相似文献   
主流意识形态建设是一项系统而复杂的工程,无论从哲学层面还是从现实层面看,都有其必要性。当前,在我国主流意识形态建设中存在两方面的误区:一是过分强调西方和平演变政策对我国主流意识形态的影响;二是将主流意识形态建设中的“灌输”等同于强迫接受。做好主流意识形态建设工作,必须把提高群众的文化水平作为前提;把维护群众的合法权益作为关键;把提高群众的物质生活水平作为突破口。  相似文献   
劳动合作和利益共享是我国现阶段阶层关系的主流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正确认识和处理社会阶层之间的关系,基本着眼点是要维护、发展和实现最广大人民的根本利益,正确反映和兼顾不同方面群众的利益,使全体人民朝着共同富裕的方向稳步前进。我国现阶段各社会阶层之间的相互关系,本质上是一种劳动合作和利益共享的关系,是产生于劳动分工基础上的职业关系。  相似文献   
西方主流心理学"天生"地蕴涵着"自然主义"的情结,它没能抗拒自然主义的"诱惑",崇尚自然科学的研究模式.其直接结果导致了心理学由于盲目模仿物理科学,简单强调实证研究,忽视意识的描述分析的必要性与重要性,不能准确地反映心理现象与物理现象的重大差异,造成对意识研究片面的自然化,曲解人的心理活动的独特性,无法全面、准确地涵盖和研究人所拥有的独特的心理活动.  相似文献   
大学生主流意识形态教育问题关系到为社会培养什么人的问题,关系到什么样的人成为我国社会主义事业接班人的问题,这直接决定着中国的前途命运。思想政治理论课是高校思想政治教育、主流意识形态教育的主阵地。面对社会转型、经济一体化所带来的种种社会思潮的冲击,思想政治理论课要在教学内容、方式等方面加以改革,提高大学生主流意识形态教育的实效性。  相似文献   
列宁的意识形态理论作为上层建筑的一部分是在无产阶级的实践运动中产生的,是在与唯心主义等各种错误思想的斗争中发展的。列宁的意识形态理论对正确认识我国主流意识形态具有指导意义,对我国主流意识形态建设具有如下启示:要坚持社会主义主流意识形态的主导地位,建设与人民根本利益相一致的社会主义意识形态,增强意识形态的批判性作用。  相似文献   
作为影响当代中国最为主要的西方社会思潮之一,近年来,新自由主义在我国的传播表现出传播领域生活化、传播方式大众化、传播内容感性化等特点。新自由主义的观点和主张会对我国青年群体的主流意识形态认同造成负面影响,这些影响主要包括消解部分青年对于马克思主义的信仰、动摇部分青年对于社会主义制度的信心、改变部分青年的集体主义价值取向,以及扭曲部分青年的公平正义观念等等。为加强我国青年群体的主流意识形态认同,可以考虑从创新模式、传播方式和本土化这样三个方面来推进主流意识形态领域的改革,以此来确保马克思主义在我国青年群体精神生活领域的主导地位。  相似文献   
监狱诚信文化是中国特色社会主义诚信文化的重要组成部分,它对罪犯个人改造、监狱工作的深化、社会和谐的构建具有重要意义。监狱诚信文化具有法治性、人文性、整体性、整合性、动态性的特点。构建监狱诚信文化,必须以切合实际、兼顾成长、适者生存、与时俱进等原则为主旨,打造监狱诚信文化新的模式。  相似文献   
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