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在资本主义条件下,马克思主义劳动价值论的历史任务,是通过揭示剩余价值的来源,寻求资本主义社会的掘墓人,而在社会主义条件下,马克思主义劳动价值论的历史任务,是要建设和发展社会主义社会。工人阶级作为社会主义社会的建设,就不能是无产,而应该成为有产。马克思主义劳动价值论不仅仅是讲劳动创造价值问题,它包含的内容特别是资本、土地、技术、管理等要素在财富创造中的作用被忽视了或被片面化了。  相似文献   
Many scholars have examined the nature of campaign advertising strategy across differing contexts in U.S. elections. Little attention has been devoted to exploring the incentives that candidates face to appear — or not — in their own advertisements. We argue that candidates should seek to distance themselves from potential backlash stemming from more negative messages by not appearing in negative ads. We also expect that candidates should be more likely to appear in advertisements aired during primary elections relative to general elections because candidates should use ads in this election stage to introduce themselves to voters. Furthermore, incumbents should be less likely to appear in ads than other candidates because their constituents should not need to be introduced to them. Data on candidate-sponsored television advertisements collected across four years for four different offices provides support for our expectations and suggests that candidates make strategic decisions about when to appear in advertisements.  相似文献   
Political parties have an electoral incentive to appear ideologically unified, but also to appeal broadly to different groups of voters with diverse preferences. This paper suggests that parties respond to both incentives through the distribution of candidate issue positions. Members of Parliament (MPs) are responsible for their party's national reputation and thus rarely take positions that diverge from those of their party. Non-incumbent candidates, on the other hand, are mostly visible within their electoral district and thus more likely to diverge from party positions that are unpopular among their constituents. These possibilities are tested with candidate position taking data from nine voting advice applications in Denmark, Finland, Ireland and Switzerland. The results are consistent with the theoretical expectations and have important implications for the way representation works in parliamentary democracies as well as for the broader literature on the topic.  相似文献   
Recent scholarship on transnational business governance has begun to examine public-private interactions and the active role of governments. We make two key contributions that integrate and expand this literature. First, in juxtaposition to functionalist accounts, we foreground the fundamentally political and often contentious character of these interactions. As private transnational governance schemes and standards “hit the ground,” private-public interactions, we argue, are embedded in national political arenas and tied to domestic distributional struggles among competing regulatory coalitions. Building upon multiple empirical streams of research, we develop a political-strategic framework that maps the diversity of Southern government responses (substitute, adopt, repurpose, replace, or reject) to transnational private governance. Our framework shows that government responses are a function of both strategic fit with domestic industrial capabilities and structures, and strength of developmental state capacity. Second, our proposed framework adopts the vantage point of Global South governments and industries, particularly how development challenges and strategic options within global value chains affect their understanding of, and responses to, transnational schemes and standards. This is an important corrective to a Northern bias in the private governance literature.  相似文献   
邓小平国际战略思想以其突出的特点和鲜明的表现形式,成为中华民族在和平与发展成为世界主题的时代的战略思想和战略谋划,是中华民族观察世界、发展自己的强大思想武器,是中华民族进取于世界并贡献于人类的时代精神的理论表现,是邓小平留给我们的宝贵精神财富。  相似文献   
习近平全面依法治国新理念新思想新战略对国家治理意义重大,是中国特色社会主义法治理论的最新成果。其汲取了古今中外各类法治理论的有益元素,对法治理论做了七项创新发展,即建设法治中国、建设中国特色社会主义法治体系、坚持"三个核心要义"、坚持"共同推进、一体建设"、完善党内法规体系与实现依规治党、着力实现制度现代化、统筹国内法治和国际法治;还对法治理论做了十五项拓展深化,即关于依法治国方针、坚持党的领导、法治为民、法治经济、法律面前人人平等、科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法、权力监督、德法并重、改革和法治关系、加强社会治理、政法机关职能、法治环境建设的拓展深化。习近平全面依法治国新理念新思想新战略具有强大的生命力,继承了马克思主义法治理论系列成果,传承了中华传统法律文化精华,吸收了世界法治理论精华,且勇于探索当代中国法治实践。  相似文献   
经过三十多年的改革开放,社会已由封闭式走向开放式,由静态社会逐步发展为动态社会,经济在飞速发展。在这个背景下,出现了"飞车抢夺"犯罪。随着时间的推移,公安部门的打击,社会的防范,"飞车抢夺"犯罪也在逐步升级,带来的危害也越来越大,实务部门在思想上要充分认识到此类犯罪的严重性,在战术上要改变对策,建立一整套行之有效的打击"飞车抢夺"犯罪的对策。  相似文献   
在社会主义市场经济条件下,国有企业在改革中应坚持什么体制,如何经营管理,在人事制度改革中应采用怎样的人才管理模式,一直是经济学家、企业领导者十分关注的重要问题。本文在调查研究的基础上,提出了"建立优秀的企业文化体系与社会认知系统"等国有企业人才管理的宏观思路和策略构想,以此为研究国有企业人才资源管理模式的改革提供参。  相似文献   
随着中国和越南在经济、文化领域合作的加强,来中国学习汉语的越南留学生也不断增加,越南已成为我国现阶段较大的一个留学生生源国,针对越南留学生的汉语教学研究也随之引起了学界的关注,但研究更多的是围绕学生学习的客体——汉语来进行。本文通过调查研究的方式,立足汉语的学习主体——越南留学生本身,从学生对汉语言的态度、学习动机、学习目的、学习策略等方面对越南留学生汉语学习的特点进行了研究。  相似文献   
民族主义问题是俄国思想界长期讨论的主题。俄国学者1916年关于民族主义的争论中提出和讨论的哲学问题可以归纳为四种观点:(1)民族主义的本质是爱欲,本身无善恶;(2)民族情感不应是盲目情感,而应服从道德规范;(3)民族情感既是爱欲也是道德义务;(4)民族情感高于伦理道德,具有审美属性。对民族性的认识不仅是客观的科学研究,而且存在着两种不同的形而上学的前提——从唯名论立场来看,民族性是一个集体概念或逻辑抽象物;从实在论立场来看,民族性是一种实在的精神有机体。  相似文献   
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