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《Global Crime》2013,14(4):341-358
In the last few years, insecurity for relief workers has become a matter of great concern and a central issue in aid policy debates. Explanation for such a widespread anxiety is the claim that international humanitarian organisations are facing a new type of threat, while operating in increasingly hostile environments. This article explores the construction of humanitarian insecurity as a new and growing threat. Drawing on historical material, we suggest that the departure from ‘the past’ is not as pronounced as it is suggested by experts and commentators on this issue, and that the perceived deterioration of operating environments is questionable. The article concludes that the tendency to report humanitarian insecurity in catastrophic rather than analytical terms can create more problems than resolve them, in effect deepening the conditions for some of the challenges that humanitarian actors face today.  相似文献   
殷荣林 《桂海论丛》2013,(4):114-118
文章选取浙江长兴县两个具有代表性的拆迁自然村,进行调研与实证性分析,认为失地农民的社会角色从农民转换到城市居民,居住形态、就业方式、消费方式、社交方式、休闲方式等都发生了明显变化。失地农民存在被边缘与边缘化的现实困境,"新市民"的角色确定需要一个较长的过程。提出政府应为失地农民的可持续生计提供政策支持;加强对新市民迁居前后社会安全管理;构建和谐人居环境增强新市民社区归属感等建议。  相似文献   
经济发展方式的转变不能脱离当今世界文明形态演进这个大背景,仅以走新型工业化道路为经济发展方式转变总目标是不够的。中国的基本国情、国际环境、国内外的发展态势,都说明在工业文明框架内转变经济发展方式无法应对挑战,从工业文明走向生态文明应当成为经济发展方式转变的总目标。为此,要将走新型工业化道路作为经济发展方式转变的初级阶段,并在处理好生态建设与经济建设的关系、城镇化与建设新农村的关系、发展低碳经济、尽早开始“消费转型”等方面形成与经济发展方式转变总目标相配套的战略思路。  相似文献   

The Vietnamese term for socialization, xã h?i hóa, is grounded in its history of socialist construction, originally referring to the collectivization of property and resources. Since the country shifted to a market economy, yet remaining under the leadership of the Communist Party, the term has come to imply the individualization of responsibilities and the privatization of public goods. As a policy, however, it continues to evoke the idioms of ‘the whole society’ or ‘all the people’ as the basis of wellbeing and development. This paper examines the practices of socialization as part of broader shifts in welfare provision and local dynamics of exemplarity. I show that socialization concerns not only the mobilization of resources, but also the production of a moral subject that is self-optimized and yet sensitized to helping others, self-governed and yet governable by the party state. In a socialist country that is rapidly marketising, this moral subject plays into governing rationalities that blends new-prudentialist logics with socialist genealogies, privatization with a notion of society within which individual actions can be made morally meaningful. While the tension and contestation induced by people’s greater burdens are immanent, the continued reference to collective idioms appeals to people’s moral sensibilities, and thus makes socialization meaningful to some extent, even as they resent the turn away from broad-based structures of wellbeing.  相似文献   
This article consolidates the efforts of the Information Systems Research Group for the construction of a reference model for the management of agreements celebrated based on the Brazilian federal government's voluntary funds transfers. It presents the Reference Model for covenants' processes, which is the product of the third phase of this research project. This model will be used as reference in the fourth phase of this project, when it will be applied to a sample of covenants. Experience gained in this step will allow the consolidation of the Reference Model. An important contribution of this work is to facilitate the understanding of proposals, so processes analyzed can be improved and redesigned. Processes information, from organization to details of each activity, can then be disseminated to all interested parties. Results here presented are not final. They will serve as input to the next stage of the project, which is the Assessment of the Reference Model by selected Stadual and municipal governments. Each entity will contribute with its own perspective to improving the idealized model.  相似文献   
新型农村合作医疗制度自2003年试点以来,农村参合人数稳步增长,参合率不断提高。豫北L市在推进新农合过程中取得了可喜的成绩,呈现出先抑后扬的发展态势。认真分析其变化的特点、原因不难发现,新农合制度作为一项惠农政策,本身具有诱致性特征,其落实成效与制度环境、制度运行、制度对象的实际情况有着极为密切的关系。在新农合广受欢迎的现阶段,制度自身存在的一些深层次问题还有待进一步解决,应推动该制度不断优化和完善。  相似文献   
文章充分肯定了十六大以来10年间我们党和国家事业发展所取得的辉煌成就.客观地分析了当下中国存在的自然生态“失衡”和社会政治生态“失衡”两个突出问题,积极评价了党的十八大的理论创新,特别是科学发展观的科学性,高度赞扬了以习近平为总书记的新一届中央领导集体上任一个多月来为实现十八大提出的宏伟目标而展开的一系列卓有成效的实践。  相似文献   
新刑诉法出台后,学界及司法实务界对其展开了热烈讨论.其中对于社会危险性的细化规定被视为尊重和保障人权、降低审前羁押率的重要举措.但是通过考察我国司法实践中逮捕必要性的相关规定,以及结合我国司法工作的实际情况来看,试图仅仅依靠该规定来降低畸高的审前羁押率是不大现实的,还必须建立一系列的工作制度进行配套完善.  相似文献   
近年来"东突"恐怖势力深受国际恐怖主义特别是中亚恐怖主义的影响,恐怖犯罪案件呈急剧上升态势。呈现出恐怖犯罪手段多样、残忍,并极力效仿国际恐怖主义,恐怖活动趋向采用"基地"组织的游击化运作方式,选择的作案时间与地点更具有策略性,恐怖分子本土化和组织化程度明显降低等特点。面对宗教极端思想的意识形态化,网络恐怖渗透的加剧和"伊吉拉特"的现实威胁日益加大的"东突"恐怖活动的发展趋势,我们必须树立全新的安全观,科学认识新疆反恐怖斗争的长期性、复杂性及艰巨性,建立健全反恐怖工作协调机制,加强情报信息工作,提高预知预防能力,加大出入境人员的管理力度,强化对可疑人员的甄别、核查力度,健全、完善网络、通讯监管法律体系,加强宗教事务管理,充分认识"伊吉拉特"活动的严重危害,加强意识形态领域的反分裂斗争,清醒认识中国面临的反恐困境。  相似文献   
社会主义革命不但包括政治革命、经济革命,还包括文化革命。社会性质的变革必然导致文化性质的变革。新民主主义文化向社会主义文化转变是社会主义革命的题中应有之义。建立社会主义社会的目标必然要求建立社会主义文化。党领导的人民民主政权的建立为新民主主义文化向社会主义文化转变提供了基本的政治依托。新民主主义文化与社会主义文化的内在逻辑是前者向后者转变的动因。新民主主义文化是社会主义文化发展的必要准备,社会主义文化是新民主主义文化发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   
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