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口供,即犯罪嫌疑人的供述与辩解,是我国法定的证据形式。口供采证规则,是指在刑事诉讼中收集、保全和运用口供的法律准则。作为程序法的证据规则,较之于实体内容最明显的优点是它的可把握性。健全采信与排除口供的证据规则,并遵循规则办案,就能在最大程度上保证刑事诉讼程序正义与实体真实双重目的的实现。  相似文献   
在侦查讯问中,刑讯逼供的案件仍时有发生。侦查机关对犯罪嫌疑人的讯问处于不公开或无法监督的状态,重视口供在查办案件中的作用以及刑讯逼供行为在实践中难以认定是造成刑讯逼供行为存在的主要原因。减少和遏制刑讯逼供行为的发生可从以下五点入手,即建立在看守所集中提讯制度,提讯中实行审讯主体与犯罪嫌疑人隔离制度,实行禁止在看守所以外对犯罪嫌疑人进行讯问制度,并将在看守所以外产生的讯问材料视为非法证据予以排除,同时实行严格的进入看守所身体检查制度。  相似文献   
加入WTO与创新政府行政指导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政指导制度是市场经济国家政府管理共同的选择。在WTO机制下 ,我国政府行政指导面临着强化和提升的紧迫性。主要表现在 :寻求与WTO法律体系框架的一致 ,满足市场自由化规则和政府积极有为价值观 ,消解企业对加入WTO的不适及其困境 ,为行政改革提供新的视角和切入点。创新行政指导的路径与对策是 :体制改革的深化、经济生活的民主化、行政指导方式方法的艺术化和法制化等。  相似文献   
This article compares evidence given to the 1970s Commonwealth Commission of Enquiry into Poverty by a social worker from Armidale with that of a group of foster carers in Adelaide. It does so to illuminate the power struggle underway between volunteers, professionals and experts at a key moment in Australia’s social welfare history. The testimonies provide two very different perspectives on the challenges of social welfare professionalisation. Analysing them allows a deeper exploration of those challenges, which, to date, have been under-explored, while bringing a greater understanding of the factors that shaped the creation of enquiry submissions.  相似文献   
高职教育相对本科教育来说,其针对性实用性更强。高职英语口语教育尤其如此。在这样一个国际文化交流日益增强的信息化时代,高职英语口语教学具有重要意义。高职英语口语教学应在培养学生基本语言能力的基础上有针对性地培养学生相关专业的口语表达能力,培养出适应社会需要的实用型人才。口语教学的效果在很大程度上取决于学生的主观能动性和参与性。  相似文献   
翻讼,是近年来多发于司法实务中的现象,不仅造成诉讼程序的反复启动,浪费司法资源,而且对司法公信力带来负面影响。翻讼具体表现为翻供、翻证和翻案三种情况,使案件在诉讼程序中出现反复无常、捉摸不定、似是而非的边缘化状况,不仅是困扰司法机关的一大难题,也是消耗诉讼资源的一大固疾。理性地看待翻讼并积极地“排除”翻讼所带来的“损害”,通过顺向思维、逆向思维、转向思维,达到铁证如山、防患于未然的效果。  相似文献   
“大学英语”精品课程建设:以“口语”为特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据《大学英语课程教学要求》,本文描述了以“口语”为特色,集课堂、英语寝室、计算机网络、校园文化等“四维”为系统的大学英语精品课程建设模式,要在教学改革创新中保留并丰富“口语领先”这一多年形成的传统智慧。  相似文献   
佘祥林冤案的刑事诉讼制度反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
佘祥林冤案的发生说明我国的刑事诉讼制度存在缺陷。我国刑事诉讼中公检法三机关互相配合的制度设计违背了诉讼的本来含义,作为“裁判方”的人民法院与作为控方的公安机关、人民检察院不应是互相配合的关系。刑讯逼供是导致冤案的重要根源,遏制刑讯逼供应对症下药:一是规定沉默权制度;二是将案件证明标准由“案件事实清楚,证据确实、充分”改为“排除合理怀疑”;三是加强社会治理,健全客观证据生成机制。此外,刑事诉讼法应明确程序法律责任,以促使公检法机关严格遵守诉讼程序。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the effects of American colonial rule on the cultural life of the Kapampangans and inhabitants of the province of Pampanga. The colonial masters, who seemed to deliberately marginalize the local language of the community and succeeded in eventually arresting its natural development. The American policy to "educate" the Filipinos resulted in the waning of the Kapampangan language and literature. A brief overview of Kapampangan literary history will be given to emphasize the folk tradition, the oral nature of Kapampangan verbal art as well as the worldview and ethos of the people embedded in their literature. To be mentioned are two Kapampangan writers, Crisostomo Soto and Jose Gallardo, who represented the periods during and after the American regime respectively. Each responded to his time and scene; both struggled against the most powerful colonial machine which was the English language. They were aware that this medium and its message were one, and that their own language would, sooner or later, be a lost medium and a lost message. The shift from orality to literacy, as a consequence of western education, will also be discussed. In particular, the reaction of Kapampangan verbal artists to the reductive pressure exerted by literacy upon their literature will be focused.  相似文献   
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