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在西藏牧区长期的生活中,人们形成了特有的水文化。扎西乡水文化体现出两大价值,并受到潮流化生活方式和文化的影响。对扎西乡水文化的风险化解与对水文化的引导具有可行性,要重视引导的三大要义。在实践纬度上,应着重从"生态-经济-社会"三位一体的全局中多维度考虑风险化解之途以及对地方性生态文化的引导方向与途径。  相似文献   

In this article, Tsuboi Hideto examines the mutually entwined pursuits of modern poetry and music in interwar Japan, focusing especially on the work of Nakahara Chūya, Kitahara Hakushū, and the People's Poetry group. Cutting across their respective distinctions within the poetry establishment, Tsuboi draws attention to these figures’ shared investment in symphonic, folk and popular music. In so doing, he identifies among them a prevailing concern for curating a poetic voice that might harmonize the conflictual registers of individual and collective expression and thereby attune the work of the poet to that of the ‘people’ more broadly. Meanwhile, the essay traces the currents of modernist and avant-garde thought in Japan and Europe that framed these poets’ engagements with music and sound. Tsuboi then illustrates the varying degrees to which these voices, forged within the cosmopolitan milieu of the Taisho period, bent toward the nationalizing project and later gave way to the chorus of wartime fascism and imperial expansion.  相似文献   
This article explores the experience of women poets in academe and posits that by institutionalising themselves in universities, women poets gain financial stability by working in the wider field of poetry. However, they also face discrimination and a lack of opportunity in these workplaces. The article uses two case studies of poets Maria Takolander and Jill Jones, who work at Deakin University and the University of Adelaide, Australia, respectively. These case studies show the way in which these poets explore the experience of academe in their poetry.  相似文献   
中国诗画理论历来存在着诗评与画评标准的不一致性,但中国诗画理论又在美学精神上达到了对诗画共同艺术本质揭示的高度.苏轼"诗中有画""画中有诗"的命题就是对中国诗画艺术创作经验和理论的一次高度总结和归纳.在苏轼的这个命题中,前者揭示了中国传统诗歌追求"画境"的形下取向,而后者则揭示了中国传统绘画追求"诗意"的形上取向.中国诗画理论特别是苏轼诗画命题与中国哲学道器观有着深刻的内在联系,中国哲学道器观为中国诗画理论提供了哲学背景和言说语境.  相似文献   
新诗的叙事语言是“大白话”,并向着两个方向提升:一种是艾青式的“现代散美”,另一种是李季式的“民间歌谣美”。新诗的叙事方式主要有三种:故事型、散型、情节暗寓型。新诗的叙事结构更加灵活多变,其关键性的突破在一个“大”字上,几乎想写多大就能多大。  相似文献   
胡风的主要贡献是以其鲜明的主观战斗精神为核心而形成的诗学思想.他的诗学思想主要表现为高扬主体的现实主义诗歌观念形态;创作主体情感饱满的诗歌观念形态;"人诗合一"的人文思想形态;形质交融、统一的诗美风范形态等.他的诗学思想对七月诗派的构成、发展产生了巨大的推动作用,在中国现代诗歌史上也具有不可磨灭的价值和审美意蕴.  相似文献   
"声调"是胡适等人为建设白话新诗而特别关注的一个重点。他们试图用双声叠韵来改善白话诗的音节,认真学习古乐府、词曲和歌谣的声调,甚至提出过填皮簧的设想。总体上看,白话诗人对声调的"试验"并不成功,理论探讨也并未达到相应的深度。值得注意的是,白话新诗声调建设的种种努力虽然有新的文学史观念作为支撑,却更多是从旧诗创作和欣赏习惯出发的,是有意无意向守旧诗界妥协的结果,显示出在因袭势力强大背景下论证白话新诗合法性的一片苦心。到1940年代,朱自清有力论证了新诗适合朗诵而不适合吟唱,指出新诗虽具音乐性而不能音乐化,为白话新诗声调建设及新诗音乐性问题做出了完满的总结。  相似文献   
《Critical Horizons》2013,14(3):321-340

Looking at Dickinson and Hölderlin, this essay begins by exploring the idea of the poetic dimension of existence and its relation to the image, or more precisely, to the capability to disclose into images. For Dickinson the relentless “poverty” of a non-poetic existence indicates that what is missing from such existence are not just images but the capacity for their “disclosing” - the poetic gift or aptitude. With the help of Heidegger’s essays on poetry and poverty, I invert this relation between image and poverty to show that, even though the inceptive character of the poetic word and the element of poetic dwelling it allows to emerge appear poor in comparison to images or concepts, it is the poetic word that for the very first time lets humans dwell. Although it can neither boast the richness of “pictures” nor the strength and precision of conceptual comprehension, the poetic is what opens up the world for humans and simultaneously opens their being to its characteristic manner of inhabiting this world.  相似文献   
柏拉图在其对话录,尤其是在《伊翁》和《国家篇》中提供了两个看似截然相反的对诗歌的评价。而对柏拉图在相关文本中对于"神"这一概念的使用的考察,不仅消解了文本中的这一矛盾,而且也揭示了柏拉图真正的目的在于一步步降低诗人在城邦中的地位,并最终确立哲学对于诗歌的统帅。  相似文献   
I present the first case from the history of early modern Livonia, when a woman participated in the editing and publication of a printed book. Ursula Krüger, wife of Prussian–Livonian humanist Daniel Hermann, illustrates the wider perspective of non-aristocratic women’s activities involving book production in the geographical periphery of humanist culture, Riga, rather than in the heart of European humanism. Her story also illustrates the ability of women to collaborate as an editor, both as a learned woman who could compose Latin dedications and a businesswoman who could financially and organizationally engage in publishing books.  相似文献   
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