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胡锦涛同志<在新时期保持共产党员先进性专题报告会上的讲话>有一段引用周恩来同志的话告诫全党同志具备"知足常乐"健康心境的重要性的论述.作为学习胡锦涛同志重要讲话的一些心得,文章从共产党员、特别是党员领导干部知足常乐、常修为政之德与其牢记并坚持"两个务必",常思贪欲之害、知足常乐与其过好生活关以及知足常乐、常怀律己之心与其保持先进性的连动影响效应的研究视角切入主题.作者认为,共产党员、特别是党员领导干部知足常乐、常修为政之德、常思贪欲之害、常怀律己之心与其牢记并坚持"两个务必"、过好生活关、保持先进性的连动影响效应是直接的、明显的、有决定性意义的因果范畴.由此得出了党的利益与个人利益的趋同性与一致性、一定程度上共产党员知足常乐和党的执政能力建设之间的因果关系的必然性和不可替代性的研究结论.  相似文献   
吉登斯提出了"现代性的根本后果是全球化"的论断,他还对全球化做了更进一步的思考,探讨了全球化和个人之间错综复杂的关系.吉登斯在阐述了全球化与个人相互塑造的过程中,提出"生活政治"的观念,探讨了个性自主性等问题.具有重要现实意义,应加以重视.实际上,生活政治虽然有助于个体的自我实现,但它不能解决不平等、剥削等问题,此类问题的解决仍需诉诸解决政治.  相似文献   
生命科技犯罪引论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生命科技犯罪是近年来频繁多发的一类犯罪,这类犯罪在各国生命科技法中有着形形色色的表现形式。我国刑法应当介入对生命科技犯罪的防治,但立法者应当理性把握防治生命科技犯罪的原则和理念。作为防治策略,刑法应当明确规定生命科技犯罪。  相似文献   
回儒对话:云南伊斯兰学派个案的历史考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚继德 《思想战线》2006,32(5):37-42
中国伊斯兰学派的形成有着复杂的社会文化背景,其中,明清之际发生的“以儒诠经”文化运动、云南伊斯兰学派的“儒化”及云南学派在中国“回儒对话”都起到了一定的作用。从地方性知识所具有的全球意义角度来看,中国历史上开展“回儒对话”的成功经验,应当成为当今世界不同文明之间开展和平友好对话的范例。  相似文献   
This study investigated ethnic as well as gender and generational similarities and differences in the life goals among graduating high-school seniors. Adolescents came from six ethnic groups: White, African, Mexican, Other Latino, Filipino, and East/Southeast Asian Americans. Their self-articulated medium-range life goals were grouped into 8 major categories such as occupational, educational, familial, and material goals. Group differences in various aspects of future plans, such as priorities given to different life goals, time frame of attainment, and perceived controllability over their attainment, were also examined. Hypothesized group differences based on current social realities and small-scale qualitative studies on ethnic minorities were not found; there were very few ethnic, gender, and generational differences in adolescents’ life goals. All groups reported a higher priority for, earlier expected attainment of, and more control over their medium-range educational and occupational goals than their family-related and material goals. Further, long-term educational and occupational aspirations were high across all groups. There were moderate ethnic differences in educational expectations and none for corresponding career expectations. Thus, current inequalities in educational and occupational attainments across ethnic groups were only partially reflected in the life goals of adolescents on the brink of graduating from high school.This study was supported by the School of Social Ecology and the Department of Psychology and Social Behavior at the University of California, Irvine; as well as the Max-Planck-Award for International Cooperation granted to Jutta Heckhausen and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). We are indebted to Susan Farruggia, Ph.D. and Laura Gil-Trejo for their valuable contribution to data collection and help in the day-to-day management of the overall project. We also acknowledge with appreciation the assistance of numerous undergraduate research assistants in data collection and data entry.Developmental psychologist with current interests in the familial factors that affect motivation and disengagement with life goals in adolescence and young adulthoodDevelopmental psychologist with current interests in cross-cultural human development,and the neural bases of math and language learning.Developmental psychologist with clinical training. Her current interests are in the cross-cultural study of familial and peer factors in adolescents’ and young adults’ psychological well-beingClinical psychologist with research interests in the links between economic stress and behavioral disorderDevelopmental psychologist with a current focus on developmental regulation during major life-course transitions, in particular the transition from school to work and to college  相似文献   
爱情主题是中国20世纪女性诗歌创作的第一主题。从20世纪新诗草创时期到世纪后期,女性爱情诗创作从对爱的理性呼唤到情爱的温和抒唱,进而深入到对性爱的神秘探索,直至超越本能的疯狂,实现创造生命本质意义哲学深思,20世纪女性诗歌中最终产生的创作生命的“伟大的疲倦”的雕像,隐示着她们实现本真又超越性爱后的庄严与美丽。这种“人类的思想”正是20世纪女性爱情诗歌的最高境界,它为女性诗歌中这个永恒的话题完成了最美、最神秘的阐释。  相似文献   
建设社会主义新农村略论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央,适应新的发展要求,以总揽全局的战略眼光提出了建设社会主义新农村的重大历史任务,突出强调了全面建设小康社会和推进我国现代化的重点与难点所在。建设社会主义新农村的基本要求是“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”。这5句话、20个字体现了新形势下农村经济、政治、文化和社会全面发展的要求,反映了新阶段我国农村发展的实际,概括了社会主义新农村建设的总体思路和部署。建设社会主义新农村必须按照统筹城乡发展的要求,贯彻工业反哺农业、城市带动农村的方针,坚持从农村实际出发,充分尊重农民意愿,大力推进现代农业建设、培育新型农民、深化农村改革、发展农村公共事业、增加农民收入,促进我国农村经济社会发展出现新的飞跃。  相似文献   
诚实信用原则的适用范围从私法领域扩展到公法领域,并发展成为君临全法律领域的最高指导准则。刑事诉讼领域中同样存在权力与权利的平衡、司法自由裁量权的规范和约束、诉讼权利合法合理地行使等诚实信用原则的适用基础。刑事诉讼中引入诚实信用原则,有利于减少、消除刑事诉讼中权力、权利的滥用。  相似文献   
北宋熙宁、元丰年间,雄踞于思想化领域的“宋学四派”为士大夫们提供了四种可供选择或归附的精神群体。置身于这一社会背景下的黄庭坚最后选择苏轼,除了学上的追求,尚有其深刻的思想基础。崇尚隐逸、厌倦仕途的思想倾向使他与积极世且居于执政地位的荆公学派保持距离,对佛道的涵容态度又使他判然区别于以司马光为代表的温公学派,而“中刚外和”的理想人格更与二程道貌岸然的圣贤气象两异其趣。苏、黄的内在契合主要体现于出世与和世的两难处境与共闷情怀,以及调和三教、打通雅俗的思想与人格追求。  相似文献   
“准走私”是指直接向走私人非法收购国家禁止进口物品的或者直接向走私人非法收购走私进口的其他货物、物品 ,数额较大的 ;在内海、领海、界河、界湖运输、收购、贩卖国家禁止进出口物品的或者运输、收购、贩卖国家限制进出口货物、物品 ,数额较大 ,没有合法证明的。熟练掌握和运用“准走私”的规定 ,不仅有利于案件的侦破 ,而且有利于改变实际办案过程中过分强调犯罪嫌疑人的供述 ,从而遏制刑讯逼供的违法办案现象。  相似文献   
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