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This paper examines the significance of landscape and memory in peasant–state relations in Eritrea since independence in the early 1990s. During this period, people were being resettled around cultivable land in the western lowlands as a means of recuperating land and society after prolonged warfare. Projects of statemaking in Eritrea, involving both refugee resettlement and agrarian development, have drawn from a national narrative of lost fertility and deforestation caused by generations of colonial extraction and violence. This paper explores how shared memories of environmental change, an ecological nostalgia, become a means through which people from diverse ethno-linguistic, religious, and regional backgrounds come together to imagine a collective future based in creating livelihood from farm land. However, as people reclaim remembered landscapes and face the challenges of rebuilding communities and livelihoods during a time of tense political and economic change, their ideas of a shared future diverge from state-led projects of nation-building. This article argues that ecological nostalgia legitimises state interventions into rural livelihoods but also provides a means for people to speak and critique the state under conditions of increasing fear and silencing.  相似文献   
This paper provides an overview of what we call ‘agroecological revolution’ in Latin America. As the expansion of agroexports and biofuels continues unfolding in Latin America and warming the planet, the concepts of food sovereignty and agroecology-based agricultural production gain increasing attention. New approaches and technologies involving the application of blended agroecological science and indigenous knowledge systems are being spearheaded by a significant number of peasants, NGOs and some government and academic institutions, and they are proving to enhance food security while conserving natural resources, and empowering local, regional and national peasant organizations and movements. An assessment of various grassroots initiatives in Latin America reveals that the application of the agroecological paradigm can bring significant environmental, economic and political benefits to small farmers and rural communities as well as urban populations in the region. The trajectory of the agroecological movements in Brazil, the Andean region, Mexico, Central America and Cuba and their potential to promote broad-based and sustainable agrarian and social change is briefly presented and examined. We argue that an emerging threefold ‘agroecological revolution’, namely, epistemological, technical and social, is creating new and unexpected changes directed at restoring local self-reliance, conserving and regenerating natural resource agrobiodiversity, producing healthy foods with low inputs, and empowering peasant organizations. These changes directly challenge neoliberal modernization policies based on agribusiness and agroexports while opening new political roads for Latin American agrarian societies.  相似文献   
从国际劳工标准看农民工社会保障制度的完善   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
国际劳工标准是指国际劳工组织保护劳动者权益的基本标准,国际劳工组织在劳工社会保障方面形成了规范系统的标准.我国农民工的社会保障问题理应遵守和执行社会保障国际劳工标准.基于中国的社会现实,农民工的社会保障与国际劳工标准存在较大差距.为此,我们要努力完善农民工的社会保障制度,充分发挥社区社会保障的作用,改革户籍制度,完善相关法制,建立和完善对社会保障(保险)基金上的监督机制,加强国际合作 ,主动适应全球化时代中国融入国际社会的新形势.  相似文献   
论对农民工合法权益的维护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村小康目标的实现,很大程度上得益于外出务工者所创造的劳务性收入。广大农民已经把外出就业当成了增加收入的重要渠道。然而,当前社会上对农民工的认识还存在一定的误区,侵害农民工合法权益的现象也是屡见不鲜。因此,必须加大对农民工合法权益的维护。  相似文献   
近年来,网络平台与网约工的劳动纠纷开始显现在司法实务中。面对类似纠纷,法院采取了不同的立场。尽管网约用工打破了过去"单一企业对应单一员工"的劳动关系模式,但根据现行法律,仅凭合作协议难以认定网络平台与网约工存在劳动关系。一方面应当区分网约工与网络平台签订劳动合同、网络平台与其它企业进行合作、网络平台直接与网约工签订合作协议三种形式,另一方面应当在司法实践中对"各项劳动规章制度适用"、"受劳动管理"、"从事用人单位安排的有报酬的劳动"进行统一规范解释。最后应当在司法经验基础上根据"互联网+"背景下共享经济的特点完善劳动法。  相似文献   
农民工目前总数已超过一亿,成为我国第二、第三产业中真正的主力军,他们的合法权益往往受到各种侵害,而成为社会的弱势群体,对其利益的保护是社会主义和谐社会建设中不可忽视的重要方面,在这种情形下,通过法律援助来维护自己的合法权利已成为农民工最经济且最有效的选择.本文以农村城市化进程中产生的农民工的再社会化诸问题为视角,探讨了目前我国法律援助制度的不足之处,并就其完善措施展开讨论,以期对我国法律援助制度的完善有所裨益.  相似文献   
新生代农民工需求变化与广东民营企业人本管理模式构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,到广东打工的新生代农民工与上一代农民工在文化素质、观念、维权意识、社会需要方面都有很大差异。由于广东不少的民营企业人力资源管理观念陈旧,不能适应新生代农民工需求的变化,损害了农民工权益,引起劳资矛盾,使大量的农民工流失。广东民营企业应改变其传统的人力资源管理理念,用人性化的管理手段,应对新生代农民工的需要层次变化,构建以人为本的人力资源管理模式。  相似文献   
现阶段进行的新农村建设是中国工业化、城市化和现代化的有机组成部分,应坚持以人为本,树立“经济发展的目的是人的幸福而非地理空间普遍繁荣”的理念,遵循“按照可持续扩大盈利空间的要求提供生产要素”的规律,来调整现有的农村格局,即实行农村人口和部分经济活动的相对集中。宁夏农村特别是川区农村有实行这一措施的可行性条件。  相似文献   
农民工问题的法学追问   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“三农”问题主要归类为经济问题并以经济性概念来表达,它延伸到城市还产生了农民工问题。由农民扩展而来的农民工概念是职业与身份的代名词,事实上已演变成为公共的污水沟,政府、社会与媒体难辞其咎。农民工的问题是权利贫困和制度贫困的问题,但法律视野的遮蔽导致各种歧视长期不断延伸,因此,从法学上重新认识民工问题并进行系列制度性改造,必然是彻底解决民工问题的最佳方法。  相似文献   
生活在城市边缘的女民工,她们抱着不同的理想来到城市,其工作和生活状况虽各有不同,但多处于社会的下层,但她们中的一部分人不向生活低头,通过不懈努力和奋斗,找到了自己生存和发展的空间,为家庭和谐和社会稳定做出了应有的贡献。  相似文献   
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