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我国警辅人员的惩戒制度不完善,导致对警辅人员的惩戒具有很大的随意性,因此,需要从理论和制度两个层面进行细化研究。警辅人员惩戒制度的建构,既不能全盘地接受传统的特别权力关系理论,更不能一概地拒绝,而应考虑到该理论在警辅人员管理中的适用性,并确立相应的规则。警辅人员惩戒制度的建构,应当遵循惩戒与职业收益的比例性、惩戒的明确合理性和惩戒的合法性等原则,进而完善惩戒机构的模式、违纪行为的形式和惩戒的种类等各方面的内容。最终,警辅人员惩戒制度的建构,既要有效保障警辅人员的合法权益,也要实现警辅人员利用的目的。  相似文献   
A study was conducted among young Latvians to test the effects of different conceptualizations of Latvian national identity on group beliefs and on attitudes towards Russians. It was hypothesized that exposure to inclusive discourse presenting Latvia as a multicultural society rather than an ethnic homeland would have a direct negative effect on feelings of vulnerability, injustice, distrust, superiority and helplessness with regard to the Latvian nation and a positive effect on attitudes towards Russians. The hypothesis was tested in one survey study conducted in Riga among ethnic Latvians (N?=?150).  相似文献   
作为对外部挑战与内部情势的司法回应,晚清修律和司法改革运动首先意味着司法理念与司法原则的历史性转变,进而标志着一种区别于传统司法文明价值系统的近代型司法文明价值系统的应运而生,展示了从传统走向现代的司法文明进步成长的历史图景。这场司法变革运动的启动性举措,乃是删除最重之法,推行恤刑庶狱,彰显了司法人道主义的价值取向,从而为编订《大清现行刑律》和《大清新刑律》奠定了重要基础,在近代中国法律与司法发展进程中产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
抢抓新基建机遇,把握国家支持政策,充分认识城际高速铁路对都市圈、城市群发展的重要推动作用,正视陕西目前城际高速铁路发展的短板和问题,加强项目规划引领,加大政策支撑力度,强化建设资金保障,完善循环发展机制,做强做大做优产业平台,构建上下游产业体系,为区域经济社会发展蓄势聚能。  相似文献   

As the largest source of carbon-free energy in the United States, nuclear energy must play a vital role in reducing emissions. This article suggests the Green New Deal, an ambitious federal proposal to address climate change, should aim to preserve the existing nuclear fleet by authorizing states to establish zero emission credit (“ZEC”) programs. The ZEC programs will provide credits, in the form of revenue, for the carbon-free attribute of nuclear energy. This article posits the ZEC programs should be based on a model ZEC program developed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and explicitly authorized by amendment of the Federal Power Act to avoid issues of preemption.  相似文献   

The 2014 Scottish Referendum gauged public opinion on the possibility of Scotland leaving the United Kingdom, raising significant questions about the legitimacy of claims to citizenship in the event of independence. Through a mixed methods survey, this study explored the ways in which citizenship emerged in popular discourse in the lead up to the Scottish referendum. Findings point to an emphasis in public discourse on a commitment to and participation in society, instead of the more traditional citizenship markers of ancestry, birthplace or residency. Data indicates a view of citizenship encompassing status and practice, while identity was framed in terms of more static notions of birthplace and ancestry. The salience of social participation was noticeably greater in respondents’ assessment of others’ potential Scottish citizenship than their own. Specifically, the study highlights the salience of relational aspects of citizenship in popular discourse, with an emphasis on social citizenship in preference to legal citizenship. The study constitutes a significant contribution to ongoing discussions about ‘participatory citizenship’ in the field of Citizenship studies, by providing much needed empirical data on social conceptualizations of citizenship.  相似文献   
俄罗斯转轨时期的产物:俄罗斯新贵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俄罗斯新贵是前苏联解体后,俄罗斯向市场经济转轨过程中迅速暴富起来的人。他们追求西方的生活方式,过着奢侈腐烂的生活,道德发生了扭曲。他们的暴富没给俄罗斯国家和社会带来什么好处,反而给俄罗斯青年心理和价值观造成很坏的影响。如何运用法律手段治理这些人的违法行为,如何唤醒被他们毒害的青年人的道德理性和爱国主义思想,是俄罗斯政府和社会急需解决的大问题。  相似文献   
冷战结束后,北约并未因对手的消失而瓦解,而是通过扩大组织、出台新战略和实施新行动找到生存依据并获得新的发展。在北约的新扩大、新战略和新行动中,中东欧国家不管是主动参与还是被动接受,都起到了不可低估的作用。中东欧国家的加入令北约成员国从16个增至30个,拓展了北约的疆域。东欧剧变带来的国际局势的变化,特别是前南斯拉夫地区发生的战争促使北约提出新的战略概念,波黑战争、科索沃战争和马其顿危机更是成为北约新战略的试验场。中东欧国家参与了北约在波黑、科索沃、阿富汗和伊拉克的行动以及乌克兰危机发生后针对俄罗斯的军事部署,做出独有的贡献。同时,中东欧国家的加入也给北约在决策效率、行动能力、责任分担和价值观方面带来新的挑战。不过,由于中东欧国家的军事力量和国家实力有限,在北约内部的影响力不大,这些挑战不足以危及北约的生存。  相似文献   
校内调查既达到了实训教育的目的,促进了教育质量的提高,又能节约教学实践活动的时间和成本,是一条有效的教学实践途径.调查资料说明,非计算机专业教师对使用校园网的重视程度和积极性高低不一,使用校园网的熟练程度参差不齐.从总体上说,利用校园网资源的意识和能力都还有待于提高.  相似文献   
形式主义是个老大难问题,治理起来相当困难。在新冠肺炎疫情防控过程中,尤其是在初期和一些地方,形式主义问题不仅存在还比较严重。在防控疫情这一“准战时”状态下,形式主义问题危害性更大。形式主义问题的根源是官僚主义,而官僚主义的形成有体制和思想两个层面的原因。从这两个层面施治,都属于治本之策,其中思想或理念层面的引领尤为重要。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记倡导并形成了三大新理念,即问题导向、结果导向和民意导向。与新理念相对立的旧理念正是形式主义问题的思想根源。新理念不只是理念,还是一套行动指南。只要确立并践行新理念,就能有效抑制形式主义问题的滋生,从而起到重要的治本作用。  相似文献   
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