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姚斌 《时代法学》2013,11(3):55-59
我国《行政诉讼法》第11条第l款第6项是行政给付进入诉讼救济的规范基础,但是因其就给付形态的规定过于模糊,导致当事人救济中获得的判决形式不明。将“不依法给付行为”作动态解释,它可以分为“消极不依法之不给付、少给付行为”、“积极不依法之不给付、少给付行为”以及“不依法之完全给付行为”,相应地分别对应履行判决、撤销判决和确认判决。  相似文献   
The forensic science community raised the need for improved evidence recognition, collection, and visualization analytical instrumentation for field and laboratory use. While the 3D optical techniques for imaging static objects have been extensively studied, there is still a major gap between current knowledge and collecting high‐quality footwear and tire impression evidence. Among optical means for 3D imaging, digital fringe projection (DFP) techniques reconstruct 3D shape from phase information, achieving camera‐pixel spatial resolution. This paper presents a high‐resolution 3D imaging technology using DFP techniques dedicated to footwear and tire impression capture. We developed fully automated software algorithms and a graphical user interface (GUI) that allow anyone without training to operate for high‐quality 3D data capture. We performed accuracy evaluations and comparisons comparing with the commercial high‐end 3D scanner and carried out qualitative tests for various impressions comparing with the current practices. Overall, our technology achieves similar levels of accuracy and resolution with a high‐end commercially available 3D scanner, while having the merits of being (1) more affordable; (2) much easier to operate; and (3) more robust. Compared with the current practice of casting, our technology demonstrates its superiority because it (1) is non‐destructive; (2) collects more evidence detail than casts, especially when an impression is fragile; (3) requires less time and money to collect each piece of evidence; and (4) results in a digital file that can easily be shared with other examiners.  相似文献   
张中 《证据科学》2015,(2):152-160
证据制度是本次中国司法文明指数体系的一个重要一级指标,我们选取了四项二级指标进行了评估,通过问卷调查和数据分析,并结合中国证据法治指数问卷调查的数据,可以得出以下结论:当事人证据权利缺乏有效保障,侦查人员的证据意识有所增强,非法证据排除规则有待落实,以及司法证明过程缺乏合理规范。  相似文献   
Lawful Interception (LI) of data communications is an essential tool for Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) in order to investigate criminal activities carried out or coordinated by means of Internet. However, the ability to secretly monitor the activities of citizens also has a great impact on civil rights. Therefore, democratic societies must prevent abuse and ensure that LI is only employed in specific cases with justifiable grounds or a probable cause. Nowadays, in many countries each interception must be authorized by a wiretap warrant, usually issued by a judge. However, this wiretap