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口腔拭子DNA检验的实时定量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨电  李越  刘超  陈玲 《刑事技术》2007,(4):23-25
目的寻求提高口腔拭子的DNA检验效率的方法。方法对来源于不同个体或同一个体不同擦拭次数的口腔拭子用Chelex-100或磁珠法提取的DNA用实时定量PCR技术进行定量,同时用Identifiler复合扩增系统在ABI3100遗传分析仪上对这些DNA样品进行STR分型。结果在建立的Identifiler系统8μl扩增体系中,3个月内的口腔拭子用Chelex-100法提取的DNA模板1μl量较3μl量扩增效果好,磁珠法提取的DNA模板用量大小对复合扩增检测影响较小。结论用棉签擦拭颊粘膜5次制备口腔拭子,取其头部的约1/4用200μlChelex-100法提取DNA,然后用1μl模板进行复合扩增,是提高口腔拭子的DNA检验效率的简便可行的方法,但陈旧口腔拭子用磁珠法提取更能保证复合扩增分型成功。  相似文献   
"零口供规则"的初稿中最核心的内容被认为是"沉默权的提出".几经修改后的<规则>与初稿最大的区别在于不把口供视为零,而是把对口供的依赖降到最低点.犯罪嫌疑人在接受审讯时不再允许其保持沉默,原来的绝对"零口供"演变成了现在的相对"零口供"."零口供规则"的意义体现在它对我国司法制度提出了预警,使人们再次正视司法实践中屡禁不止的刑讯逼供,以及阻却这一弊端的迫切性.  相似文献   
刑讯逼供案件有其发生的基本特点和规律。在我国侦查机关的侦查活动中,刑讯逼供现象时有发生很大程度上是由于刑事侦查制度设计的缺陷。我国应借鉴国外防止刑讯逼供的理念和制度,对现行侦查制度进行必要的变革,设立有限沉默权、非法证据排除及侦查和羁押相分离等制度,以保障犯罪嫌疑人和被告人人权,维护司法公正。  相似文献   
我国司法实践中存在"重受贿、轻行贿"现象,要纠正这一错误倾向,应当取消特别自首制度,明确行贿犯罪与受贿犯罪在立案过程中的平等地位。要实现刑法对行贿犯罪的有效规制,还需完善行贿犯罪的构成要件,将贿赂犯罪中的"财物"改为"不正当好处",将行贿犯罪中的"给予"改为"提议给予、许诺给予、实际给予";完善行贿犯罪的刑罚配置,为行贿犯罪全面配置罚金刑,并完善行贿犯罪的资格刑,对行贿犯罪与受贿犯罪实施同等处罚。与此同时,行贿犯罪的罪名体系也应作出适当调整。  相似文献   
说谎是人的天性,侦讯中贪污贿赂嫌疑人虚假供述呈现自愿、屈从、内化多种样态.趋利避害的本能,高的智商、情商,位高权重、专业、一对一隐蔽性等特征,使嫌疑人供述更具欺骗性,侦讯难度更大.实践中侦查员对“承认所做之事的陈述”内心确信度很高;而对“否认所做之事的陈述”多有质疑,两种有悖常理的例外,恰恰挑战的是人的经验、思维定势和认知判断能力.经验与思维定势,既体现技能、水平,又易导致偏差、错误.大千世界,人生百态,一切皆有可能,抽丝剥茧、去伪存真,真相只有一个.把握贪污贿赂嫌疑人的情境心理,借助心理学讯问技术、不失为破解侦讯难题一种新选择.  相似文献   
Psychological studies of suspects' confessions have been conducted mostly in English-speaking and European countries, and the results may not generalise to countries whose cultures and policing practices differ. In particular, the difference between Japanese and Western laws may affect the roles that police interviewers play in suspects' confessions. This study examined the interviewing techniques used by Japanese police officers and associated features of the suspects' confessions. An extensive questionnaire was completed by 276 police officers across Japan. Detailed ratings of their interview techniques were factor analysed, yielding five factors: Presentation of Evidence, Confrontation, Rapport Building, Active Listening, and Discussion of the Crime. Based on these five factors, we identified four interviewing styles: Evidence-focused, Confrontational, Relationship-focused, and Undifferentiated. When interrogators employed the Relationship-focused interviewing style, suspects were more likely to make full confessions and to provide new information. By contrast, suspects were more likely to make partial confessions and were less cooperative when the police officers employed an Evidence-focused style.  相似文献   
The Czech–German borderlands are an archetypal European border region. They evoke not only Cold War histories, but also shelter layers of European memories of the ethnic reshaping of early post-war Europe. By means of life story interviews with German speakers of the border region, this article analyzes the symbolic meaning of and the individual dealing with the local Iron Curtain. It will shed light on the biographical and narrative interconnectedness of experiences of ethnic cleansing in the early post-war period and retrospective perceptions of the Iron Curtain in these borderlands. In particular, it inquires whether and to what extent the local Iron Curtain intensified fractures caused by the region's post-and pre-war attempts to halt the multiethnic composition of the border communities. The article suggests that the local Czech–German Iron Curtain would have never endured as strongly if the border communities' common identity had not already been severely damaged in the course of the region's traumatic history and forced population transfers.  相似文献   
The interrogation and lengthy detention of the accused by Japan's police and prosecutors without access to legal counsel has generated many forced confessions in Japan's criminal court. As results, past research estimated that a large number of innocent people have been falsely convicted, and some of them were even executed for crimes they have not committed. Since almost all of indicted cases result in convictions in Japan's criminal court, allegations of wrongful convictions have raised serious human rights issues, and the use of forced confessions in criminal proceedings has long been criticized by families of the accused, their attorneys, legal scholars, citizen activists, and international human rights groups. This paper examines whether or not the 2009 introduction of the Saiban-in Saiban (the quasi-jury trial), where ordinary citizens deliberate together with Japan's bureaucratic judges, helps prevent instances of wrongful convictions. As Japan's high conviction rate has substantiated that the Japanese court may be another bureaucratic system that is more interested in preserving its own authority and maintaining the status quo, the infusion of non-bureaucratic legal participants into the traditional judicial process may create the potential to alter the nature of trial processes, the quality of deliberations, and thus ultimate outcomes of criminal trials. Based on interviews and survey responses from Japan's grand jury (i.e., Kensatsu Shinsa-kai, or prosecutorial review commission (PRC)) participants and American citizens who served in jury trials, the paper explores the ways in which civic participation in criminal processes may affect the quality of legal decision making in Japan's criminal court.  相似文献   
作为一种现实中存在的现象,虚假供述尚未引起我国司法人员的注意,而对此美国学者却进行了深入分析。美国学者根据虚假供述成因的不同将虚假供述区分为三类——自愿性虚假供述、强迫顺从虚假供述与强迫内在化虚假供述,并对各类虚假供述的成因进行了具体的分析,美国学者关于虚假供述成因的分析对我国深刺认识心理强制时代的侦查讯问具有很强的启示意义。  相似文献   
口供作为法定证据中的一种,在诉讼中具有真伪两面性,真实的口供有利于查禁犯罪,而虚假的口供却极易诱发冤假错案。民主法制先进的国家在对待口供问题上都确立了一系列的可采性规则,其中主要是自白的任意性规则。在我国只应确立口供的相对任意性规则,这主要是基于我国的基本国情和刑事诉讼的任务,也是基于诉讼的价值平衡决定的。确立口供相对任意性的采信规则具有一定价值,有利于发现案件真实,提高办案质量,使诉讼更加人性化。但存在影响口供相对任意性采信规则的一些因素,所以要保障口供相对任意性规则的实施。  相似文献   
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