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This article looks at framing strategies behind the recent Canadian Conservative government’s rhetoric on the military. Critics argue that Conservative rhetoric has politicised Canadian history and overemphasised the armed forces. Few scholars, however, have looked at the specific forms this rhetoric took and the strategies it suggested. The article presents the results of a systematic analysis of Conservative rhetoric between 2005 and 2015. It argues that three key frame alignment strategies were at the heart of the Conservative Government’s rhetoric: extension, consolidation and transformation, with truly transformative rhetoric transpiring only in the last phase. While agreeing with critics that this emphasis on the military aimed to alter perceptions of Canadian identity, the article shows that Conservative rhetoric was far from and monolithic.  相似文献   
Two cross-sectional questionnaire studies were conducted to replicate and extend previous research on the existential guilt reaction. In Study I, gender was considered as a privilege. Male student participants (N = 141) were confronted with the low proportion of women in high-ranking positions and asked to appraise this situation. Self-reported behavior, behavioral intentions, and appeal to authorities aimed at advancing equal opportunities for both genders served as criterion variables. Path analyses were performed to explore the correlation structure among the variables. Self-reported behavior depended most strongly on behavioral intentions and on belief in control. Behavioral intentions depended most strongly on existential guilt. This effect accords to previous existential guilt research. Ethnicity and education were considered as privileges in Study II. Privileged Paraguayan students (N = 80) were confronted with the disadvantageous living conditions of Indians and Campesinos. They were asked to appraise the situation. Behavioral intentions and appeal to authorities directed at improving the living conditions of Indians and Campesinos served as criteria. As in Study I, existential guilt was the strongest predictor of behavioral intentions. Study II revealed the role of values in the process of existential guilt and prosocial behavior. This is a new research finding. Indirect effects of the two values of universalism and benevolence on behavioral intentions were obtained. The effect of universalism was mediated by existential guilt and moral outrage, the effect of benevolence was mediated by injustice and existential guilt. Tradition had a negative indirect effect on behavioral intentions. This effect was mediated by justification of deprivation and probably means that adherence to tradition eases the justification of traditionally existing social inequalities in a society.  相似文献   
以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人历来重视中国军事历史研究。改革开放以来,中国军事历史研究成绩斐然,形成了一支老中青相结合、军地相结合、军事院校与科研单位相结合的科研队伍;出版和发表了一大批学术专著与论文;创办了专业刊物,展开了广泛的学术交流。同时也暴露了队伍建设、研究成果及学风等问题上的不足和缺失,亟待进一步加强和克服。  相似文献   
晚清“督抚专权”的问题学界素有争议,而“兵权下移”是其重要的论述内容。以浙江的个案来看,光绪朝中后期的巡抚们对军队的掌控虽有突破规制之处,但没有到达“专权”的地步。真正的“兵权下移”主要缘于清廷对新军的失控,缘于新军的地方化与革命化。与受人瞩目的北洋新军、湖北新军不同,浙江新军的“平庸”反而更能反映一般省份新军的时代特征。  相似文献   
随着21世纪的到来和我军现代化步伐的加快,我军官兵科学文化素质不高的问题已越来越突出,直接制约和影响着我军的建设与发展。面对高技术战争对军队官兵文化素质的高起点和高要求,我军除加强科技练兵外,当对我军各级指挥员科学文化素质的提高加快步伐,加大我国现行《兵役法》兵员质量条件改革的力度,从根本上解决我军官兵科技文化素质偏低的问题。  相似文献   
我国军事法学经过30年的繁荣发展,初步构建了完整成熟的学科理论体系,但研究中移植复制一般法学理论成果的痕迹明显,对军事法的"个性"或特殊规律性的揭示不足。未来军事法学的理论创新,在运用法解释学和法社会学方法继续"法内说法"的同时,需要将研究视角转向法外,即借助其他学科的知识深化军事法的研究,通过"法外说法"进一步对军事法的特殊性进行全新理论阐释和重构。  相似文献   
2012年10月9日,国务院新闻办公室举行新闻发布会发表了《中国的司法改革》白皮书,表明中国的司法改革取得了举世瞩目的成就。作为国家司法改革的重要组成部分,军事司法制度从创建到发展,历经三轮大规模的改革,建立了完善的军事司法体制,形成了完备的军事司法制度,出现了一批司法改革的亮点,更为当前军事司法发展带来了有益的经验启示。  相似文献   
网络竞价排名是伴随着网络技术的发展,在电子商务领域出现的新问题。商家购买他人商标作为关键词,属商标的使用,如果导致相关公众的间接混淆,则构成商标侵权。即使商标侵权难以认定时,反不正当竞争法也可以起到有效的兜底作用。允许商家购买他人商标作为关键词的搜索引擎服务商的商标侵权及不正当竞争行为具有从属性,只有在其主观上存在过错,客观上为商家的商标侵权及不正当竞争行为提供了便利条件的时候,才需要追究其法律责任。  相似文献   
依法治军、从严治军是我国现阶段适应治军转型时期提出的具有时代洞察力的治军模式。军事行政权作为军事权的重要内容是实现依法治军、从严治军的关键点。军事行政救济制度是军事权益实现的重要保障,能够有效地制衡军事行政权力的扩张,提高军事行政的法治意识、法治水平。我国现有军事行政救济制度存在多方面的不足,完善军事行政救济制度是实现军事行政权法治化的重要保障,也是实现依法治军的制度性前提。  相似文献   
军事设施作为国防的物质基础,对于国家的国防安全有着极其重大的意义,对军事设施用法律的方式进行保护是使其发挥应有之功效的必由之路。因此,通过法律解释的方式对现有内容进行更新;通过修订的方式完善相关的配套性法律;制定专门国防资产保护的法律法规,从而促使军地各部门协调配合共同保障军事设施保护法律的有效实施。  相似文献   
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