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人民监督员制度是最高人民检察院为贯彻十六大精神,在当前检察体制改革中推出的又一项重要改革措施,是推进司法体制改革的重要探索。它有利于强化检察机关的外部监督,有利于促进检察机关执法思想、执法观念和执法作风的转变以及维护当事人的合法权益。但是作为一项全新的改革措施,其法理基础,法律根据何在?目前试行中遇到的问题如何分析解决?这些都等待着专家学者和检察实务界的同志去探讨分析。本文即从该制度的理论和现实意义、法理基础方面对其进行分析、透视。最后在此基础上提出若干建议和构想,旨在引起争鸣与讨论,起到为改革拓开思路和出谋划策的作用。  相似文献   
论民族地区公民基层政治参与传统特征的引导控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族地区传统社会调节体系的非制度政治参与在现阶段民族地区公民基层政治参与中有所表现,它有着较强的历史沿袭性,正面效应与负面效应并存,执政党及政府要通过对民族地区公民基层政治参与合理有效的引导控制,促使其向体现民主法制的自治体系转化。  相似文献   
This paper presents the views of judicial decision-makers (n = 1794) in four child protection jurisdictions (England, Finland, Norway, and the USA (California)), about whether parents and children are provided with appropriate opportunities to participate in proceedings in their countries. Overall, the study found a high degree of agreement within and between the countries as regards the important conditions for parents’ and children´s involvement, although the four systems themselves are very different. There was less agreement about children’s involvement than parents’, and the court decision-makers from Norway and Finland were more likely to express doubts about this. Nevertheless, the main message from the judicial decision-makers is that they are relatively satisfied as to how parents’ and children´s involvement is handled in their countries. Whether or not this confidence is justified, the emphasis on achieving effective involvement of children and parents in court proceedings is likely to grow, with major implications for the workers, decision-makers and agencies involved.  相似文献   
新时代涉法信访处于攻坚阶段,公众参与可以消除不必要的臆测和疑虑,增强信访制度透明度。发挥党群制度优势,拓宽公众参与范围,创新公众参与方式,把信访处理结果和信访人诉求交付公众评判。让公众参与之声取代纠缠闹访杂音,成为涉法信访过程中化解难题的溶解剂。  相似文献   
While children with disabilities experience exclusion and segregation in education, parents’ involvement has been very limited due to the lack of parent support in China. Negative attitudes toward disability in an environment deeply influenced by the individual model of disability thinking makes it crucial for parents to advocate for their children’s rights in inclusive education through collaborative and organized efforts. This article examines barriers obstructing disabled children’s rights in pursuing inclusive education, barriers parents face to advocate for their children, and the development of parent support. The author argues that equal and inclusive education for all has a broader social impact beyond disability rights to eliminate barriers and pursue dignity for all. In doing so, the author reveals existing structural inequalities facing inclusive education, encourages the momentum for future changes, and utilizes a good example of parent advocacy for a deeper and meaningful policy advancement to overcome discrimination on the basis of disability that causes segregation and exclusion in education. Recommendations include strategies for the construction of a support network for parents to play their important roles in advancing the rights of their disabled children in inclusive education.  相似文献   
菲律宾无视它与中国之间《南海各方行为宣言》的存在与有效性,以变相的岛礁主权争端和海洋划界争端的方式,单方面提起南海争端强制仲裁。虽然此举不符合《联合国海洋法公约》(以下简称《公约》)规定的条件,但并不意味着菲律宾启动该程序具有非法性。即使中国不接受该仲裁和不参与仲裁程序,也不影响中菲仲裁庭的合法成立及其程序的合法性与对中国不利裁决的有效性。因此,对待仲裁庭的后续书面程序和口诉程序,中国是维持现行政策还是重新参与,是值得重新评估的一个问题。重新参与后续程序应该是中国的一个适当政策选择。因为参与所面临的最大挑战——南海“断续线”的法律地位——可以通过反驳《公约》对之不适用从而避免澄清其地位的棘手问题。更重要的是,依据“南方蓝鳍金枪鱼案”仲裁庭的推理与裁决和中国2006年声明以及国际海洋划界与外大陆架划界案例,《南海各方行为宣言》属于《公约》第281条第1款中排除附件7强制仲裁的“协议”,菲律宾的大部分实体请求属于不可裁决事项,因而仲裁庭应该裁定对本争端无管辖权或不可受理。即使中国继续奉行不参与政策,也不应该无所作为。中国可以采取“间接参与”的方式,在仲裁庭开始书面程序后,公开发表一份正式书面文件,以全面反对菲律宾提起仲裁和反对仲裁庭对争端的管辖权和可受理性。  相似文献   
职工代表大会是中国共产党创立和发展的具有中国特色的企业民主管理的基本形式,其发展动力、 参与领域以及职权,在不同历史时期表现出不同的特点。在革命时期,激发工人生产积极性是其主要发展动力; 在建设时期,社会主义意识形态和政治民主的要求成为主要发展动力;改革开放以来,维护职工合法权益日益 成为占主导地位的发展动力。职工代表大会参与的领域及其职权也在历史发展过程中日趋明确和理性,即在生 产经营事务上享有审议建议权,在事关工人切身利益的重要事项上享有审议通过权,此外还享有对企业领导的 评议监督权,以及对职工董事和职工监事的选举权。这种职权特点既遵从了资本增殖的理性要求,也关照了企 业中职工的各种合理诉求。  相似文献   
周伟 《行政与法》2014,(6):29-35
动员公众参与党风廉政建设是我国在特定的历史条件下为获得公众对这一议题的认同和支持.引导公众积极参与而采取的一种模式。客观分析这种模式形成的背景,深入剖析这种模式的特征。认真总结其经验和教训。对当下如何引导公众参与党风廉政建设,完善公众参与制度,加强政府与公众在党风廉政建设中的互动与合作仍具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
Under the background of China's active aging policy, the labor participation of the elderly is encouraged. Whether labor participation is more conducive to inhibit the occurrence of depression symptoms of the elderly and promote their mental health is gradually attracting social attention. Based on the data of China's health and elderly care follow-up survey (CHARLS) in 2015, this paper analyzes the influence of labor participation on depressive inhibition of the elderly. The results show that gender, marital status, education and other demographic and social factors have a statistically significant impact on the depressive symptoms of the elderly. Labor participation has a negative impact on the depressive symptoms of the elderly. Compared with non-labor participation, the level of depressive symptoms of the elderly who engaged in labor participation was lower. Labor participation had a different impact on gender diversity, and the impact of labor participation on depressive symptoms of the female was higher than that of the male. Finally, this paper discusses the influence and difference of labor participation on depressive symptoms of the elderly, and points out the problems for further study in the future.  相似文献   

Declining rates of public participation in the United States of America have raised questions about the sustainability and effectiveness of U.S. democracy. Some scholars have called for making democracy fun through the use of game design to make public participation more accessible. Using cultural discourse analysis, this study explores the locally situated communication practices of a civil society organization called Warm Cookies of the Revolution that seeks to (re)imagine U.S. democracy by making public participation fun. The research employs ‘fun talk’ – a specific communication practice within public participation – as an analytical unit and finds that fun talk served as a discursive hub of emotion with radiants of meaning connected to being, acting, and relating. In contrast to those who have argued fun democratic practices should employ game design to improve public administration, participants understood fun talk as a way to introduce them to civic affairs, form relationships with neighbours, and take action to improve their communities. The article discusses implications for theories of emotion and affect in civil society scholarship.  相似文献   
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