warrant is merely an administrative document that should be checked by the network or service operator before enabling the monitoring of its customers, whose communications are later handed over to a LEA in plaintext. This paper proposes the idea of employing a Digital Wiretap Warrant (DWW), which further protects the civil liberties, security and privacy of LI by ensuring that monitoring devices can only be enabled with a valid DWW, and by encrypting the captured data so only the authorized LEA is able to decrypt those communications. Moreover, in the proposed DWW framework all digital evidence is securely time-stamped and signed, thus guaranteeing that it has not been tampered with, and that a proper chain of custody has been met. In particular this paper proposes how to apply the DWW concept to the lawful interception framework defined by the ETSI LI Technical Committee, and evaluates how the additional security mechanisms could impact the performance and storage costs of a LI platform.  相似文献   
检察机关讯问犯罪嫌疑人全程同步录音录像在刑事诉讼中具有证据的属性,而且,不会突破现行法定证据种类。赋予全程同步录音录像证据效力,对检察机关既是机遇,也有挑战。赋予全程同步录音录像证据资格,必须规范全程同步录音录像的制作过程,确立统一的技术规范、确定事前告知义务、完善始后全程和档案保存制度等。全程同步录音录像作为证据,基于其特殊性,应该在示证提起权、举示决定权、示证过程等方面作特别规定。  相似文献   
张建伟 《法学研究》2012,(6):164-177
新刑事诉讼法和此前“两高三部”发布的有关刑事证据的规定,确立了非法证据排除规则,但这一进步却因模糊了对威胁、引诱和欺骗取得口供的排除态度而显得 不彻底。自白任意性被忽视,主要归因于过分倚重口供的司法惯性,作为自白任意性法理基础的正当程序观念没有得到普遍认同,对秩序的偏重则是更为深层的原因。自白的证据能力若不以自白的任意性为条件,冤错案件的病灶就不能祛除,司法实践就不可能取得实质的进步。认同自白任意性规则的法律价值,不仅能为发现案件真实提供保障,更是保障刑事司法最终摆脱纠问式特征之所必需。  相似文献   
修订后的《刑事诉讼法》规定了检察机关的非法证据排除义务,并对检察环节开展证据合法性审查的具体程序和相应职责予以了明确规定。从司法实践来看,侦查活动的密闭性、审查模式的单一性、立法的不完善以及在审查过程中自由裁量缺乏必要的规制等问题制约了证据合法性审查的实效。为此,有必要从审查程序、配套制度以及认证规则等方面予以完善。  相似文献   
为了研究山羊支气管肺炎的计算机断层扫描(CT)影像表现,将10只山羊随机分为2组。试验组、对照组各5只,试验组通过气管内注射血清A型多杀性巴氏杆菌标准菌(4×10^8CFU/mL)人工诱发山羊的支气管肺炎,对照组注射等体积无菌PBS;观察接种前、后各组山羊的临床症状、体温及全血白细胞数等指标,并同时在接种前和接种后第1、3、5天对胸部进行CT扫描,比较两组影像学差异,观察山羊肺部病理解剖学变化。结果显示:接种前后体温、全血白细胞数差异显著;对照组CT影像接种前后未见异常;试验组影像多见两侧肺叶中下部呈现大小不等的片状或结节状的类似软组织密度影,边缘不清,肺纹理紊乱且模糊,支气管壁增粗,支气管扩张,呈"树芽征"及"轨道征"。结果表明,经气管内接种巴氏杆菌能够成功诱发支气管肺炎,CT影像与山羊支气管肺炎的临床表现密切相关,对山羊支气管肺炎的诊断具有较好的敏感度,有利于鉴别,应成为其较早期诊断的依据之一。  相似文献   
2020年是中新建交30周年,30年来,中新关系在政治、经济、人文、安全等领域发展迅猛;频繁的高层互访、密切的经贸合作、丰富多彩的文化交流以及务实的军事合作,都彰显出双方关系的先进性与引领性。相互尊重、平等相待,与时俱进、效益优先,文明互鉴成为中新交往的宝贵经验和财富。中新在交往过程中讲究循序渐进、求同存异,充分尊重对方的发展模式,充分照顾对方的舒适度,成功地达成了一个又一个的政府间合作项目。毋庸讳言,30年来,中新关系也偶有嫌隙,但整体向好是一个大的发展趋势。2020年暴发的新冠肺炎疫情成为继第二次世界大战以来全球最具影响力的事件。突如其来的疫情既是严峻的考验,也为中新双方的合作带来了新的机遇。在后疫情时代,双方在医疗卫生、社会治理、数字经济、金融法律、第三方市场等领域的合作将大有作为。中新两国应当充分发挥"快捷通道"的作用,继续深化跨境电子商务、数字城市建设方面的合作,致力于将新加坡打造成"一带一路"的超级中转站。  相似文献   
在刑事诉讼活动中,提供证言的同案犯具有特殊地位。在刑事侦查工作中,同案犯证言发挥了十分关键的作用,也引发了一系列证据法和程序法问题。同案犯证言具有潜在的不可靠性,可通过健全证据开示制度及法官审查制度等措施保证该证据的正确适用。  相似文献   
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