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This article examines the role of state actors, organization agencies, and individual agents in diplomatic interactions and negotiations. States as diplomatic actors, organizations as diplomatic agencies, and individuals as diplomatic agents enter into complex and interdependent relationships. Proposing a three‐level analysis of interstate interactions and diplomatic negotiations, I argue that no diplomatic negotiation happens without interactions between parties at the state, organizational, and individual levels. The agency–structure paradigm provides a conceptual framework for understanding behavioral and structural properties of international interactions and their influence on diplomatic negotiations. Diplomatic negotiation employs specific forms of interaction, using a distinct language, protocol norms, symbols, ceremonies, and rituals. The state's “self” (as a social conception of its identity, values, and interests) affects the process of diplomatic negotiation. By managing, organizing, and improving international interactions at the actor, agency, and agent levels, negotiating parties can advance the process and effectiveness of diplomatic negotiation.  相似文献   
Chest skeletal injuries are the most frequent complications of external chest massage (ECM) during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but heart and great vessels lacerations that are indeed very rare. We report the case of a 35‐year‐old workman who collapsed and underwent ECM by his co‐workers for almost 30 min. At autopsy, no external injuries, fractures or bruises of the ribs or sternum, were observed. A hemopericardium with a rupture of the heart was found, with no signs of pre‐existent cardiac disease. Bruises of thoracic aortic wall, lung petechiae, a contusion of the liver, and bruises of lumbar muscles were found. The cause of death was due to sudden cardiac death with an extensive cardiac rupture. This is an unusual report of massive heart damage without any skeletal or muscle chest injuries, secondary to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This kind of cardiac lesions may be considered when thoracic–abdominal trauma, or medical history, is unclear.  相似文献   
片意离婚作为离婚主要类型之一,区别于合意离婚,其直接干预了当事人的离婚意志,使双方在离婚与不离婚、财产分割以及子女抚养等方面产生了利益冲突。比较中、德两国离婚法在离婚自由的限制、离婚的救济、补偿等方面的规定,找寻片意离婚时当事人双方利益衡平的方法:设定义务或限制、位阶保护。  相似文献   
我国安全生产事故频发,职业病危害严重,职业安全卫生形势不容乐观。应借鉴国外工人参与职业安全卫生的立法,完善我国现有的职业安全卫生相关法律制度,通过设立安全卫生代表和安全卫生委员会,构建工人参与途径,扩大雇主参与责任,共同确保我国工人职业安全卫生参与权的实现。  相似文献   
目前,行政公益诉讼在我国还未被立法者所承认,但随着我国经济的快速发展,行政活动领域的违法事件也日益增多,在我国建立行政公益诉讼制度成为必然趋势。综合国外行政公益诉讼经验和我国现实基础,检察机关作为我国行政公益诉讼原告具有可行性。  相似文献   
本文提出安保专业职业能力包括社会基础能力、职业基本能力和专业核心能力三大专向部分,并分别对各专向能力所需的具体内容和重要性进行了调查统计分析。通过对专家组与新手组的比较,进一步明确了安保专业职业能力的构成,从而为学习领域的教学任务模块设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   
随着社会经济的发展,第三人利益合同突破合同相对性原则,具有重要的价值和多方面的效力,已得到世界各国的广泛承认。但我国至今却未有关于第三人利益合同的一般性规定,这不符合现代合同法的发展趋势。因此,我国有必要借鉴外国立法经验,构建第三人利益合同法律制度。  相似文献   
在社会发展转型的过程中,国家领导者要完成现时代的思想转型,首先必须进行理性顶层设计,从过去的成功经验中解放出来;必须面向未来趋势,从现实的短期利益中解放出来;必须学会及时反思:从盲目地追赶中解放出来;必须追求社会共赢,从狭隘的既得利益中解放出来。  相似文献   
因应当下劳动者经济权益受侵害严重,劳动债权保护研究升温,目前主要围绕破产法中的劳动债权概念及其范围、清偿顺序、程序权利保护和破产法之外的工资与社会保险保护而展开,但由于研究不是从其债权本质属性的宏观视角出发,导致理论自身的自洽性问题和实践中的效果问题。故应当正本清源,对劳动债权的概念进行重构,对劳动债权再定性和定位,并在此基础上完善我国劳动债权法律保护体系。  相似文献   
查处农村基层组织人员职务犯罪遇到的问题较多,立法解释划分“村务”与“公务”,不符合查处案件的实际,导致出现案件管辖矛盾;立法解释未将村民小组长和村会计、出纳列为执行公务的主体,未规定农村基层组织人员可成为渎职罪主体,这些问题的存在,不利于对农村基层组织人员职务犯罪的打击。为解决农村基层组织人员职务犯罪法律适用问题,应修改或者取消“2000立法解释”,无须划分“村务”与“公务”,否则,就应赋予检察机关以相对宽泛的机动侦查权,将村民小组长、村会计、出纳归入立法解释中所指的“农村基层组织人员”,规定农村基层组织人员也可成为渎职罪的主体。  相似文献   
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