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本文从阐释公安教育实训质量内涵出发,指出公安教育实训质量评价意义,在分析当前公安实训现状后,明确指出公安教育实训质量评价体系存在的问题,并结合当前公安教育的前沿热点问题,提出构建公安教育实训质量评价体系的合理化建议,以推动公安机关部门教育实训质量评价体系的构建。  相似文献   
监狱对罪犯的改造工作,无论是内容还是形式,都较前有了明显的发展。但数据显示重新犯罪率却没有相应地降低。重新犯罪率的高低反映一个国家的社会控制能力与水平,却不能科学、准确地反映监狱改造罪犯的质量。监狱改造质量的高低与刑释人员重新犯罪率高低具有一定的关联性,重新犯罪率不是评价监狱监管工作质量的唯一标准,重新犯罪率可以作为衡量监狱改造质量关系的一项指标之一。  相似文献   
人文素质教育对于女校至关重要,调查显示,女校人文素质教育的现状不容乐观,还存在着教育理念比较落后、学校领导重视不够、人文素质教育的针对性不强、教育效果不明显等问题.问题的存在不同程度制约了女校人文素质教育的发展,并在一定程度上影响了女校人才培养的质量.  相似文献   
近年来电子政务的兴起和大力发展,使得电子服务被提升到一个全新高度,成为政府绩效评估的核心取向之一。本文在公共部门变革回顾和公共部门服务质量内涵界定基础上,总结比较了公共部门服务质量测评的两类模式:差异模式和绩效模式,深入分析了其维度构成及影响要素,并对评价过程中控制变量选取问题进行了探讨,以为我国公共部门电子服务建设提供理论参考。  相似文献   
当前的治安行政执法,普遍存在着执法工作的价值取向上有偏差的问题、执法过程不规范的问题。治安民警自身要求不严制约严格执法,业务素质不高影响规范执法,缺乏人权意识干扰文明执法,法律意识淡薄削弱公正执法,刑讯逼供导致冤假错案,治安行政执法的质量不高。治安执法中存在的质量问题,社会各界十分关注,人民群众反映强烈,应当尽快加以解决。综合利用警力资源,提升民警素质,严格教育培训,完善监督考评制度,改善执法环境,规范案卷制作,是提高执法质量的基本路径。  相似文献   
我市职工素质工程建设现正向纵深发展,全市各系统各单位在思想上创新,在实践中探索,在工作上求真,在成效上求实,积累了丰富经验,主要表现为:能切实针对企业生产经营的当前之需、新技术运用、精细化管理及农民工特点进行培训;能把学习培训有计划地安排穿插在劳动竞赛之中,把提高员工整体素质的成果运用到生产中去检验;同时建立一整套的组织领导体系、目标规划体系和奖励激励体系。这些好的经验和做法,具有相当高的参考和推广偷值,  相似文献   
中国社会正处于多方面、多角度、多层面的叠加演化期,亟须超越起点论和时间论,紧握“权力体系”这一影响叠化走向和发展路径的核心要素与关键变量,基于财产权、知识产权、股权、资本权、税权五个权力,破解高质量发展情境下的新问题,破除模块化思维,探索高质量叠化发展下的权力新范式。  相似文献   
A growing literature suggests social democratic policies, as exemplified by the welfare state and active labour market policies, promote higher levels of life satisfaction compared to the neoliberal agenda of austerity, smaller government and more ‘flexible’ labour markets. In this article, this inquiry is extended to low-income countries. A theoretical argument is developed for why labour market regulation (LMR) (rather than social welfare spending or the general size of government) is a more appropriate locus of attention outside of the industrial democracies. The relationship between LMR and several measures of well-being is then empirically evaluated, finding robust evidence that people live more satisfying lives in countries that more stringently regulate their labour market. Moreover, it is found that positive benefits of LMR on well-being are the largest among individuals with lower incomes. The implications for public policy and the study of human well-being are discussed.  相似文献   
A large strand of research holds that democracy with its broad representation and electoral accountability is beneficial for the provision of public goods. Yet, there is a large variation in how democracies perform, indicating that democratic institutions alone do not suffice for securing citizens’ wellbeing. Recent studies have stressed the equal importance of state capacity for public goods delivery. These studies, however, rarely investigate how the lack of state capacity mutes the effects of democratic institutions on public goods provision. This article addresses this gap by using a mixed methods design. First, the conditional effects of democracy and quality of government (QoG) are tested on the previously under-researched domain of the provision of clean water. The results show that democracy is associated with higher water quality only in countries where QoG is high. If QoG is low, more democracy is even related to lower water quality. The second stage of the analysis proceeds by examining how poor QoG disrupts the effects of democracy on public access to safe drinking water using interview data from a typical case of Moldova. The analysis illustrates that democracy has a number of positive effects and incentivises politicians to focus on the visible aspects of water provision, including the expansion of the water pipe network. However, low QoG hampers adoption and implementation of long-term policies necessary for securing an aspect of water provision that is harder to achieve – namely water quality. This leaves the fresh pipes with dirty water.  相似文献   
行政学院是我国干部教育培训体系中的主阵地之一,教学培训是行政学院办学工作的中心,教学培训质量是体现行政学院办学生命力、影响力和竞争力的核心要素。在新时期,行政学院系统肩负着整体提高教学培训质量,培养造就更多善于治国理政的优秀公务员,更多富有战略思维和国际眼光的公共管理人员和政策研究人才的重大使命。为提高行政学院系统履职尽责、服务科学发展的实效,基于自觉强化意识、积极推动创新、不断健全制度、着力突出特色、集聚资源支持、稳步推进合作六个层面,探索行政学院系统整体提高教学培训质量的有效路径。  相似文献   
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