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Self‐driving cars (also known as driverless cars, autonomous vehicles, and highly automated vehicles [HAVs]) will change the regulatory, political, and ethical frameworks surrounding motor vehicles. At the highest levels of automation, HAVs are operated by independent machine agents, making decisions without the direct intervention of humans. The current transportation system assumes human intervention though, including legal and moral responsibilities of human operators. Has the development of these artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous system (AS) technologies outpaced the ethical and political conversations? This paper examines discussions of HAVs, driver responsibility, and technology failure to highlight the differences between how the policy‐making institutions in the United States (Congress and the Public Administration) and technology and transportation experts are or are not speaking about responsibility in the context of autonomous systems technologies. We report findings from a big data analysis of corpus‐level documents to find that enthusiasm for HAVs has outpaced other discussions of the technology.  相似文献   
Since its inception in 2009, Uber has grown into a technology behemoth, with operations in over 70 countries and 500 cities around the world. Along the way, it has successfully forced regulatory upheaval in hundreds of local taxi markets controlled by municipal authorities. In this sense, Uber is not only a market disruptor, but also a policy disruptor. This paper examines the nature of such policy disruption at the local level by reviewing regulatory responses to Uber in ten North American cities. We find that regulatory outcomes are a function of two factors: Uber’s government relations strategy, either cooperative or confrontational, and the degree to which local governments perceive Uber as complementary or harmful to the existing marketplace. We conclude by proposing a typology of regulatory responses to Uber as a basis to identify patterns in the behavior of municipal regulatory authorities and political leaders.  相似文献   
高校公共政治理论课网页就是在高校校园网络内建立专门的公共政治理论网页 ,网页中设有不同的内容和栏目。既可利用其进行教育教学 ,也可让师生进行学习、浏览、交流、对话、考查考试等活动。其作用和意义 :1 在教育教学方法和内容上进行了创新 ;2 扩展了教育空间和时间 ;3 丰富与扩展了教育教学内容 ;4 调动和扩展了教师和学生学习的主动性、参与性  相似文献   
我国民事诉讼法关于举证责任、法院的职权取证、证人制度的规定存在着不足和缺陷。最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》借鉴大陆法系和英美法系中的一些成熟的、司法实践中已证明行之有效的学说和制度,结合我国国情,对这些制度进行了补充和完善。  相似文献   
目的 观察血管软化丸对miR-17-5p及其下游前蛋白转化酶枯草溶菌素(proprotein convertase subtillisin/kexin type 9,PCSK9)/极低密度脂蛋白受体(very low density lipoprotein receptor,VLDLR)信号通路的调控作用,揭示血管软化丸抗动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis,AS)的作用机制。方法 细胞实验:通过加入氧化型低密度脂蛋白构建血管平滑肌细胞损伤模型。根据不同干预方法将细胞分为4组:模型组、miR-17-5p抑制剂组、血管软化丸高剂量含药血清组和低剂量含药血清组;干预后检测各组细胞活性以及细胞miR-17-5p、VLDLR和PCSK9 mRNA和蛋白表达水平。动物实验:根据不同干预方法将小鼠分为模型组、miR-17-5p抑制剂组、血管软化丸高剂量组和低剂量组;干预8周后检测小鼠外周血清中白细胞介素-6 (interleukin-6,IL-6)、白细胞介素-10(interleukin-10,IL-10)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)水平和小鼠主动脉miR-17-5p、VLDLR和PCSK9表达水平,并观察各组小鼠病理学改变情况。结果 细胞实验:与模型组比较,miR-17-5p抑制剂组,血管软化丸高、低剂量含药血清组血管平滑肌细胞活性均明显升高(P<0.05),血管平滑肌细胞的miR-17-5p和VLDLR mRNA和蛋白表达水平均明显升高(P<0.05),血管平滑肌细胞的PCSK9 mRNA和蛋白表达水平均明显降低(P<0.05)。动物实验:与模型组比较,miR-17-5p抑制剂组和血管软化丸高、低剂量组外周血清中IL-6、TNF-α水平均明显降低(P<0.05),血清中IL-10水平均明显升高(P<0.05),主动脉miR-17-5p和VLDLR mRNA水平均明显降低(P<0.05),PCSK9 mRNA表达水平均明显升高(P<0.05);病理学观察发现模型组小鼠主动脉管径厚薄不均匀,内膜不光滑,管腔内可见明显AS斑块形成,斑块内可见浅染无定形物和钙化颗粒物,部分AS斑块截面积大于主动脉截面积。miR-17-5p抑制剂组和血管软化丸高、低剂量组AS病变程度明显较模型组减轻。  相似文献   
