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国家安全学基础理论的构建是国家安全学学科建设的重要组成部分,缺乏国家安全学基础理论的支撑,国家安全学学科就犹如沙滩上的知识大厦,毫无根基可言。深刻理解国家安全问题的内涵,以国家安全问题为导向,遵循“问题→过程→结果”框架构建国家安全学基础理论,可使国家安全问题、国家安全认知、国家安全体系、国家安全能力、国家安全行为、国家安全极限等内容形成严密的逻辑整体。国家安全学基础理论以国家安全问题为逻辑起点和主线,国家安全问题构成预防和化解国家安全问题的“过程”和实现国家安全的“结果”的前提和保障。在“过程”中,国家安全问题通过国家安全认知、国家安全体系、国家安全能力、国家安全行为等要素的组合及其应用,得到预防和化解。国家安全极限作为国家安全目标实现的“结果”,意味着国家安全是一种相对安全而不是绝对安全,追求绝对安全必然导致安全困境,最终无法实现国家安全的目标。追求共同安全是国家安全极限应有之义。国家安全学基础理论遵循“问题→过程→结果”框架来构建其理论范式不能一蹴而就,需要共同努力,不断深化国家安全学基础理论研究。  相似文献   
人工智能作为一种革命性技术,正在从根本上变革国际社会的发展进程及方式。面对这一发展趋势,美国已将人工智能提升到国家安全的高度。人工智能对美国国家安全的影响主要存在于三个方面:首先,人工智能是影响和塑造未来美国国家安全的核心变量。人工智能能够优化美国在国际政治格局中的力量配比,弥合并纠正美国社会内部的分裂和失序状况,并助推美国军事实力实现“跨越式”发展。其次,有效克服人工智能的负面效应是确保未来美国国家安全的关键。人工智能可能引发诸多社会和道德问题,其固有的缺陷也将增加战争决策的风险成本,还可能增加武装冲突的频率和强度。最后,美国强调中国人工智能的快速发展对未来美国国家安全构成严重“威胁”。中美在人工智能领域的竞争已无法避免,美国认为中国正在试图“挑战”美国在高新技术领域的领导地位;为应对美国在人工智能领域对华遏制政策,中国应制定和形成人工智能研发以及应用规则和规范;通过制度化协调与合作来规制中美关系,努力避免“科技冷战”的发生。  相似文献   
中国国家安全法治研究整体上历经起步探索(1978~1993)、逐步发展(1994~20102009)、全面发展(2010~2014)以及总体国家安全观指引(2014年至今)四个阶段。每一阶段的国家安全法治研究都脱离不开其时代背景。贯穿四十年的国家安全法治研究的主题是,围绕“国家安全”法律内涵即国家安全法治研究本体论展开多维度思考与探索。其研究重点涵盖国家安全法律体系研究、国家安全法与部门法的关系、国家安全法学科独立性及其发展等方面。法律意义上“国家安全”的内涵也经历了从“传统(政治)安全”到“总体国家安全观”的转变过程。针对实践需要,国家安全法治研究日益深化和繁荣。在总体国家安全观指引下,新时代国家安全法治研究面临的时代命题包括相关法律体系的建构和阐释,深化国家安全法与相关法律的有机衔接研究,研究方法创新与满足各领域国家安全保障的现实需要,等等。未来仍要坚持聚焦国家安全法治基本问题的研究。  相似文献   
The universality of human nature determines the universality of values and its particularity determines the diversity and plurality of values that is the fundamental determinant of security problems among different value systems. In a narrow sense, value security refers to a situation in which value concepts of a state, region, or a nation, social class are not under threat from the external adversaries, which is called conceptual value security. In a broad sense, value security refers to the consistency between the system of realistic value security and that of conceptual value security. National value security encompasses both value security in a nation-state and security of national values, in which the former is featured by the recognition and acceptance of a prevailing value in a nation-state, and the latter is characterized by the sovereignty of national values. Due to the fact that the issue of value system is a meta-theoretical one and the security of conceptual value system is part of cultural security, value security holds a core position in cultural security and is an important component of overall national security system. Additionally, value security embodies the security of value pursuits and value criteria in different spheres of the overall national security system and therefore, it is also an indispensable and flexible support to the overall national security.  相似文献   
本文通过对浙江省云和县山脚畲村的田野调查,分析发现在当今的畲族地区,存在着畲族家法族规制度与国家制定法并存的现象,它们之间既有一致的地方,又存在着冲突。针对这种状况,提出了构建和谐社会,调适两者关系的原则与方法  相似文献   

Critics and defenders of liberal nationalism often debate whether the nation-state is able to accommodate cultural and political pluralism, as it necessarily aspires for congruence between state and nation. In this article, I argue that both sides of the debate have neglected a second homogenising assumption of nationalism. Even if it is possible for the nation-building state to accommodate multiple political and cultural communities, it is not obvious that is possible or desirable for it to accommodate individuals belonging to more than one nation. With the rise of international migration, and the growing number of multinational individuals, this flaw is a serious one. I advance an internal critique of liberal nationalism to demonstrate that, from within its own logic, this theory must either reject multiple national identities, or accommodate them at the cost of the normative justifications of nationalism it provides. By analysing David Miller’s influential analysis of national identity in divided societies, I demonstrate how this framework is unable to support an accepting attitude towards multiple national identities.  相似文献   
王少棠 《时代法学》2020,18(2):107-I0003
国有企业已经稳定成为国际投资市场的参与者,因此可以从投资者身份去看待国有企业与相关规定适应状况。从国有企业是否是国际投资协定中投资者出发,可以初步判断其能否享有协定下国民待遇。但也存在着因为“相似情形”解释不明、根本例外条款内容不明等情况而无法实际享有国民待遇的情况。我国所签署的国际投资协定基本可以保障我国国有企业享有国民待遇,但仍然存在个别例外。为此,应当注意在国民待遇条款、根本例外条款制定时的细节问题。  相似文献   
随着我国民主政治社会的发展,国家在治理模式、治理主体和治理重心等方面都经历了一个不断发展变化的过程。在此背景下,警务现代化作为国家治理进程中变革的一项重要组成部分,在警务内涵、警务形式和警务职能重心等方面亦进行了相应的变化与发展,实现了与治理进程的契合。随着国家治理进程的推进,警务现代化需要在警务理念、警务主体与警务方式上做出进一步的变革与完善。  相似文献   
Using epidemiological techniques for testing disease contagion, it has recently been found that in the wake of a residential burglary, the risk to nearby homes is temporarily elevated. This paper demonstrates the ubiquity of this phenomenon by analyzing space–time patterns of burglary in 10 areas, located in five different countries. While the precise patterns vary, for all areas, houses within 200 m of a burgled home were at an elevated risk of burglary for a period of at least two weeks. For three of the five countries, differences in these patterns may partly be explained by simple differences in target density. The findings inform theories of crime concentration and offender targeting strategies, and have implications for crime forecasting and crime reduction more generally.
Shane D. JohnsonEmail:
由于法院民事、行政案件判决难以执行、刑事案件无法破案,导致民事案件、行政案件、刑事案件等涉法案件的权利人、受害人及遇难者家属无法获得经济赔偿。其中的贫困人员在生活上陷入困境;身体伤残人员的健康受到威胁。在构建和谐社会的大背景下,我国急需建立针对涉法案件受害人及遇难者家属的国家救助制度。从中央及"两高"的态度、国家财政实力、地方试点情况和国外(境外)立法实践看,在我国建立国家救助制度条件已经成熟。  相似文献   
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