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不断增强党的阶级基础和扩大党的群众基础的政治意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"三个代表"要求加强和改进党的建设,必须强调党的阶级性和群众性,因为党的阶级性是党的先进性的根本依托,群众性是党的先进性的重要支点,阶级性和群众性的有机结合是"三个代表"要求的生动体现。  相似文献   
调查表明,在上海这个国内经济活动最为活跃、舆论监督却乏善可陈的城市,"以天下为己任"的道德传统,依然是今天的新闻从业者个人价值体系中的重要底色。对于大多数新闻从业者来说,选择从事新闻工作,更多地是出于对大众传播媒介所能够担负起重要的社会道义责任的向往,同时也出于自身的兴趣爱好。至于对名利的追逐,显然并不是选择新闻业的首要因素。这一点,正是记者作为正在走向专业化的个体,在新闻媒介实行舆论监督当中发挥作用的重要思想基础。  相似文献   
如何解决民事“执行难”问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
民事“执行难”一直以来是我国人民法院面临的一个难题 ,也是胜诉当事人无法通过法律形式真正实现债权的重要原因 ,即当事人虽然胜诉却未能得到实际执行 ,甚至连案件受理费、律师代理费、申请执行费都得不到赔偿。因此 ,有必要及时采取切实可行的执行措施解决“执行难”问题。  相似文献   
普京继承了叶利钦的“双头鹰”外交,同时又做了较大调整,在“国内目标高于国外目标”的前提下,将对外政策紧紧扣住保障国家安全和服务国家经济发展这两个主题。强调“务实、经济效益和国家利益至上”,突出外交的经济内涵。在维护国家核心利益的基础上,积极推进灵活务实的全方位平衡外交。  相似文献   
以人民群众为价值主体,人民利益高于一切,全心全意为人民服务,是中国共产党人的价值取向.我们党80年来的光辉实践,始终贯穿着这一基本的价值取向,得到了亿万人民群众的衷心拥戴.在新的世纪里,面对社会利益格局的剧烈变动,各种利益主体价值取向的多样化,我们党只有继续坚持这一价值取向,才能始终保持先进性与纯洁性,真正代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,把建设有中国特色社会主义事业不断推向前进.  相似文献   
This article examines a key explanation for the growth of private policing in North America and Western Europe - the influential mass private property thesis (Shearing and Stenning 1981). The discussion of private policing in Western Europe still tends to be heavily influenced by theories developed in the North American context, theories which may be problematic in the contrasting legal, social and economic contexts of Western European nations. The development of more Eurocentric theories has to date been inhibited by the relative paucity of empirical data on the rise of private policing in European countries. Recent research in Britain (Jones and Newburn 1998b) has begun to address this problem, and to map out some important contrasts with the North American experience. By considering these contrasts, it is possible to identify some key areas for future research on private policing in European countries and thus provide a more contextually-grounded series of explanations for what is happening to policing.Joseph Rowntree Foundation Professor of Urban Social Policy  相似文献   
俄罗斯新当选总统梅德韦杰夫于2008年5月7日宣誓就职。他与前任总统普京关系密切,是普京把他扶上了总统宝座。梅德韦杰夫提名普京为总理并获得通过,“梅普组合”正式成立。梅德韦杰夫的治国理念与普京具有一致性。中俄两国关系是高度信赖的关系,是保障世界稳定的重要因素。中俄两国关系的发展不需要过渡期,可以保持持续稳定的发展。  相似文献   
It has been common, at least since 1945, to exaggerate and to overreact to foreign threats, something that seems to be continuing with current concerns over international terrorism. This paper sketches threat exaggeration during the Cold War and applies the experience from that era to the current one. Alarmism and overreaction can be harmful, particularly economically. And, in the case of terrorism, it can help create the damaging consequences the terrorists seek but are unable to perpetrate on their own. Moreover, many of the forms alarmism has taken verge on hysteria. The United States is hardly "vulnerable" in the sense that it can be toppled by dramatic acts of terrorist destruction, even extreme ones. The country can, however grimly, readily absorb that kind of damage, and it has outlasted considerably more potent threats in the past.  相似文献   
中央苏区时期反腐败斗争中的群众监督   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中华苏维埃政府曾被号称"空前的真正的廉洁政府",中央苏区时期,反腐败斗争取得卓越的成绩与群众的监督有着密切的联系。当时,群众参与监督的方式主要有:通过建立民主制度监督;群众参与监督机构;发动群众进行检举和控告;诉诸舆论武器。中央苏区时期反腐败工作发挥群众监督的作用对今天仍有许多启示。  相似文献   
高效率的警察临战,离不开强有力的保障体系。法律保障是警察临战的坚实后盾。现行的法律保障体系存在诸多立法缺陷和执法不力等问题,需逐步加以完善。  相似文献   
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