目的 基于p38丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinase, MAPK)通路探究艾灸督脉组穴对血管性痴呆(vascular dementia, VD)大鼠的脑保护机制。方法 将60只SPF级健康雄性SD大鼠随机分为假手术组(12只)和实验组(48只);实验组大鼠采用双侧颈总动脉永久结扎法复制VD大鼠模型,随后将模型复制成功的大鼠分为模型组、艾灸组、阻滞剂组、艾灸+阻滞剂组,每组12只;艾灸组大鼠取“百会”“大椎”“风府”穴,采用温和灸法治疗,每次30 min,每日1次,治疗6 d,休息1 d,连续治疗4周;阻滞剂组在模型复制前30 min腹腔注射p38 MAPK阻滞剂(10μmol/L SB203580),模型复制成功后隔日注射1次,每次每只大鼠按1 mL/kg注射10μmol/L SB203580,连续注射4周;艾灸+阻滞剂组大鼠在阻滞剂组干预方法基础上进行艾灸治疗。采用Morris水迷宫实验检测大鼠认知功能,TUNEL法检测大鼠海马组织CA1区神经元凋亡率,Western blot法和RT-qPCR法分别检测大鼠海马组织CA1区p38 MA...  相似文献   
目的探讨皮肤挫伤修复过程中,核转录因子(NFkB)P65在挫伤区不同时间表达的变化规律。方法 应用免疫组化技术对挫伤后0h、3h、6h、9h、12h、1d、3d、5d、7d、10d的大鼠皮肤挫伤组织中NFkB P65的表达进行研究。结果伤后3h,挫伤区内浸润的少量多核粒细胞的胞质中NFkB P65呈弱阳性表达,阳性率为(3.20%±0.15%);伤后6h,阳性表达增强,阳性率为(11.33%±0.88%);伤后12h,表达继续增强,阳性率(75.67%±0.82%);伤后1d,在浸润的几乎所有单核细胞和多核粒细胞的胞质和胞核中均可见NFkB P65呈强阳性表达,阳性率为(97.33%±0.88%),表达达高峰,以后逐渐下降。结论 大鼠皮肤挫伤修复过程中,NFkB P65在挫伤后的炎症反应中发挥重要作用;同时,NFkB P65在挫伤区内多核粒细胞,单核细胞及成纤维细胞中的表达呈规律性变化,可对挫伤时间的推断提供参考。  相似文献   
Semenogelin (Sg), a protein originating in the seminal vesicles and a substrate for prostate specific antigen (PSA or p30), is a useful marker for the identification of semen. And detection of Sg has been available commercially in a membrane test recently. PSA is commonly used to detect semen in forensic significant samples taken from sexual assault cases. The strip PSA test has been available commercially from various manufacturers for many years. In this study, we evaluated two immunochromatographic membrane tests, one for Sg and the other for PSA by analyzing human semen, other human bodily fluids/materials including urine, blood, saliva, sweat, breast milk, vaginal secretion and fecal materials, semen from various animals and forensic casework samples. The data demonstrate that both Sg and PSA strip tests provide rapid and sensitive method for identification of seminal plasma. These results show that the immunochromatographic method for Sg detection is useful for the identification of seminal plasma in forensic samples, an alternative to the method for PSA detection.  相似文献   
为建立检测非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus,ASFV)的快速诊断方法,本研究根据ASFV SY18株p17蛋白的编码基因D117L的保守序列设计并合成引物和探针,建立了基于ASFV p17蛋白的编码基因D117L的TaqMan荧光定量PCR检测方法,并验证其特异性、灵敏性和重复性。结果显示,本研究建立的TaqMan荧光定量PCR检测方法的C_t值与标准品在1×10^9~1×10^1copies/μL范围内呈良好的线性关系,相关系数为0.998,斜率为-3.192,检测下限为10 copies/μL,且与其他能引起相似症状的猪源病毒无交叉反应。重复性试验结果显示,组间与组内变异系数均小于1.920 7%,重复性好。此方法可用于ASF的早期诊断和ASFV快速检测。  相似文献   
目的探讨过度机械通气致肺损伤后,炎症因子TNF-α、IL-1β及NF-κBp65在肺组织中不同时间表达的变化规律。方法将51只雄性新西兰大白兔分为正常组、对照组、实验组。利用呼吸机建立过度机械通气致肺损伤模型。应用免疫印迹技术观察兔急性肺损伤后肺组织中TNF-α、IL-1β及NF-κBp65的表达,并用凝胶图像处理系统进行分析,所得数据经SPSS 10.0统计软件处理。结果正常组与各对照组之间比较,均无明显差异(P>0.05)。TNF-α在损伤后0h表达即增加,1h达高峰,以后逐渐下降,而在24h后又有反弹性增高;其中在0.5、24、48h组有差异性(P<0.05),1、3h组有显著差异性(P<0.01)。IL-1β在损伤后0.5h逐渐增加,3h达高峰,以后逐渐下降,其中在1、6、12、24h组有差异性(P<0.05),3h组有显著差异性(P<0.01)。NF-κBp65在损伤后0.5h逐渐增加,6h达高峰,以后逐渐下降,其中在1、12h组有差异性(P<0.05),3、6h组有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论TNF-α、IL-1β及NF-κBp65在过度机械通气致VILI发病中有重要作用;TNF-α、IL-1β及NF-κBp65在损伤早期即表达,且在时间上有一定的变化规律,可为损伤时间的推断提供参考。  相似文献   
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